The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 184 Looking for Purple Charm 24

Chapter 184 Looking for Purple Charm 24
Dongfang Qingyu was startled when he heard the words, looked at Xiao Ran, and asked: "How about I make a few more pills for you?"

Thinking about how she can be regarded as an eighth-level pharmacist now, if she speaks out and helps others to refine medicine, I am afraid that she will let others do whatever they want, right?
However, when Xiao Ran heard this, his complexion suddenly darkened.

Dongfang Qingyu curled her lips, and said again: "What? Don't you think it's too few? Then I'll refine dozens of them for you, right?"

The value of dozens of pills is simply incalculable, if Xiao Ran still refuses to agree, she will definitely knock his head off.

However, after listening to Dongfang Qingyu's words, Xiao Ran's complexion became even darker.

Dongfang Qingyu was suddenly furious: "Hey, Xiao Ran, you can't go too far, let alone be too greedy!" However, in order to find Nangong Zimei as soon as possible, she finally endured it and took a long breath. In a calm tone, he asked, "Okay, then tell me, what exactly do you want?"

Xiao Ran suddenly walked up to Dongfang Qingyu, grabbed Dongfang Qingyu, and said coldly: "Could it be that in your heart, I am a shameless person who covets your elixir?"

Dongfang Qingyu looked up at Xiao Ran, but in fact, she didn't think so.However, when Xiao Ran asked her to thank him, she thought that the only thing she could get out now was pills.Is this... is there something wrong?

"I...then how do you want me to thank you?" Now Xiao Ran seemed very angry too!But what was he angry about?
Xiao Ran looked at Dongfang Qingyu, who was half a head shorter than him, with resentful eyes, and really wanted to knock her head off.However, seeing Dongfang Qingyu looking at him with her eyes, half of his anger suddenly disappeared.

Didn't she know how to thank him?Then he should tell her now!
As Xiao Ran thought about it, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then, under Dongfang Qingyu's gaze, he suddenly lowered his head, ready to capture Dongfang Qingyu's lips without any mistake.

Dongfang Qingyu's lips were as soft and moist as he had imagined, and it made him feel like he couldn't stop.He couldn't help hugging Dongfang Qingyu even harder, wanting to deepen the kiss.

Dongfang Qingyu never thought that Xiao Ran would suddenly bow his head and kiss her.Therefore, when he kissed her, she was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to react.She could only feel the heat on her lips, making her heart beat faster and faster.

Dongfang Qingyu only reacted when Xiao Ran's lips intended to invade her mouth.

Oh my god...that was her first kiss! ! !


That's what kissing is like...

Crispy and numb, with a hint of excitement, accompanied by the acceleration in my heart.

But, that was her first kiss in her previous life and this life!Her first kiss was taken away by Xiao Ran inexplicably and without warning!It's just horrible! ! !
Yes, it is simply unforgivable! ! !
Dongfang Qingyu thought about it, and wanted to break away from Xiao Ran's embrace, but she found her body was limp.How did that happen?

Before Dongfang Qingyu had time to figure out the mystery, Xiao Ran's tongue had already entered her mouth like a spirit snake, entangled with her tongue.Dongfang Qingyu only felt a "boom" in his head, and his already gradually sober mind suddenly became muddled...

(End of this chapter)

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