Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 227 Don't Want You For Me

Chapter 227 Don't Want You For Me

"Don't think that if you provoke me, I will tell you what you want to know! The real Sakura was indeed replaced by me, Shao Ting, do you really want to know where she is?" Qu Yunxi looked at the standing Behind Xu Fusheng, Jiang Shaoting's face full of gloomyness became even more depressed at this moment.

"Qu Yunxi, at Jiang Jingshu's wedding, Jiang Meiwan once said that you gave birth to a child outside, did you give birth to my father Xu Songbai? That's why you have been so angry, angry, and hated us Xu Songbai all these years. Everyone in the family, that's why you are here..." Xu Fusheng hadn't finished speaking, Qu Yunxi had already stretched out his hand as if wanting to give her a hard slap, she hadn't finished her movement yet, but in mid-air He was stopped by Xu Fusheng's hand!
"Although I don't know what happened in the middle, but that child... have you ever thought that you are still living in this world?" Xu Fusheng had a smile that was too cruel for Qu Yunxi, so that The latter shivered suddenly, and was stunned in place for a moment.

Chen Jiujun stood next to a few people, afraid that something would change. Although he couldn't understand what they were talking about, he could clearly see the changes in the expressions on everyone's faces. He felt that since entering here, Xu Fusheng It seemed as if he had changed all of a sudden, and his tone became more and more aggressive!

"What are you talking about? You say that child is still alive?"

Qu Yunxi seemed to be struck by lightning, and then she understood that since Xu Fusheng dared to say that, he must have known something inside, and it was precisely because of this that her face became even more ugly!

"Maybe I can't say for sure! But do you really care? If you really care, then trade me for Sakura's news! Maybe I'll be in a better mood and tell you what you want to know!" Xu Fusheng's clear eyes were shrouded in complex emotions, and when Jiang Shaoting heard these words, his gloomy eyes became even more gloomy.

"It's impossible for you to know! You're trying to trick me!" Qu Yunxi sneered, but the moment she looked at Xu Fusheng, her laughter became more dry. Her heart seemed to be a bottomless pit, and at this time, Xu Fusheng Get completely messed up!

"Believe it or not, if you want to know the whereabouts of that child, just tell me about Sakura..." Xu Fusheng hadn't finished speaking when suddenly there was a huge pressure on his wrist.

Her voice stopped abruptly, and she subconsciously looked towards the source of the pressure, only then did she realize that Jiang Shaoting's face behind him became more serious, seeing Xu Fusheng looking at her, his eyes suddenly revealed a trace of fragility!
"Let's go!" The moment Jiang Shaoting said these four words, Xu Fusheng was astonished. Didn't he want to know about Sakura?It's only a little short, as long as you persist a little more, Qu Yunxi will definitely say it!

"Let's go, Fusheng! Let's go home!" Jiang Shaoting said again, he seemed to be exhausted, for such things!

He didn't even want Fusheng to sacrifice himself to help him find Xiaoying!
He owed her so much, how could he owe her again and again?
"Shao Ting..." Xu Fusheng only had time to pronounce his name, but when she saw his pupils, she didn't say anything, just kept silent, but Qu Yunxi's expression became irritable, she didn't know Is this a trick played by these two people, or does Xu Fusheng really know something!
"Don't go! If you don't speak clearly, none of you want to leave!" Qu Yunxi stretched out her hand to block the way of the two of them. It seemed that she was really anxious until this moment, and she would never stop until she asked clearly!

"Get out!" The only response to her was Jiang Shaoting's cold word "Get out!"

When Yin Luli received the call from the detention center, the expression on his face was extremely ugly, so livid that he didn't even have any blood left!
Fu Yu was stimulated, had a stroke, and was temporarily sent to the special ward of the hospital!

Yin Luli's face was ferocious, and he threw his mobile phone to the ground with a bang. He was still wearing a wedding suit, and his feminine face was covered with livid green. Going out now...wouldn't it be that everyone is waiting to see his own jokes? !

It doesn't get sick early or late, but she chooses to get sick at this time, isn't it even she is waiting to see her own jokes!

The scarlet eyes fell somewhere in the distance, but all he could think about was the appearance of Xu Fusheng and Jiang Shaoting when they left...

Jiang Shaoting's car was left at the hotel. For safety's sake, Chen Jiujun strongly urged him and Xu Fusheng to go back in his own car, as if he was afraid that something would happen to him due to emotional racing, but unexpectedly, Jiang Shaoting didn't have any objection mean.

Xu Fusheng's eyes never moved away from Jiang Shaoting's side face, but Jiang Shaoting's eyes kept falling on the constantly receding street scene outside the car window. There were still traces of Qu Yunxi's scratch on the back of his hand, and there were red marks all over his hand. It was startling.

Suddenly, his hand covered her unconsciously entangled fingers. Jiang Shaoting's palm was very dry and warm. Although he didn't turn his head at this time, Xu Fusheng was inexplicably relieved.

