410 07
Zhao Bo knew his daughter's character, if she didn't tell her, no matter how much he asked, she wouldn't tell him.

Now, he only hopes that his daughter can really behave as she said.


After dealing with the matter of Wushangmen's branch, it was already the third night when Xiao Ran and the others came to Jinzhou the next day.

During these two or three days, he lived in the branch church in Jinzhou.

Seeing that it was getting late, Xiao Ran was also a little tired.Therefore, he decided to stay in the Jinzhou branch today and go to Dongfang Qingyu tomorrow morning.

As soon as Xiao Ran walked into his small courtyard, he saw Zhao Ruyun standing in the small courtyard waiting for him.

In the past few days, he could clearly see Zhao Ruyun's thoughts on him.However, he cared about Dongfang Qingyu, so he turned a blind eye to Zhao Ruyun's overtures.

"Miss Ruyun, why haven't you gone back to rest so late?" Xiao Ran asked.

"Seeing that the sect master didn't come back so late, Ruyun was a little worried about the sect master's health." Zhao Ruyun looked at Xiao Ran shyly and said.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired!" As Xiao Ran said, he was about to issue an order to evict the guest.

At this moment, Zhao Ruyun preemptively said: "It's so late, the door owner is hungry even if he wants to come. Just now, I personally boiled a nest of chicken soup for the door owner, and let the maids keep it up. I will ask the girl to bring it to the door. Lord, drink!"

After saying that, without waiting for Xiao Ran to refuse, he immediately ordered the girl beside him to fetch chicken soup.

Hearing what Zhao Ruyun said, Xiao Ran's image really felt a little hungry.In addition, the girl had already left, so he didn't say anything to refuse now.

"So, thank you girl!" Xiao Ran opened his room and walked in while talking.

Seeing this, Zhao Ruyun followed without any hesitation.

After entering, seeing that Xiao Ran didn't ask her to go out, she let out a long sigh of relief.

She knew that Xiao Ran had already dealt with the matter in this branch hall.He was afraid that he would leave the branch hall early in the morning.

Therefore, she only had this last chance tonight.

No matter what, tonight, she must succeed!

She must marry Xiao Ran!

Not long after, Zhao Ruyun's girl really brought a big bowl of chicken soup.

Zhao Ruyun took it from the girl's hand, then winked at the girl, the girl turned around knowingly and left Xiao Ran's room, and gently closed the door.

Sitting quietly on the chair, Xiao Ran quietly watched what Zhao Ruyun and the girl did, but his eyes froze.

In the past two days, when he was dealing with the branch church in Jinzhou, he had already discovered that those who wanted to rebel seemed to be instigated by someone.However, when he asked them, they refused to reveal the person behind the scenes no matter what.

After two days of careful inspection, he discovered that those people seemed to be inextricably related to Zhao Ruyun.

He wanted to find out before leaving, but he was worried about Dongfang Qingyu who was in the inn.

Therefore, he planned to talk to Dongfang Qingyu tomorrow, and stay in Jinzhou for another day or two, and the two of them secretly tried to find out whether Zhao Ruyun did all of this.

But he didn't expect that Zhao Ruyun couldn't hold his breath anymore, so he came to him tonight.

That being the case, then he took this opportunity to see what the hell this Zhao Ruyun was up to!

(End of this chapter)

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