456 The Finale 03
Xiao Ran stepped forward, embraced Dongfang Qingyu, and said: "Yu'er, don't be angry, after we get married, I will never do this again." Then, he looked at Dongfang Qingyu, and said: "My So it’s like this, you didn’t force it!”

Dongfang Qingyu sighed after hearing the words.She also knew that it was her last escape that brought about this result.

"Forget it, I'm not angry!" Dongfang Qingyu raised her head, looked at Xiao Ran, and said, "I'm a little tired, you should go back first, I want to rest."

Xiao Ran looked at Dongfang Qingyu quietly, pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Well, you go to bed early. You have to get up early tomorrow."

Although Xiao Ran still felt something was wrong in his heart, he had no choice but to say this.

"En!" Dongfang Qingyu nodded.

Xiao Ran took another deep look at Dongfang Qingyu, and finally walked out, channeled his profound energy, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

Seeing that Xiao Ran had left, Dongfang Qingyu winked at Xiao Yu'er.

Xiao Yu'er immediately walked to the door, looked out the door, and only nodded to Dongfang Qingyu after finding that there was nothing unusual in the yard.

A strange smile appeared on Dongfang Qingyu's face, she took out a set of clothes from the bed, and put them on quickly.

And Xiao Yu'er stood behind Dongfang Qingyu, loosened her hair, changed her hairstyle again, and combed it for her.

Not long after, she was done dressing up.

"Little Yu'er, quickly change into your clothes!" Dongfang Qingyu said to Xiao Yu'er.After finishing speaking, she didn't look at Xiao Yu'er, took out some things from her bosom, and began to smear on her face.

Xiao Yu'er was full of helplessness, but he had no choice but to follow Dongfang Qingyu's advice and start changing silently.

After finishing painting, Dongfang Qingyu said to Xiao Yu'er with a smile: "Now, I am Xiao Yu'er, haha..."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu'er looked at Dongfang Qingyu.

At this moment, where is Dongfang Qingyu standing in front of her?That is clearly another self.At this moment, looking at Dongfang Qingyu's little fish, he felt as if he was looking in a mirror.

"How is it? Xiao Yuer?" Dongfang Qingyu looked at Xiao Yuer with a smile and asked.

Although Xiao Yu'er knew that Dongfang Qingyu's disguise technique was very good, when she saw Dongfang Qingyu disguised herself into another her, she was still a little shocked in her heart.

Looking at Dongfang Qingyu, she couldn't help but start to sympathize with Xiao Ran.

It seems that tomorrow's wedding is likely to be skipped by Xiao Ran again.

"Well, that's right, this servant feels like she is looking in a mirror." Xiao Yu'er said.

When Dongfang Qingyu heard this, she immediately felt complacent: "Naturally, I don't even think about who your lady is?" After finishing speaking, she stood up and said to Xiao Yu'er: "Now you just hide on the bed and go to sleep! "

Xiao Yu'er sighed, looked at Dongfang Qingyu, and said, "Xiao Yu, do you really want to run away?"

Dongfang Qingyu raised his eyebrows, and said: "Naturally. If I don't leave, am I waiting for that Xiao Ran to be tied up for a lifetime?"

She doesn't want it!
Although she liked Xiao Ran a little, but this time, he was clearly forcing the marriage, and he didn't care if she wanted it or not!

Although it's okay to let her marry him, but she just can't get angry...

(End of this chapter)

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