The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 283 Entering Mengjiang 08

Chapter 283 Entering Mengjiang 08
Seeing this situation, Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help showing a smile.

If she guessed correctly, the group of scarlet flame double-headed snakes must be protecting the strange beast.Thinking like this, Dongfang Qingyu rushed towards that side while flying the silver needle in his hand.

Just as Dongfang Qingyu rushed towards that side, the sharp and piercing voice that Dongfang Qingyu and the others heard before resounded from among the group of red flame double-headed snakes.

Listening to that sharp voice, a smile appeared on Dongfang Qingyu's face again.It seems that she really guessed right!The strange beast was indeed hiding among the group of scarlet flame double-headed snakes.

However, before the smile on Dongfang Qingyu's face spread, his brows immediately wrinkled again.It turned out that after the sharp voice, all the red-flamed double-headed snakes around the strange beast and in the vicinity all rushed towards her.

Obviously, the strange beast had already murdered Dongfang Qingyu, and Wen tried to use these red-flamed double-headed snakes to deal with her.

Two fists are no match for four hands!No matter how powerful Dongfang Qingyu is, when she faces so many scarlet flame double-headed snakes, there will always be times when she can't take care of them.And once she was bitten by a scarlet flame two-headed snake, then she might not be able to escape the fate of death.

Dongfang Qingyu carefully looked at the red flame double-headed snakes rushing towards her, at the same time, from the corner of her eye, she glanced at the place where the strange beast was.

When Dongfang Qingyu's eyes touched the strange beast, her heart was shocked.On the vacant land, there stood a crow-like bird with a patterned head, a white beak, and red feet. It was extremely proud.

Looking at the bird, Dongfang Qingyu was slightly taken aback, she really didn't expect it to be a Jingwei bird.

Although the Jingwei bird is not as big as a phoenix and cannot be used as a mount, its attack power and ability to control other beasts are the strongest.It was also because of this that it was able to control so many red flame double-headed snakes at the same time.

Originally, Dongfang Qingyu wanted to kill the strange beast, but when she saw the Jingwei bird, she suddenly changed her mind.

She decided that she was going to try to subdue the Jingwei, preferably by making it work for her.

Thinking of this, the corners of Dongfang Qingyu's mouth rose, and a smile appeared.

Although this Jingwei was clever and tried to subdue her with numbers, but it was so secretive that it even drove all the red-flame double-headed snakes that were protecting it around it.

It is so confident that it can kill her by dispatching all the red flame double-headed snakes around here?

Dongfang Qingyu waited to see that the red-flame double-headed snakes were less than three feet away from her, while the red-flame double-headed snakes beside Jingwei were already far away from them, so she flew up, and the silver needles in her sleeves were all Fly out.

Immediately, she shot to death all the red-flame double-headed snakes in the circle in front of her. At the same time, she also shot to death several red-flame double-headed snakes between her and the Jingwei.

A smile appeared on Dongfang Qingyu's face, that's right, what she was waiting for was now!

Thinking in his heart, Dongfang Qingyu's body turned sharply in the air, stepped on the small foothold that had just been cleared, and rushed towards Jingwei.

Not long after, Dongfang Qingyu rushed to Jingwei.

That Jingwei looked at the Dongfang Qingyu that suddenly fell from the sky, and for a moment, he was stunned on the spot...

(End of this chapter)

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