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Besides, the reason why Zhao Bo came to look for Xiao Ran was because someone in Jinzhou branch of Wushangmen wanted to rebel.But with Zhao Bo's power, he couldn't go on for a while, so, taking advantage of Xiao Ran's passing through Jinzhou, he invited Xiao Ran to go back to the branch of Wushangmen to deal with this matter.

Naturally, a person from the Jinzhou branch would not be able to achieve any great things if he intrigues in the nest, and he would not be able to threaten Xiao Ran's status even more.However, if it is not handled properly and other branch halls follow suit, then the entire Wushang Sect will be split.

Therefore, Xiao Ran decided to visit the Jinzhou branch.

Since Dongfang Qingyu stole his Wushang Token last time, Xiao Ran has often used his true face to appear in Wushangmen.

With him gone, those who want to seize the throne will naturally not be able to achieve any grandeur.Seeing that Zhao Bo has been conscientiously working for him in these years, he has not withdrawn Zhao Bo's position as hall master.

But after this incident, Zhao Bo felt that his position was a little unstable.

In this way, he feels even more that if his daughter can marry Xiao Ran, then his position in Wushangmen will be further consolidated in the future.

It's just that I thought of the woman in Tsing Yi I saw that day.

Looking at it like that, Xiao Ran seemed to be quite concerned about the woman in Tsing Yi.And most importantly, the woman's appearance is clearly above his daughter's...

"Father, what are you thinking?" When Zhao Bo was immersed in his own thoughts, Zhao Ruyun walked up to his side, looked at him, and asked.

"Oh, Ruyun, you're here!" Zhao Bo came back to his senses, and looked at his beautiful daughter: "Father is thinking about what happened these days."

"Father, one day, will someone else take over my position as Hall Master?" Zhao Ruyun looked at Zhao Bo and asked.

Zhao Bo sighed and nodded.

His daughter is not only beautiful, but also very smart.Over the years, many things in the hall were still suggested by his daughter.

"Father, don't worry, my daughter won't let such a thing happen!" Zhao Ruyun said with a look of necessity flashing in his eyes.

Zhao Bo smiled wryly, shook his head, and said, "Ruyun, these things are not up to you!"

Zhao Ruyun's eyes flashed, and he said: "Father, if I marry the sect master, are you still afraid that you won't be able to secure the position of this little hall master?"

Zhao Bo's expression was shocked. He knew that Zhao Ruyun had always wanted to marry the sect master since he accidentally saw the sect master's true face three years ago.

It's just, how can it be so easy to marry the sect master?Moreover, based on what he saw that day, the head of the sect clearly already has a woman he likes.

"Father, don't worry, my daughter has her own way!" Zhao Ruyun looked at Zhao Bo and said vowedly.

Looking at Zhao Ruyun's expression, Zhao Bo suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Ruyun, don't do anything stupid!" Zhao Bo said, frowning.

"Father, don't worry, I have my own measure!" Zhao Ruyun said to Zhao Bo soothingly.

"Ruyun, tell Dad, what exactly do you want to do?" Zhao Bo still asked a little worriedly.

"Father, I won't mess around!" Zhao Ruyun emphasized again.

That's right, she won't mess around, she just wants to cook raw rice with Xiao Ran...

(End of this chapter)

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