Sweetheart: The Black-bellied Chief's Little Runaway Wife

Chapter 102 She's going to jump off the building

Chapter 102 She's going to jump off the building
There is no malice, and one by one wants to drive me out of the school gate. How can you tell me to believe that you have no malice? "

After hearing Mu Taotao's words, Xiao Feifei realized that Mu Taotao was not such an easy-going person.

But she could only continue crying and begging for mercy: "Miss Mu, all my mistakes are my fault, but you must not let Mr. Mo buy my family's property. My father has a bad heart. If it is really because of the company Acquisition, but it will kill his old man."

Mu Taotao was baffled by Xiao Feifei's cry.

What does Mo Yanshao want to buy Xiao's company have to do with this matter?
"Speak clearly, why did Mo Yanshao buy your company?"

Not only Mu Taotao was very interested in this matter, but Ai Meili and the director of political education who were present were also listening carefully to the conversation between the two, full of curiosity in their hearts.

Seeing Mu Taotao's dazed and ignorant look, Xiao Feifei guessed that she didn't know the ins and outs at all.

But if she didn't say it, the company might lose its security, so she had to continue crying: "At nine o'clock last night, I received a call from Mo Yanshao.

He asked me if I had someone do it.

I didn't admit it at first, but later he said that he had solid evidence and found the person who wrote the post. If I didn't admit it, he would have a way to get that person to identify me, and he would definitely not let our family go.

So I just had to admit it.

But this is not enough. After I told the matter again, he said again, I have troubled you again and again, and he can't bear me anymore, so starting today, he will fully launch the plan to acquire the Xiao family's property, let me Waiting for notification of bankruptcy.

When I thought that my family was facing bankruptcy, I panicked, so I didn't sleep well all night.

After thinking about it, I can only come to beg you, I hope that after I admit my mistake, you can forgive me, and help me persuade Young Master Mo not to buy our Xiao's company.

Let me beg you, I'll get down on my knees and beg you, okay?Miss Mu, please let me go and my father's company, I will never forget your great kindness. "

While talking, Xiao Feifei knelt down and burst into tears.

Mu Taotao was distraught when she knelt on her knees.

She didn't expect that Mo Yanshao's efficiency was really great, but after only one day, this matter was settled by him directly.

And yesterday, she tried her best to find the person who spread the rumors, and even broke into the financial system of Xiao's company.

Now it seems that Mo Yanshao is probably responsible for all of this.

Mu Taotao was a little bit dumbfounded.

Although Xiao Feifei has been suspected since the incident, but because there is no evidence, she cannot be identified.

Now, she has admitted her mistake, but Mu Taotao didn't find it out by herself, so she is not reconciled.

But now it's not a matter of reconciliation, but a matter of the Xiao family being acquired.

She will not have the slightest sympathy for her in this matter.

Because it was not the first time he had targeted her, so she would never forgive her.

"Xiao Feifei, you don't need to beg me, when you do this, you should know the consequences.

It's not that I don't want to help you, but that I helped you, what am I?
Have I not become an ungrateful person?

Mo Yanshao is venting his anger on me. "

But Xiao Feifei knelt there and couldn't get up, she just grabbed Mu Taotao's clothes and said, "Miss Mu, I know you have the best heart, so just say something and beg for me, can you please? If we If our company is really acquired, our family will really be over, what will my father do then?"

Xiao Feifei knelt there the whole time, almost crying.

Even Ai Meili who was on the side couldn't stand it anymore, she came over to pull Mu Taotao's sleeves, with sympathetic eyes in her eyes.

Mu Taotao glanced at Ai Meili, and only said to her, "I can't decide this matter, and it's useless if she begs me."

Xiao Feifei saw that Mu Taotao was determined not to help her.

With a stern heart and a cold gaze, he simply stood up from the ground, staggered and walked out of the office.

Ai Meili said to Mu Taotao: "She is really pitiful, is there really no way to recover?"

"Who told her to be so hateful, she didn't reflect on herself after she was taught a lesson once, and she had to make this matter because she didn't want to regret it.

If I forgive her again this time, I don't know if she will have a third time. "

Mu Taotao really didn't expect that Mo Yanshao was also a man of one word, and when he said he wanted to buy it, he really took action.

If she hadn't been desperate, I believe Xiao Feifei would not beg her on her knees.

Thinking about the miserable appearance of her kneeling in front of him just now, Mu Taotao really felt secretly refreshed.

At this time, someone shouted outside: "It's not good, someone on the roof is going to commit suicide by jumping off the building."

Upon hearing this, Mu Taotao and Ai Meili's expressions changed at the same time.

The director of politics and education also thought of something, and several people all rushed out of the office and ran towards the rooftop.

Mu Taotao was out of breath from running, and when she came to the rooftop, she saw Xiao Feifei standing on the railing of that platform, her face full of despair.

"Xiao Feifei, don't do anything stupid, come down!"

Xiao Feifei ignored her, and stared into the distance dully, without looking back at all.

Mu Taotao thought that she didn't hear her own voice, so she ran closer, wanting to continue talking to her.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Feifei said emotionally: "Don't come over, or I will jump right away!"

The situation is very critical.

Looking at the woman standing on the terrace with a look of despair and sadness, Mu Taotao was even more flustered.

If Xiao Feifei really committed suicide by jumping off the building, she and Mo Yanshao would become the indirect murderers.

How could it be like this?
"Xiao Feifei, it's very dangerous there, you come down first, can we talk slowly?"

Mu Taotao seemed to be persuading.

More and more people gathered downstairs, and some even began to boo: "Jump down, jump down!"

"Yes, yes, don't put on a show there!"

These words sound very indifferent and stimulate people's hearts.

Mu Taotao simply hated those who spoke like that.

They will not give up until they force people to jump off the building?

What should we do now?
Xiao Feifei was still standing there, looking very agitated, tears kept streaming, if she was not careful, she might jump off.

I don't know who called the police. It didn't take long for the rescue police and fire alarms to arrive.

The inflatable cushion is also ready.

But Xiao Feifei still stood there motionless, not really intending to jump off.

However, she was standing in such a dangerous place, and she was still likely to fall at any time.

It would only be serious to find someone to persuade her to come down.

(End of this chapter)

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