The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 304 Her Royal Highness 01

Chapter 304 Her Royal Highness 01
Seeing that Dongfang Qingyu had made up his mind to go, Lu Jinhao had no choice but to stand up and said, "Then I'll take you out!" As he spoke, he looked at the initiative, and said, "In the future, if there is anything that needs Meng's help, feel free to come Dream Help find me! I will be here for a while."

Of course, half of the reason why he is here is because of Dongfang Qingyu.He must find a way to bring Dongfang Qingyu back to the headquarters.

Dongfang Qingyu smiled and said casually: "Okay!"

Just as the two were about to leave the conference hall, Hall Master Feng who had just left brought a beautiful woman in palace attire into the conference hall, almost bumping into Dongfang Qingyu and the others.

After seeing the beautiful woman in palace attire brought in by Hall Master Feng, Lu Jinhao immediately asked seriously: "Ruyue, why did you come out, is there anything important?"

Hearing this, Ruyue looked at Lu Jinhao and said, "I do have something important to report." However, Ruyue who was speaking this suddenly saw Dongfang Qingyu standing beside Lu Jinhao, and her expression suddenly became pale. It was completely white: "Holy...His Royal are you here?" After shouting, he already wanted to kneel down to Dongfang Qingyu.

Dongfang Qingyu and the others were all surprised to see this sudden change of Ruyue.

Seeing that Ruyue was about to kneel down, Dongfang Qingyu hurriedly said: "I think you have misunderstood the person, I am not some holy lady!"

Hearing this, Ruyue immediately raised her head in surprise, and looked at Dongfang Qingyu as if confirming again.

After watching for a while, she let out a long sigh of relief.Muttering: "It is indeed not Her Majesty, Her Majesty is not as young as her." As she spoke, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes: "But, except for your age, you are almost exactly the same as Her Majesty. !"

That's why she mistook Dongfang Qingyu for Her Highness the Holy Maiden at first sight.

However, Kisaragi's words filled the hearts of everyone present with doubts.

"Can you tell me, who is the Holy Maiden you mentioned just now?" Why does she look exactly like that Holy Maiden?
"In Mengjiang, almost all the power is concentrated in the hands of the Holy Emperor. However, in order to concentrate his power more, the Holy Emperor will choose a saint." Lu Jin looked at Dongfang Qingyu and explained: "The saint does not have any real power in her hands, but she represents the entire image of Mengjiang under the leadership of the Holy Emperor. Whenever there is a large banquet, the saint will be invited to participate and organize some sacrificial ceremony."

Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help but secretly nodded upon hearing this.Come to think of it, this Mengjiang saint is probably like the modern British and Japanese royal families.However, as a symbolic existence, it cannot participate in real political affairs.

At this moment, Ruyue interjected: "It's just that this Mengjiang saint may be extremely noble in the eyes of others, but in fact, she is just a poor woman."

Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and asked, "Why?"

Since she is a saint, even if she doesn't have any rights, she should have no worries about food and clothing and live a relatively comfortable life.However, why did Kisaragi say that the saint is a poor woman?

Ru Yue heard the words, sighed, and said: "Because on weekdays, if there is no major event, the saint will be locked up in the tower..."


(End of this chapter)

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