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Xiao Ran walked out of the room angrily, he could already feel that the medicinal properties of Hehuansan in his body had begun to take hold.

It stands to reason that the most important thing he should do now is to find a woman immediately to relieve the acacia in his body.

However, when he thought of that nasty woman daring to administer this kind of medicine to him, he couldn't express his anger.If this woman can't be taught a lesson, she will become even more lawless in the future.Secondly, he didn't want to find a random woman.

Therefore, Xiao Ran decided to deal with this woman first, and then immediately go back to find Dongfang Qingyu.He believed that with his current skill, he would be able to support it till then.

Carefully using profound energy to suppress the onset of the medicinal properties, he flew up to the roof, and after a few ups and downs, Xiao Ran left the Wushang Sect branch.

Walking to the main hall, li xuan casually grabbed a beggar on the hall, sealed the acupoints, and returned to the Wushangmen branch hall by the same way.

Xiao Ran brought the beggar into his room, he wanted to leave the beggar behind, but this is his room after all, if the woman and the beggar were to make peace here, he felt that his place would be dirty .

So, he mentioned the beggar with one hand and Zhao Ruyun with the other, and walked out of his room.

Xiao Ran glanced around and saw a woodshed outside the courtyard, without thinking too much, he carried the two of them to the woodshed.

Xiao Ran kicked open the door of the firewood room. After entering, Xiao Ran smiled coldly and threw the two of them on the ground.

Then, he squatted down, slapped open the acupoints of the two, and then his body flashed out of the firewood room.

The beggar opened his eyes and looked around, but he didn't understand why he came here suddenly.

But at this moment, by the moonlight outside the window, the beggar saw a beautiful woman crawling towards him.

The beggar was taken aback and wanted to back away.However, when he took a step back, the woman took a step forward.Finally, his back hit the wall and there was no way back.

"Girl, you...what do you want to do?" Although the woman was beautiful, the beggar knew that such a sister-in-law was not something he could afford.

Zhao Ruyun's profound energy is far inferior to that of Xiao Ran, and just now when Xiao Ran tapped her acupuncture points, she simply cannot use her profound energy to resist He Huan San.After such a long time now, the effect of Hehuan powder in her body has already taken effect.

She only felt that her whole body was extremely hot. At this moment, she had already lost her mind, and she just wanted to find someone to help her get rid of the nameless evil fire in her body.Seeing a man in front of her, she rushed forward recklessly. How could she care to see who the man in front of her was?

"Hush..." Zhao Ruyun put one finger to his mouth, made a soft movement towards the beggar, threw himself on the beggar, and began to tear the beggar's clothes.

Although she is a woman, she has practiced profound energy after all.And that beggar, even if he is a man, how can he resist her tyranny at this time?

"Girl, you...you don't want to be like this..." Seeing this, the beggar started begging for mercy.

Zhao Ruyun ignored the beggar's begging for mercy, and just continued with his actions blindly.

Seeing this, Xiao Ran who was standing outside the window cursed secretly in his heart, only regretting that he was in a hurry and found the wrong person.

However, if he is asked to find another one at this time, he is afraid that his trip will be delayed...

(End of this chapter)

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