Chapter 101 Questioning Her

In his opinion, Zhou Zhenni is very scheming.

So just after the conversation between the two, the door of the room next door to Mu Taotao opened, Mo Yanshao with a cold face said to Zhou Zhenni in front of Mu Taotao: "This time Taotao was attacked with posts, it was you who did it." Is it?"

Mo Yanshao didn't seem to intend to wait for the truth to come out before questioning the other party, so he preemptively struck.

But the effect is obviously poor.

How could Zhou Zhenni admit that she did this in front of others?

So when Mo Yanshao asked this question, Zhou Zhenni looked elegant and calm, completely unhurried.

She walked up to Mo Yanshao gracefully, smiled at him, and her voice was full of elegance and calmness: "Do you think I will be that kind of person? To use such despicable methods to defeat my competitors, I don't hesitate to spread rumors Attack the opponent?"

Zhou Zhenni stood in front of Mo Yanshao neither humble nor overbearing, with awe-inspiring aura, without any stance of admitting defeat.

This surprised Mo Yanshao slightly.

He felt that no matter how good the psychological quality was, it was impossible for a person to do this, and he didn't feel any guilt at all.

It's not that the other party's methods are too high-end, or that she has never done such a thing.

Mu Taotao took into account the confrontation between the two of them.

She didn't want Mo Yanshao to misunderstand Zhou Zhenni because of her own reasons.

No matter what, Zhou Zhenni is also a guest in this home, a guest who is more lonely and helpless than her.

Anyway, she was protected by Mo Yanshao, and Zhou Zhenni seemed to have nothing.

So Mu Taotao stepped forward to stop him and said, "Young Master Yan, before the matter is investigated clearly, don't doubt others casually."

"Peach, do you still think this has nothing to do with her?"

"I..." Mu Taotao looked at Zhou Zhenni.

The other party was also looking at her, his eyes were peaceful, without any waves, so calm that no one could doubt that she did it.

"I trust her, I don't think she's that mean woman."

"Well, since you say that, I have nothing to say!"

Mo Yanshao really convinced Mu Taotao, she actually believed in Zhou Zhenni!

Mo Yanshao turned around and entered the room, then closed the door heavily.

Zhou Zhenni's body began to crumble, as if she had received a serious blow, and her expression was extremely sad.

Mu Taotao had no choice but to go over and support her from behind.

Zhou Zhenni's tears fell instantly, she turned her head and cried to Mu Taotao who was behind her, "Taotao, do you trust me? I really didn't do that to you because I wanted to compete with you."

Mu Taotao nodded, unable to bear to see Zhou Zhenni's crying face, she seemed to understand her mood.

If it were her, she would definitely be sad to death.

Obviously did not do such a thing, but was misunderstood.

"Taotao, I admit that I am very jealous of you, because I also like Mo Yanshao very much, so I insisted on staying. I just want her to know that there is a person like me, and I don't want to monopolize him. to you……"

She seemed to want to repeat what she said just now, but Mu Taotao persuaded her: "Okay, I already know that Shao Yan treated you a little too much, and I will persuade him in the future."

"Are you really willing to persuade him to get along with me? I don't need him to treat me differently. I just need to get along with him like a friend, really."

Zhou Zhenni grabbed Mu Taotao's hand, tears of excitement flashed in her eyes, she seemed to regard Mu Taotao as a life-saving straw.

"You really didn't spread those rumors like those people?"

Mu Taotao asked back.

Zhou Zhenni was stunned for a while, and then said: "I can swear, if I am the one spreading rumors, I will die badly, no, I will never be able to get Mo Yanshao to look at me differently."

This oath is very poisonous. Didn't she come to Mo's house just to be looked at differently by Mo Yanshao?

So Mu Taotao believed her words very much, so he took her sworn hand and said to her: "Okay, I understand, in the future I will persuade Mo Yanshao to get along with you and stop doubting your motives."

"Thank you so much, Taotao."

Zhou Zhenni hugged Mu Taotao while talking.

"How about this, let's go to school together in the future and see if anyone dares to say that we are gay?"

Jenny Zhou made a suggestion.

That's good, but Mu Taotao always feels that Ai Meili will be sad if this happens, saying that she, Mu Taotao, has a new man and has forgotten the old one.

No, what should I say?

Mu Taotao couldn't think of any good words to describe it for a while, so she had no choice but to refuse: "I don't want it anymore, otherwise you will be talked about too."

"I'm not afraid, Taotao, you are willing to help me, and I am also very willing to be friends with you. Unless you are also thinking about me and competition in your heart, and think that I will snatch Mo Yanshao away, so you don't want to be friends with me. "

Zhou Zhenni said with a sad expression on her face, Mu Taotao couldn't help it, so she said: "Okay, we can go to school together after school, but in school, I will still spend more time with Meili."

"It's okay, we can all play together, we are good friends, aren't we?"

Mu Taotao really has nothing to say now.

The next day, when Mu Taotao came to the school, he was called to the office by the director of politics and education.

When we got there, Emily was there too.

Her eyes were swollen from crying too much yesterday, and she didn't look very well.

Seeing the haggard face of her former friend, Mu Taotao couldn't help but want to get mad.

But soon, the director of politics and education brought a woman with an even more haggard face to stand in front of Mu Taotao and Ai Meili.

This person is none other than Xiao Feifei.

The director of politics and education seemed to be in a good mood today, so he said, "Mu Taotao, Ai Meili, this is the one who spread your rumors. She has already made a deep self-criticism here, and the school has also filed a record. I believe she will do it again in the future." I dare not do such a thing.”

"So it's really you?"

Mu Taotao looked at Xiao Feifei.

Today's Xiao Feifei is completely different from the arrogant and domineering Xiao Feifei yesterday.

She looked haggard, as if she hadn't slept all night, she didn't even change her clothes, and she had dark circles under her eyes.

"What's going on? Didn't you curse and swear yesterday, denying that you did it?"

Mu Taotao recalled the situation when she went to the classroom to question the woman, didn't she admit it even if she was beaten to death?

"Miss Mu Taotao, please forgive me and return Ai Meili. I really didn't mean to say that to you. I was just joking. I didn't mean any harm."

Xiao Feifei looked haggard, pulled Mu Taotao and said pitifully.

"No malice? Thanks to you being able to say it, there are so many people attacking Meili and me without malice, which made Meili cry all day yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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