Chapter 105 Not Interested in You

While Ai Meili was talking to Mu Taotao, she remembered that terrible face, and then felt dizzy, her eyes were lifeless, and she almost fainted.

Mu Taotao hurriedly supported her, and then comforted her: "Is it that serious? He looks ugly? Scary?"

"Speaking of being ugly, he's really not ugly. It should be said that he is one of the most handsome guys I've ever seen."


"Since he is an extremely handsome guy, why are you afraid of him?"

Although I'm not superstitious about handsome guys, good-looking people should be admired by others. What's the reason for people to be afraid?
Mu Taotao was very puzzled.

"His face is very cold, as if covered with frost. When his eyes are staring at you, it feels like his soul is scared out of place by him."

Ai Meili's small face was tightly wrinkled, sitting on a chair in the dining room, sucking the ice water in front of her eyes, saying such words, it could be seen that she was really scared.

"Well, let's talk about it after I meet that person."

At this moment, a large gust of cold wind blew in from outside the restaurant, and it was so cold that Mu Taotao and Ai Meili couldn't help shivering.

What's more, Ai Meili's face changed drastically, and then she was about to hide under the dining table, and at the same time wailed in a low voice: "It's over, he's here."

"Who's here?"

Mu Taotao couldn't stop her, and watched Ai Meili hide under the table, still trembling all over.

Mu Taotao was facing the restaurant entrance.

After the cold wind passed, I saw a group of six people flashing into the door of the restaurant, each of them was very cool, and each of them was wearing black super, like a gangster.

No wonder the whole restaurant felt cold, but it turned out that the arrival of this group of people made the air instantly cold.

There were still some people in the restaurant, because of their arrival, it quickly became empty.

In fact, Mu Taotao also thinks it's good to always stir up trouble.

After all, her reputation in this school is not very good.

But since Emily was still under the table, she didn't want to leave her alone and run away alone.

So Mu Taotao could only continue to sit calmly at the dining table, drinking the pineapple juice in his hand.

Then she saw the legendary student council president.

As Ai Meili said, what an exquisite handsome face it was, and it gave people a very amazing feeling as soon as they walked in.

He is [-] tall, with long legs, fair complexion, and delicate face, especially those lavender eyes, which look full of radiance.

When looking at people, with endless frost, there is no temperature at all.

The perfectly lined jaw and thin lips showed how cool, handsome, and cold this person was.

He walked in slowly from outside the restaurant, and quickly found a seat to sit down, his gestures were full of aristocratic elegance.

And those women watching outside the glass window of the restaurant couldn't help showing amazed expressions when they saw that cool and handsome face.

Mu Taotao couldn't avoid it, so he could only continue to observe the man's behavior, imagining the horror that Ai Meili said about him.

After the cruel man sat down, a slightly fat man beside him began to shout loudly: "Ai Meili, we know you are here, and you have to get out to meet your master, have you forgotten the promise you once made?" ?”

Ai Meili, who was named, was so frightened that her heart almost popped out of her chest.

She was still hiding under the table, trembling so hard that she was about to collapse.

Mu Taotao was also taken aback by the fat man's voice, as if they had completely grasped Ai Meili's whereabouts.

Ai Meili was so anxious that she kept winking at Mu Taotao, as if begging her to help her through the difficulties.

Mu Taotao calmed down, let herself calm down, and then yelled at the fat man: "She went to the bathroom, maybe... she won't be back in a while."

"Who are you? What is your relationship with her?"

The fat man cast a sideways glance at Mu Taotao, and spoke in a very unfriendly tone.

"You don't care who I am, I'm her best friend anyway, if anyone dares to bully her, I'll never end with her!"

What Mu Taotao said was the truth.

She is not afraid of the student council president or anything else, as long as anyone dares to trouble Ai Meili, she dares to fight him to the end.

That mysterious cold man didn't even look at Mu Taotao, he just followed the fat man to talk to Mu Taotao.

Sitting on the sidelines, he leisurely drank the drinks brought by the waiter in the restaurant.

Everyone who approached him was cautious, for fear of offending him and being blamed by him.

Mu Taotao looked at the man's unusual aura, the leisurely way he drank his drink, and the aura that he exuded from his whole body that he was not close to strangers.

When the fat man heard Mu Taotao's words, he couldn't help but stare, and walked towards Mu Taotao with his arms swung, as if he was planning to fight her.

"You dead woman, it seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine."

When the fat man came over, he wanted to carry Mu Taotao in his hands like a chicken.

Mu Taotao dodged lightly, avoiding the fat man's hand, and then yelled at the head of the student council: "Hey, are you men? Is it your job to bully girls? You're too blind!"

Mu Taotao's words made the fat man even more annoyed, and he was about to attack Mu Taotao again, but was stopped by the cruel man:

"Yuantou, come back!"

The man named Yuan Tou heard the callous man calling him, so he could only withdraw his hand in resentment, returned to the cool man's side, then nodded and bowed to him and said: "Master President, this woman is too disrespectful, we should take good care of her, right? ?"

"Just capture that woman, I'm not interested in the others."

There was no unnecessary expression on the cold man's face, he just said this.

The fat man understood, and immediately returned to Mu Taotao's side.

Mu Taotao continued to observe his every move, and when he went to grab Ai Meili under the table, Mu Taotao also made a move.

"What exactly do you want?"

"It has nothing to do with you, step aside, our president is not interested in you."

While talking, Yuan Tou had already grabbed Ai Meili who was under the table.

Ai Meili screamed in shock and burst into tears, she should not get along with that iceberg man, he is so scary, she is really afraid of death!
Ai Meili seemed to be grasping at a straw, and cried to Mu Taotao: "Taotao, save me! Save me!"

Ai Meili was originally born weak, and even her voice was weak, which sounded very feminine.

Not to mention that women feel full of justice when they hear it, even men will feel a little pity and pity when they hear it.

But this iceberg man was fine, he didn't seem to care about Ai Meili's crying at all, he just let the fat man grab her.

In a hurry, Mu Taotao and the fat man grabbed Ai Meili.

The two held Ai Meili's arm each, forming a tug-of-war.

(End of this chapter)

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