The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 284 Entering Mengjiang 09

Chapter 284 Entering Mengjiang 09
Dongfang Qingyu looked at the Jingwei bird, which was only as big as a small bird, with a bloodthirsty smile in his eyes, and his voice seemed to come from hell: "Little Jingwei, surrender or die! You choose!"

If it was just an ordinary strange beast, Dongfang Qingyu would have summoned the strange fire of heaven and earth to burn it to death.However, this Jingwei is a divine bird, if she can use it for herself, she will try her best to make it for her own use.

However, if it doesn't want to go against her wholeheartedly, then she will have no choice but to send it to hell!

"Surrender?" Jingwei snorted coldly, his eyes full of contempt: "You little human being, do you want me to surrender?"

Hmph, so what if she can come before it?As long as it recalls those red flame double-headed snakes, this little human will surely die!To actually have the guts to ask it to surrender, she is really not ordinary arrogant!

However, Jingwei never thought that Dongfang Qingyu would never give it a chance to recall those red flame double-headed snakes.

Just as Jingwei's words had yet to be heard, Dongfang Qingyu summoned the heaven and earth strange fire, and without saying a word, threw a ball of flames at Jingwei.

Jingwei never expected that Dongfang Qingyu would directly attack it without even saying hello.But the most important thing is that the fire... When the fire is close to it, it even feels that its own soul is trembling.

Yes, it is afraid of fire.

Dongfang Qingyu threw several balls of flames one after another, but intentionally missed Jingwei, and just let the flames brush past its body.

Seeing that Jingwei was already in a panic, Dongfang Qingyu sneered, and said, "Little Jingwei, let me ask you again, whether to surrender or die!" A few flames.

When Jingwei heard this, a hint of annoyance flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Dongfang Qingyu threatened coldly: "This time, you have to think clearly! If you say something that dissatisfies me, then this flame will not just rub your body It was. Instead..." Dongfang Qingyu paused for a moment before continuing, "It hit your body directly!"

Hearing Dongfang Qingyu's words, Jingwei's heart trembled.If the flame hits its body, it knows better than anyone what the consequences will be.

At this time, the flames in Dongfang Qingyu's hands were attacking it one after another, so that it had no time to control those red flame double-headed snakes, let alone control them to attack Dongfang Qingyu.

However, if it is allowed to submit to Dongfang Qingyu's lustful...power like this, it will be unwilling.

Therefore, it remained silent and did not answer Dongfang Qingyu.At the same time, he tried his best to avoid Dongfang Qingyu's attack, and wondered if he could find a chance to fight back.

Seeing this, Dongfang Qingyu knew what Jingwei was thinking.But, how could she let it come true?
A sneer flashed across Dongfang Qingyu's face, and while throwing a few balls of flames casually, a ball of flames the size of a grain of rice suddenly shot out at Jingwei.

Jingwei has been paying attention to Dongfang Qingyu's every move, and Dongfang Qingyu didn't think about making Jingwei undetectable when the small flame popped up.Therefore, when the group of flames the size of a grain of rice flew towards it, Jingwei immediately noticed...

(End of this chapter)

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