Chapter 386 Revenge 11
Dongfang Qingyu sat on Qingluan and returned to Xiao Ran's side.

Looking at Dongfang Qingyu who returned empty-handed, there didn't seem to be much surprise in Xiao Ran's eyes.

At this moment, a mysterious voice came from a distance: "Who are you guys? How dare you come here to assassinate me blatantly?"

Listening to that voice, Dongfang Qingyu was able to conclude that the person was none other than the Holy Emperor Mengjiang.

Following the sound, Dongfang Qingyu saw that behind the people surrounding them, the Holy Emperor was standing on an inconspicuous carriage.

"Did someone leak the news?" Dongfang Qingyu looked at Xiao Ran, Dongfang Quan and Lu Jinyun, and said.

They came to assassinate Ye Meng'er today, except for the four of them, everyone else followed orders and didn't know their plan at all.

Naturally, she, Xiao Ran and her father would not leak the secret, so only Lu Jinyun was left.But, will Lu Jinyun leak the secret?
But if this is not the case, how could the Holy Emperor have such preparations?

Xiao Ran naturally understood Dongfang Qingyu's thoughts, he looked at Dongfang Qingyu and shook his head, and said, "Yu'er, no one leaked the secret!"

Dongfang Qingyu was slightly stunned, and then heard Xiao Ran continue: "So many of us have entered the holy capital these days, if the holy emperor didn't know it at all, then he might have died countless times already."

After thinking about it, Dongfang Qingyu nodded, and what Xiao Ran said was right.

She looked around, but found that behind them, a large number of people had already surrounded them.In fact, there are even quite a few archers who have already stretched their strings and are facing them.

Dongfang Qingyu's eyes turned cold, and she said with regret in her tone: "It seems that it is impossible for us to kill the Holy Emperor today!" She changed the subject, and continued: "However, they want to kill the Holy Emperor!" It's impossible to keep us with these individuals!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ran smiled at Dongfang Qingyu, and said, "That's not necessarily true!"

Dongfang Qingyu turned her head to look at Xiao Ran, but saw that his eyes were icy cold.

"Xiao Ran..." Dongfang Qingyu knew that he hated and poisoned the Sage Emperor, but now is not the time to use his righteousness: "Don't force it, keep the green hills, and don't worry about running out of firewood."

The Holy Emperor looked at Dongfang Qingyu and his group coldly. Due to the distance and the fact that Dongfang Qingyu and the others wore black scarves on their faces, the Holy Emperor did not know Dongfang Qingyu and the others for a while. Where did it come from.

However, no matter where they came from, they will never return today!

"The traitor, let's capture it!" The Holy Emperor said in a cold tone.

Dongfang Qingyu was about to answer, but suddenly realized that Lu Jinhao beside him exuded a shocking anger.

She was startled, for she forgot to go back to the Holy Emperor.

"Lu Feng, you probably forgot how you came to be the Holy Emperor?" Lu Jinhao looked at the Holy Emperor with icy eyes, and then said: "If you talk about a traitor, I'm afraid you are the only one in this world. The biggest traitor!"

Lu Jinhao's words made the Holy Emperor Lu Feng's face change, and the look in his eyes changed, showing both fear and fear.

"Bold, you actually talk to me like that!" After a while, the Holy Emperor calmed down, and ordered to his subordinates: "Immediately shoot that thief who committed chaos to me with random arrows!"

For some reason, Dongfang Qingyu felt that after hearing Lu Jinhao's words, the Holy Emperor became flustered...

(End of this chapter)

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