The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 183 Looking for Purple Charm 23

Chapter 183 Looking for Purple Charm 23
When Dongfang Qingyu heard the words, his eyes froze and he asked, "What kind of family is Meng Shiniang's natal family like?"

"I'm not too sure about this, but it seems that it was a big merchant in the capital, but then it disappeared for unknown reasons." Dongfang Yu said, paused, and then said: "You suspect that it's Meng Shiniang's business." Did your natal family attack Nangong Zimei?"

Dongfang Qingyu didn't speak. Before finding out the reason, all the people who had contact with Nangong Zimei were the objects of her suspicion.

Dongfang Yu shook his head when he saw this, and said, "I don't think this is possible!" After speaking, he looked at Dongfang Qingyu, and continued, "Nangong Zimei has been helping the Meng family to make a comeback this month. , The Meng family has made a lot of progress in this month. They have absolutely no reason to touch Nangong Zimei! Besides, since Nangong Zimei woke up, her profound energy seems to have improved a lot. With the birth of a merchant, it is impossible for Nangong Zimei to disappear out of thin air!"

Dongfang Qingyu thought about it, and felt that Dongfang Yu's words made sense.Moreover, even if the Meng family really wanted to touch Nangong Zimei, they would not be so stupid as to attack Nangong Zimei just after Nangong Zimei left the Meng family.

"Then what is the reaction of the Nangong family? And the third prince?" Dongfang Qingyu asked, remembering the third prince Xuanyuanjue they had met before.

"Mrs. Nangong insisted that it was the Meng family, and she must give the Nangong family an explanation; Nangong Yi dispatched all the forces in the mansion to search for Nangong Zimei; Xuanyuan Jue even secretly mobilized all his own forces. power, and even the power of the government, to search for Nangong Zimei across the country." The Nangong family made such a big commotion this time, except for people like Dongfang Qingyu who didn't hear anything outside the window, almost the entire capital Everyone knows.

"Regardless of whether Nangong Zimei was done by someone from the Meng family or not, as long as she pushes it on the Meng family, there will only be good and no bad things for Mrs. Nangong!" A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Ran's mouth: "This Mrs. Nangong will definitely Be a man!"

"Isn't it?" Dongfang Yu continued, "It's just that the third prince has put all his efforts into guaranteeing the Meng family members, so Mrs. Nangong can't do anything to the Meng family members."

Dongfang Qingyu pondered for a moment, seeing that Dongfang Yu's news here was limited to this, so she stood up and said to Dongfang Yu: "Brother, if you have any news about Nangong Zimei, please send someone to notify me immediately! I won't bother you anymore!"

"Hmm!" Dongfang Yu had already seen Dongfang Qingyu's unusual concern for Nangong Zimei since he was in the Misty Forest.Although he didn't ask why, he believed in Dongfang Qingyu!Since it was Dongfang Qingyu who cared about her, he would definitely try his best to help her!
Dongfang Qingyu and Xiao Ran walked out of Dongfang Yu's study one after another. After walking for a while, Dongfang Qingyu suddenly stopped, raised her head, looked at Xiao Ran, and said, "Xiao Ran, I want you to help me busy!"

Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows and looked at Dongfang Qingyu, and said, "Do you want me to use the power of Wushangmen to help you find Nangong Zimei?"

Dongfang Qingyu nodded.

A smile appeared on Xiao Ran's face, and he asked, "Then how can you thank me?"

He was very happy that Dongfang Qingyu could think of him when he needed it.However, he also wanted to ask for some benefits by the way!

(End of this chapter)

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