Love Hate Covenant

Chapter 228 I'm Not Wrong

Chapter 228 I'm Not Wrong
"What did you say? Xu Fusheng is the person I'm looking for? Jiang Shaoting, are you crazy? In order to know about Xiaoying's news, you really can say all kinds of weird things! You said that Xu Fusheng is the person I want Who are you looking for? Hahahahaha..." Qu Yunxi laughed out loud, and then continued to laugh, but Jiang Shaoting just stood there and looked at him with almost pitiful eyes.

Gradually, Qu Yunxi's unbridled laughter completely subsided, and for a moment, every scene since she knew Xu Fusheng appeared in her mind. Jiang Shaoting said that Xu Fusheng was the person she was looking for?How dare he say that Xu Fusheng is?
"I'm afraid you don't know that Wen Huaisu is barren! Fusheng is not her and Xu Songbai's daughter, and before Wen Huaisu even Fusheng didn't know about it, let alone someone else! She was brought back by Xu Songbai." Domesticated!" Jiang Shaoting's deep voice seemed to be gradually declaring Qu Yunxi's death sentence, and it was obvious that her face was completely different from when she laughed just now!
Even, it began to gradually become pale and dull!
"Say it again?" Qu Yunxi could feel her lips trembling again.

"You can tell me as many times as you want, Fusheng is your biological daughter!" Xu Fusheng sat on the co-pilot, looking at Yin Luli calmly, there was a strange smell in the car that had just been eaten.

She was really careless. She originally thought that Yin Luli would not be so stupid as to kidnap her, but she didn't expect that he had been squatting around here waiting for her to appear, and thought, could it be...

"The phone call you made to Duoduo, did you mean drunkenness?" Xu Fusheng's eyes fell on the front windshield, Yin Luli was driving fast, but his eyes were full of crazy and paranoid light, But her voice was trying to be calm.

"You've always been so smart. Indeed, I've been following Qian Duoduo. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have found you so quickly!" Yin Luli sneered, but Xu Fusheng really calmed down when he heard that. I know that I am not in danger yet.

"Your mother has had a stroke, don't you want to see her? After all, she has done so many things all these years for you!"

"Who cares! Who the hell let her do it?" Yin Luli slammed the steering wheel, the veins on his forehead rolled continuously, as if he had been suppressing this matter for a long time, Xu Fusheng was startled, and pulled away without a trace .

"I'm fed up with her always looking good for me. She's not doing it for me at all. She's doing it for herself!"

Yin Luli roared, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot quickly, and he held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, as if he wanted to vent out the long-standing depression in his heart.

"And you just hid behind your mother's back and enjoyed what she gave you as a matter of course? I'm afraid you already knew about all the things she did, but you chose to keep silent!" Xu Fusheng sneered, Yin Luli seemed to have forgotten After doing what he did before, he completely regarded himself as a victim!
"Xu Fusheng, you are really a bastard. It seems that those who oppose you will not end well!" How could Yin Luli fail to understand the irony in her words, and a fierceness flashed in his eyes.

"Yuxin died, Yurou died, my mother suffered a stroke, and I am so embarrassed that I dare not even go out, let alone Jiang Meiwan and Jiang Jingshu! Are you satisfied now? Are you happy? We changed With this, only you are the happiest! You and Jiang Shaoting..."

Yin Luli gritted his teeth, and every word seemed to come out of his teeth. Hearing these questions in Xu Fusheng's ears seemed particularly funny, especially when these words came from Yin Luli's mouth!

"From the beginning to the end, I have never had any intention of harming others. It is obvious that you guys refused to let me go!" Xu Fusheng slowly turned his head to look at Yin Luli, and finally stopped hiding his emotions. Push on yourself and dream!
"If you and your mother weren't aggressive, how could I have revealed the truth about the car accident five years ago? Even when I was just released from prison, I never thought of confronting you with the long-hidden evidence! You guys pushed me to the present step by step!"

She originally wanted to live a peaceful life, and wanted to draw a clear line with the past, but they pulled herself back to the past time and time again, and they were never willing to let herself go!
"If you were willing to let me go, why didn't I want to let each other go?" Xu Fusheng knew in his heart, how could Yin Luli, who had already lost his mind, really listen to what he said just now?

Sure enough, Yin Luli's fierce eyes swept over, and fell fiercely on Xu Fusheng's face!

"Shut up!" Xu Fusheng fell limply on the passenger seat...

"I don't believe it!" After a short period of sluggishness, Qu Yunxi suddenly raised her voice, her face turned pale, as if she had been stimulated by something!

"You don't believe it? Fusheng doesn't want to believe it either. How do you think she felt when she faced you after knowing the truth?" Jiang Shaoting had never seen such a distraught expression on this woman. When she abused him, she never It's all high above!

"On the day of our wedding, Wen Huaisu left her a letter before he died, and that letter became the key to unlocking this secret! In the hotel yesterday, why do you think Fusheng suddenly mentioned that child? Why didn't I let her Does she continue?" Jiang Shaoting pressed on every step, but Qu Yunxi retreated steadily, she looked at Jiang Shaoting with dull eyes!
"How funny? It turns out that the one you're trying to destroy, and the one you're trying to hurt by any means, is your own daughter!"

