457 The Finale 04
"Miss, aren't you afraid that if Young Master Xiao catches you this time, he will really tie you up and make you unable to leave him for a moment?" Xiao Yu'er said.

After hearing this, Dongfang Qingyu sneered and said, "That must be able to catch me!"

The reason why Xiao Ran was able to catch her last time was because she was worried about Nangong Zimei's physical problems, which gave him an opportunity.After she escapes this time, she will definitely find a place where Xiao Ran can't find to hide.How could he find it so easily?

Xiao Yu'er sighed, knowing that no matter what she said, Dongfang Qingyu would never listen to her.

"Well then, miss, I wish you luck!"

Dongfang Qingyu said with a smile: "Don't worry, I've always had good luck, your lady." Saying that, she prepared to leave.

As soon as he reached the door, Dongfang Qingyu turned around as if thinking of something, walked up to Xiao Yu'er, and threatened: "Xiao Yu'er, if you dare to betray me, I will definitely not let you go! You know my methods!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yu'er shuddered all over, with a hint of fear in his eyes, nodded repeatedly, and said: "Miss, don't worry, this servant will not betray you."

Dongfang Qingyu nodded in satisfaction after hearing the words.Turning around, blowing out the candles in the room, then walked out the door, closed the door again, and walked out.

After leaving the small courtyard, Dongfang Qingyu walked towards the outside of the mansion.

At this time, she was wearing Xiao Yu'er's clothes, and her appearance changed, the people in the house only regarded her as Xiao Yu'er, so no one noticed her.

Seeing this, Dongfang Qingyu felt complacent again.

The person Xiao Ran sent to guard her probably thought she had fallen asleep in the room, right?Who would have thought that she was about to leave the house at this time.

As long as you leave this Dongfang Mansion and then leave the capital, you will be free to let the birds fly.

Thinking of Xiao Ran's furious expression tomorrow when he knew she had left, Dongfang Qingyu felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Hmph, who told him to force her?Did Dongfang Qingyu really think she was so easy to be coerced?

Everyone in this mansion knew that Xiao Yu'er was from Dongfang Qingyu's side, so when Dongfang Qingyu walked to the gate, no one stopped her.However, the guard who guarded the gate looked at her and said, "Miss Xiao Yu'er, it's so late, why are you still going out?"

Dongfang Qingyu said: "Miss is going to get married tomorrow, so I must go out and buy something for her now." After speaking, Dongfang Qingyu sighed, and continued: "It's not like you don't know Miss's temper, she I said I must have it today, so I had no choice but to buy it now.”

The guard nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Then go back early!"

Dongfang Qingyu responded: "Okay!" After saying that, he turned and walked out of the gate.

After leaving the gate, Dongfang Qingyu quickly walked towards a dark alley, and then walked towards the city gate along the path.

The time for a stick of incense passed, and Dongfang Qingyu finally came to the gate of the city.

Seeing that the city gate was close at hand, Dongfang Qingyu felt even happier.As long as she steps out of the city gate, she is free.Then you can go to the country of stars to find Beitang Lanyou.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but a smile appeared on her face, she speeded up and walked towards the gate of the city.

Dongfang Qingyu had just walked to the gate of the city and was about to leave the city when someone grabbed her sleeve...

(End of this chapter)

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