The witch is too black: Miss Arrogant

Chapter 305 Her Royal Highness 02

Chapter 305 Her Royal Highness 02
"On weekdays, as long as there are no major incidents, the saintess will be locked in the tower and cannot leave the tower. Except for the dumb girl who delivers food, the saintess is not allowed to contact anyone!" After Kisaragi spoke of the sympathy of the saint, she let out a long sigh.

Dongfang Qingyu couldn't help sighing in her heart when she heard the words.However, that didn't seem to have much to do with her.

If Ruyue hadn't mistook her for the saint just now, I'm afraid she wouldn't have stayed to inquire so much.

For her, the most important thing now is to quickly find Xiao Ran.

"A poor woman indeed!"

Dongfang Qingyu said, and was about to leave, but Ruyue continued: "That's right, this year's saintess is the most pitiful among all saintesses. The previous saintesses have never been treated like her. The Holy Emperor has been under house arrest before!"

When Dongfang Qingyu heard the words, she couldn't help being curious again: "Isn't the previous saint like this?"

Hearing this, Ruyue glanced at Dongfang Qingyu's face that resembled that of the Mengjiang saintess, and said: "Although those saintesses in the past were selected, they would be forced to enter the holy palace and could not come out or get married for the rest of their lives, but However, they are free. Moreover, in the Holy Palace, they still have a lot of rights, and they can even enter and leave the Holy Palace freely. But this saint... Sigh!" Kisaragi finally only sighed.

Lu Jinhao didn't stop Ruyue from talking so much today.Just because he knew that before Ruyue was ordered to enter the Holy Palace, his master—or maybe his adoptive father had secretly confessed to Ruyue to take care of Her Royal Highness.

Therefore, Kisaragi became so talkative after seeing Dongfang Qingyu's face that resembled a saint today.

But, why does Dongfang Qingyu look so similar to the saint?Will there be any special relationship between them?And this matter, does he need to report it to his adoptive father?

Dongfang Qingyu shrugged and said, "That is indeed a poor woman!"

That's all!Although she looks like the saint, she has never heard her elder brother say that she once had a sister.She is the eldest lady of the Nangong family!
So, she thought, maybe it was just a coincidence.She should hurry to find Xiao Ran.

Thus, Dongfang Qingyu bid farewell to Lu Jinhao and others, and left the Dream Gang.

Looking at Dongfang Qingyu who was leaving, Ruyue showed a trace of thought on her face.After she walked out of the Dream Gang, she turned her head, looked at Lu Jinhao, and said, "Deputy leader, do you think this oriental girl has any relationship with the master?"

Lu Jinhao was silent and did not answer.

Anyway, he must bring Dongfang Qingyu back to the headquarters of the Dream Gang. Does it matter? Wouldn't it be clear when the time comes?

"Hall Master Feng, immediately give an order to track down Xiao Ran's whereabouts with all his strength. If there is news, don't startle the snake, and report it to me immediately!" Dongfang Qingyu wanted to find Xiao Ran, so he would help her.

"Yes!" Hall Master Feng replied immediately.

"Order everyone in Mengbang Fengtang to protect Miss Dongfang secretly, and if she needs anything, help her secretly as much as possible!" Lu Jinhao thought for a while, and then said: "Okay, you go down first!"

Hall Master Feng Lu Jinhao saluted and walked out.

And Lu Jinhao and Kisaragi left, and walked into the meeting hall again...

(End of this chapter)

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