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Looking at Xiao Ran's appearance, Zhao Ruyun knew that the acacia powder had already occurred in Xiao Ran's body.It's just that Xiao Ran didn't kiss her just now, which made her feel somewhat regretful.

It was only a matter of time before Xiao Ran got married to He Huan San, so she didn't care about it anymore.

"In that chicken soup, I just added a little aphrodisiac." Zhao Ruyun looked at Xiao Ran obsessively, thinking that such an outstanding man would soon become hers, she felt a burst of pride in her heart. "Master, I fell in love with you as early as three years ago. However, you have rarely looked at me all this time. That's why I made such a bad move!"

If li xuan could look at her a few more times, why would she be so lowly?

The intense heat in his lower abdomen let Xiao Ran know that Zhao Ruyun hadn't lied just now.

It's just that she dared to prescribe this kind of medicine to her!

Hmph, he will definitely let her suffer for herself!
"Zhao Ruyun, I really didn't see it. You look like a lady, but what you did is so disgusting." Xiao Ran stared at Zhao Ruyun coldly, and then said: "Since you are so If you want to be fucked by others, then if I don't fulfill you, it seems a bit unreasonable!"

Hearing Li Ran's hateful voice, and looking at Li Ran's extremely cold gaze, Zhao Ruyun couldn't help but tremble all over, a chill spread from the bottom of her heart.

She already knew that Xiao Ran was a man who could not be easily provoked, but she wanted to marry Xiao Ran so much, that's why she took such a risk.

Anyway, as long as she becomes li xuan's woman, at that time, li xuan will not be able to renege on her debt.

But now, listening to Xiao Ran's words, Zhao Ruyun felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Master... sect master, you... what do you want to do?" Zhao Ruyun's voice trembled a little.

"What are you doing? To deal with a young woman like you, I naturally helped you find some good men to serve you!" Xiao Ran said with a cold gaze.

Hearing what Xiao Ran said, Zhao Ruyun suddenly realized something.

"No... sect master, Ruyun doesn't want other men, Ruyun only wants you!" Xu was afraid that Xiao Ran would really throw her to other men, Zhao Ruyun looked at Xiao Ran pleadingly, then rushed forward, hugged him, and said: "Sect Master, you have also been admitted to Hehuansan now, we..."

Before Zhao Ruyun finished speaking, he was pushed away by Li Ran's palm.

Xiao Ran stared at her coldly, and said coldly: "Why? Just rely on you, are you worthy?"

"Sect Master, Ruyun can at least relieve you of the Hehuansan on you! Besides, looking at you like that, I'm afraid that Hehuansan is about to explode." Zhao Ruyun went all out, raised his head, and met Li Ran's gaze , said.

Calculating the time, the toxicity of Hehuansan in li xuan's body should have exploded.As long as she drags li xuan for a while, he can't stand it anymore, so he will naturally want her!

Xiao Ran sneered, stepped forward, and touched Zhao Ruyun's acupuncture points, with a bloodthirsty smile in his eyes, he said: "Don't worry about the acacia in my body, although you gave me medicine, but , I will not ignore the poison of Hehuansan in your body! Wait for a while, you can enjoy it!"

Under Zhao Ruyun's puzzled and astonished eyes, Xiao Ran turned around and walked out of the room...

(End of this chapter)

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