"Why don't you let me tell the truth about my relationship with her? This way I will soon know about your sister Sakura!" Xu Fusheng thought very directly, what Qu Yunxi wanted to know the most, he would use any threat She thus got what Shao Ting wanted most.

This is very dangerous, but it is also the most direct, thinking this way in his heart, but found that Jiang Shaoting had turned his head to look at her face at some point.

"You have rejected the relationship with Qu Yunxi from the beginning to the end. If it is only for me, I don't want you to be forced to reveal this secret because of this!" Jiang Shaoting said very directly, even a little too directly .

"I don't care." When he said this, Xu Fusheng unconsciously moved his eyes away, and pursed his lips.

"You're lying, you can't be indifferent, I know you as well as you know me!" Jiang Shaoting smiled softly, and it can be considered that his expression has improved slightly since just now, Xu Fusheng looked at him, inexplicably The eye sockets are astringent.

"So what? If I can use this to find Sakura, I don't mind." There was a kind of stubbornness in Xu Fusheng's voice, which made Jiang Shaoting sigh, and stretched out his hand to hug her into his arms.

When the familiar smell completely enveloped him, Xu Fusheng's tense body finally relaxed, snuggled up to him, no one was talking...

Qu Yunxi is no longer as indifferent as before Xu Fu was born, the veins on her forehead and neck are constantly swollen and thin, and it looks somewhat terrifying to people. She holds a rose in her hand, sharp and sharp. The flower thorns hurt her palm.

Soon, there was a faint smell of blood flowing in the air, and her eyes were fixed on a certain place, as if she wanted to see through that thing, and the white eyes were full of bright red blood.

You wait for me, when my parents agree, I will marry you.

who is it?Who is talking?Qu Yunxi kept turning her head sideways, looking around, as if trying to find the source of the sound.

I will also take care of my affairs as soon as possible, you wait for me to come back.

Who the hell is talking!
Qu Yunxi's stern eyes swept around, and there was an unconcealable ferocity in her eyes, who is talking again!
She got up suddenly, and started smashing the surrounding objects crazily, everything she could touch!
Qu Yunxi admitted that at the beginning she concealed the fact that she was married, she never thought that she would be with Xu Songbai in such a dramatic way, just when she was completely disappointed in love and marriage.

Originally, she was looking for that bastard Jiang Shaoting, but she never thought that she would encounter a miracle in her life. She put all her hopes on this man, and she wanted to cut off everything with the Wensen family. Even though, at that time ...

Her husband died, her daughter's legs were permanently disabled, and she couldn't even bear children anymore!

However, when she flew back to England and proposed to break away from the Vincent family, and even gave up fighting Elizabeth, what did that damned old man do?He threw himself into the punishment room, and at that moment, Qu Yunxi found out that she was pregnant!

But she was already thin, and she didn't show signs of pregnancy at the beginning of her pregnancy. After she fled Wensen's house desperately, she even decided to go back to City A by boat, but unexpectedly, she was not stopped by the Wensen family. After she returned to City A, she finally understood...

Why didn't that damned old man send someone to stop him!
What is waiting for her is Xu Songbai's wedding, the wedding of Xu Songbai and Wen Huaisu!

She just stood barefooted and embarrassed on both sides of the street, looking at the caravan that greeted her, and at the man who had promised her a lifetime with sweet words, when she gave up everything and desperately wanted to come back. Women take it by their side!
And that should have been her Qu Yunxi's position, and that... should have been her Qu Yunxi's marriage!
When Xu Songbai got out of the car, she rushed over without hesitation, her feet were dirty like a homeless person, and walked in front of him, under the surprised gazes of many people, but how did that man do?

In front of everyone, his parents asked the bodyguards to throw her far away, in front of everyone!

Sarcasm, surprise, sneer... Behind every unfriendly look, there is a shame deeply engraved in Qu Yunxi's bones!

The man she had entrusted her last trust in her life just turned her head away indifferently, never refusing to look at her again!
Loving the wrong person is like falling into hell, suffering day and night!

She stayed in city A for a few more months, like a lifeless ghost, she threw the baby girl at the gate of the orphanage, but stayed for an extra week, watching her day and night, and finally decided to give birth to her. This cut off.

She returned to the Wensen family as the old man wished, and assumed the position she should assume again, but every time she saw Jiang Shaoting, she seemed to recall the humiliation in City A, and she began to suffer from insomnia, cynicism, and Hard as iron!
Only when she abused Jiang Shaoting, could Qu Yunxi feel a little relief in her heart!
Obviously, she once bloomed like a flower, but since when did she become what she is now?

"Xu Songbai, it was you who turned me into a monster! It was you..."

People in the world think that Qu Yunxi has no weaknesses, but in fact, how can a human being have no weaknesses?

And her weakness is Xu Songbai, who was the same as that child... that... child!
"Xu Fusheng, what on earth do you know!" After destroying everything around her, Qu Yunxi was exhausted after all, looked around with cold eyes, and finally...slowly opened her mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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