Chapter 104 Being a Slave

Mu Taotao knew that this was the best way she could help Zhou Zhenni.

"Push the person you like to other women, Mu Taotao, don't you have a brain?"

Mo Yanshao finally couldn't help cursing.

"I don't, I just don't want you to keep rejecting her kindness, can't you be friends?

Unless you have a ghost in your heart, you are afraid that you will fall in love with her after contacting her, so you have been resisting her. "

Mu Taotao is also outspoken, saying whatever she has.

But these words just angered Mo Yanshao, he not only shouted: "Okay, this is what you said, then I will try to get along with her.

But if I really like her in the future, what should you do? "

Mo Yanshao's voice was still indifferent.

Mu Taotao was stunned for a moment, but quickly said angrily: "If you really like her, then I'll quit."

The other party said nothing and hung up the phone.

Later, Mo Yanshao had a long talk with Zhou Zhenni.

After that, the relationship between the two people seemed to be better.

But it was just a nod to meet each other, Mo Yanshao didn't have much contact with Zhou Zhenni.

But at the same time, Mo Yanshao had less contact with Mu Taotao.

His free time suddenly became so little that every day seemed busy.

Go out in the morning and come back very late at night.

Sometimes Mu Taotao fell asleep, and only in the middle of the night did he hear noises from the next door, which meant that Mo Yanshao had returned.

That time was when the two had been in a cold war for almost half a month.

Mu Taotao went to bed after ten o'clock in the evening.

It was already one o'clock in the morning when I heard the noise from the next door.

Mu Taotao was really worried, so she got up and opened the door and walked over.

It happened that Mo Yanshao turned his back to her. The exposed skin on his back was not as clean as new, but covered with large and small scars, as if he had suffered some serious injuries.

Mu Taotao had discovered this when the two were in love with each other.

But at that time, even if she asked, he just smiled and didn't answer.

Now these wounds on his back seem to have added new wounds. I really don't know what he did when he went out.

"Have you seen enough? Shall I take off the bottom and show you?"

The voice of the man with his back to her was playful, as if he was in a good mood.

Mu Taotao's heart was full of grievances.

Now people all over the world ignore her, even Mo Yanshao ignores her, so why is she still here?

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao was so wronged that he wanted to cry. He rushed over desperately, and started to cry loudly, beating his bare, firm chest while crying: "Why are you so heartless, I dare not talk to you?" , You said, why do you ignore me and scar yourself."

Mo Yanshao didn't speak, but hugged the woman in his arms tightly, feeling the refreshing fragrance he brought to her.

This woman was what he wanted. Not long after he met him, he decided that she was his.

He tried his best to give her the best, to fulfill all her wishes, and hoped that she would stay by his side.

Now that another woman joined him, he was very upset, but she didn't know it.

Now, the relationship between the three of them has calmed down, but she came to complain about his indifference to her.

What should he do?

Sighing deeply, Mo Yanshao lowered his head and thought about his life. He knew that it would be a big deal not to be able to talk with Mu Taotao freely about life, but he couldn't do anything about it. It's an extraordinary time.

We can only talk about life. For Mu Taotao, the biggest advantage of this life is that talking with Mo Yanshao is the most meaningful. What kind of physical feeling and psychological feeling can only be used instead of the meaning of life.

It doesn't matter whether you want it or not.

The mood is pleasant, because talking about life.

"Mu Taotao, is this kind of life meaningful?"

"Well, I don't know, and I don't want to, but there is no way."

Mu Taotao sat on the sofa, keeping a certain distance from Mo Yanshao, um, distance is safer.

His hand moved on the sofa, his fingers slid forward, trying to hold the woman's hand, and he looked at her with some thought in his eyes.

They both have beautiful eyes, which can actually attract each other's attention.

However, he could only watch.

"Let's talk about something else."

Mu Taotao bit her lip, feeling bored and wronged.

Mo Yanshao is not much better than her, he feels depressed in his heart, he can't do anything, he can only talk about life, it is really depressed.

"Tell me about your life as a child."

"What kind of life was there when I was a child? You don't think I'm precocious, do you?"

"What does talking about life have to do with precocity?"

Mu Taotao really thought he was baffled.

"I don't want to quarrel with you, I just tell you that I had no life to talk about when I was young."

They are attracted to each other and compete with each other, like a desperate struggle, all wanting to win the final victory, but they just surrender to each other's fanaticism.

Mu Taotao never knew that she loved this man so much.

His every move, every frown and smile always affected her nerves.

When the wind stopped and the rain stopped, she stroked his bare back with her fingers, looking at the wounds of different sizes and depths.

Mo Yanshao deeply felt the woman's love for him.

As if that would reassure him.

Mo Yanshao started to commute to and from get off work on time again, and would give Mu Taotao a good morning every morning.

Mu Taotao enjoyed the joy and love the man brought her.

Even though she was neglected and marginalized in school, she felt indifferent.

"Have you heard? The mysterious student president is coming back."

"Really? Wow, would love to see what he looks like."

"Those who have seen him find it terrifying. I think it's better not to see him."

"Is it that scary? Does he have three heads and six arms?"

"It's hard to say."



Mu Taotao was annoyed to death by this mysterious student president.

There is no other reason, almost everywhere, there is a lot of discussion.

Even Zhou Zhenni looked nervous, and disappeared after class.

Mu Taotao didn't care about Zhou Zhenni's situation, she was worried about Ai Meili.

It is said that Emily once provoked the legendary student council president and was forced to be his slave.

So as soon as he came back, it also meant that Ai Meili's suffering was about to begin.

"Peach, what should I do? I'm so scared, I'm going to be scared to death."

When Ai Meili thought of the horror of that person, she couldn't help but tremble.

Mu Taotao comforted her and said, "There's nothing to be afraid of, isn't there me? If he dares to bully you, I won't give up."

"But Taotao, you don't know how scary he is. As soon as I saw his eyes and his face, I felt like I was going to faint."

(End of this chapter)

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