And this sentence became the last straw that broke the line of defense in Qu Yunxi's heart, and her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"You planted the evil cause yourself, but let Fusheng bear the evil consequences, Qu Yunxi, this is the real retribution!" Jiang Shaoting stretched out his hand to push her away from him, and every word he said hit Qu Yun heavily. Xi's body.

"Impossible... Impossible... How could Xu Fusheng be that child..." Qu Yunxi stood there, muttering to herself, but Jiang Shaoting didn't want to listen to her nonsense anymore, turned around and rushed upstairs, Mobilize all the contacts that can be mobilized as quickly as possible.

Even Shen Lvqiao and Chen Jiujun joined the team when they heard about this matter, and soon a connected information network was formed in the whole city A, just waiting for the appearance of Yin Luli's self-casting net...

Jiang Jingshu did not expect that Qu Yunxi and Jiang Shaoting would appear in front of her together, and Jiang Shaoting's appearance is not enough to describe Jiang Shaoting's appearance even with words like fierce and evil. Just when such a thought came to her mind, Qu Yunxi's cold hand fell on the back of her hand superior.

As if wanting to embed it deeply, Jiang Jingshu gasped in pain!
"Is there any place for Yin Luli to hide!" Qu Yunxi's voice was very sharp. When Jiang Shaoting was going to find Jiang Jingshu, she followed in numbness almost without thinking. The impact of Xu Fusheng's true identity on this woman, It is almost fatal!
"I...I..." Jiang Jingshu was frightened by Qu Yunxi, she had never seen such a crazy urgency in her.

"Answer me, is there a place for Yin Luli to hide! It's more hidden! It's not known by others!" Her voice became thinner because of the tension, and Jiang Jingshu's brain was temporarily stagnant because of Qu Yunxi's voice.

"Jiang Jingshu, Yin Luli took Fusheng away, I need to find him now!" Compared with Qu Yunxi's aggressiveness, Jiang Shaoting was much calmer, with one hand resting on the table, his eyes were too deep to be seen In the mirror, Jiang Jingshu's distorted face was reflected in shock.

"Have you looked for the house where Chen Yuxin lived before?" She subconsciously thought of this place, but Jiang Shaoting, who she could think of, naturally also thought of it. It is still sealed off as a crime scene, so it is impossible for Yin Luli to be there. Go there with Fusheng!
"Is there any other place?" Jiang Shaoting took a deep breath, suppressed his exhaustion, and tried his best to make his voice sound less scary. Although the effect was minimal, fortunately, Jiang Jingshu had already gotten used to it.

"By the way, you can take my mobile phone. In order to determine his whereabouts every day, I used to bundle GPS positioning in his mobile phone, but he didn't know about this! If you get my mobile phone, it should be easy We will find him!"

Although it seems naive now, installing GPS in Yin Luli's phone is the best way to find him, but Jiang Jingshu never thought that it would become a life-saving straw now!
"It's just that my mobile phone is now with the police as physical evidence, but I think it shouldn't be a problem to get it with my uncle's means..." Jiang Jingshu just finished speaking, and Qu Yunxi had already rushed out of the door. Jiang Jingshu looked at it suspiciously Looking at her back, Xu Fusheng had an accident, what was she in such a hurry for?
Xu Fusheng woke up leisurely, only felt that there was a special smell of the warm air in the car in his breath, but it was already deep winter, and it was obvious that the temperature in the mountains was very low. Looking outside, there was a layer of fog on the car window, Xu Fusheng couldn't tell where she was at this time.

There was still a dull pain in the neck after being slashed by a hand knife. As soon as he turned his head, Xu Fusheng shivered subconsciously. Yin Luli, who was sitting in the driving seat, was staring at her for a moment, and his gaze was so direct that it was amazing. Scared, indescribably terrified!
"You're awake." It took Yin Luli a long time to say such a sentence, but Xu Fusheng couldn't tell what was going on in his heart.

"Are you hungry?" Immediately afterwards, Yin Luli asked again, and Xu Fusheng still stared at him vigilantly.

At the same time, she found that her bag was opened instead of being tightly closed, and the documents inside were spread out on the back seat. Xu Fusheng's scalp tingled, and she suddenly realized that some things seemed to have been closed. Yin Luli saw it!

Immediately afterwards, Yin Luli's words also confirmed her guess!
"Fusheng, the personal testimonial says that you and Qu Yunxi...are mother-daughter relationship?" The smile on Yin Luli's lips made people shudder. Xu Fusheng didn't speak, but responded with silence, but Yin Luli didn't think Continuing to smile.

"I'll get you something to eat!" After saying that, Yin Luli got out of the car...

With a bang, the car body trembled, and so did Xu Fusheng's heart!
With a click, the car door was locked again, and footsteps came from Xu Fusheng's side towards the trunk. It seemed that Yin Luli took out something from it, then reopened the car door and sat in, feeling cold all over.

(End of this chapter)

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