Chapter 387 Revenge 12
flustered?Why is he flustered?Dongfang Qingyu couldn't figure it out.

Turning his head around, he saw Lu Jinhao suddenly tearing off the scarf on his face, his eyes seemed to freeze everything: "Lu Feng, do you want to kill someone? Do you think I'm still that child? How old are you?" Am I still up to you now? Even if you want to kill someone, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Looking at Lu Jinhao's face, Dongfang Qingyu's mind flashed a light.Turning his head and looking at the Holy Emperor again, he saw that Lu Jinhao was three points similar to the Holy Emperor.

I felt a little skeptical before, but now I sighed in my heart after hearing what Lu Jinhao said. It seems that this Lu Jinhao is indeed related to the Mengjiang Holy Palace.

She thought about the secrets of the Holy Palace that she knew in her mind. If she remembered correctly, the previous Holy Emperor died more than ten years ago, and the throne was originally passed on to the Holy Son, but the Holy Son was in the Holy Emperor's house. Die the night you die.

At that time, the Holy Palace announced to the public that the Holy Emperor passed away, and the Holy Son was in great grief, and died in a hurry.

The Holy Emperor died, and then the Holy Son also died. The Holy Emperor's position should have been passed on to the son of the Holy Son.However, the son of the holy son was very naughty. When he was out of the palace to play, he ran into the mountains alone and was taken away by wild animals.

But the holy son only had one son, so no one would come to take over the position of the holy emperor.

The Holy Son has no son, but the Holy Emperor still has a son.Later, after many bloody storms, the position of the Holy Emperor finally fell on the head of the current Holy Emperor Lu Feng.

After thinking about this, Dongfang Qingyu turned to look at Lu Jinhao, listened to what he said just now, and thought about his age—could it be that he was the only son of that holy son back then?
After seeing Lu Jinhao's face clearly, a trace of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the Holy Emperor, and the expression on his face was unpredictable.

And Lu Jinhao's next words also confirmed Dongfang Qingyu's thoughts.

He only heard him say: "Lu Feng, after you murdered my father for the holy emperor's night, you wanted to kill me to silence me. In the past ten years, have you ever thought that I am still living in this world?"

When the Holy Emperor heard the words, his expression changed, and he immediately shouted to the guards beside him: "Go ahead and kill this man who is lying here to deceive everyone!"

The guards around him were all his cronies, after hearing what he said, they immediately raised their weapons and slashed at Lu Jinyun!

The Holy Emperor was disgraceful when he came to the throne back then, but when these things happened, he did it extremely covertly.Few people know the truth about what happened back then.He even thought that what happened back then would be forgotten and no one would mention it again.However, I never thought that today, Lu Jinhao would say it in front of everyone.

How could he bear it?

Even if these things are just rumors and spread, it will have an impact on his reputation.

However, at this time, as long as he killed Lu Jinhao, he would say that he was a traitor, and then issue a password to his correction, it seemed that the matter could still be controlled.

Thinking about it this way, the determination to kill them became even more determined.Only when they are dead can he feel at ease!

And the two people he sent to kill Lu Jinhao just now were all strong men above the ninth rank.He didn't believe that at Lu Jinhao's age, he could withstand the attacks of two ninth-level powerhouses at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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