Chapter 106
The two held Ai Meili's arm each, forming a tug-of-war.

The woman in the middle was in extreme pain, and Mu Taotao's strength was no match for a man's, so he quickly let the other party gain the upper hand.

In desperation, Mu Taotao rushed to the Bingshan man again, and yelled at him: "I don't care what kind of shit president you are, let me tell you, as long as I'm here, you can never do anything to Ai Meili? Believe it or not I asked you to walk out of this restaurant sideways today?"

While talking, Mu Taotao raised a dining table and chairs, and that posture was about to throw it down at the iceberg man.

The other attendants on the side held Mu Taotao's arm tightly, making it impossible for her to throw the chair on Bingshanman's body.

During the whole process, Mu Taotao was yelling fiercely, Ai Meili was crying non-stop, and the rest of the attendants were responsible for the aftermath.

And the iceberg man didn't even look at Mu Taotao, he just played with his fingers, and then glanced at Ai Meili, with a wicked smile on the corner of his lips, matching his exquisitely handsome face , Instantly stunned a group of nympho girls who were watching outside.

But Ai Meili was trembling with fright.

"Take her away."

The man got up and walked towards the restaurant door, without looking at Mu Taotao from the beginning to the end, as if she didn't exist at all.

When he left the restaurant, his men walked outside with Ai Meili who was crying.

It wasn't until they walked out of the restaurant that the other two men who grabbed Mu Taotao let go, and one of them warned her: "This is a matter between our boss and Miss Emily, you'd better not get involved."

The man smiled happily, then let go of Mu Taotao with the other man, and left with Ai Meili and the others.

Mu Taotao only felt that he was alone and weak, and there was no way to really rescue Ai Meili.

But she is really not reconciled.

Why it came out like this?
what to do?What kind of way do you want to rescue Ai Meili?

It seems that using violence to control violence is the best way.

But Mu Taotao felt that he was no match for the other party at all, and the best way was to follow them and see what they wanted to do.

Mu Taotao turned himself into a detective and followed these people step by step.

Later, when they came to the school gate, they got into a silver-gray extended Lincoln, and Ai Meili was stuffed into the car by those attendants like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The car drove forward.

When Mu Taotao thought of Ai Meili's situation, he felt very dangerous.

Think about it, there are so many boys, and she is the only girl, how can she let her follow them alone?

Thinking about it this way, Mu Taotao was so angry that his blood was racing.

She decided to pull over the car no matter what.

So not long after the car drove out, Mu Taotao quickly ran to the front of the car and blocked the way before it accelerated.

At this time, Mu Taotao looked like a goddess of revenge.

The whole person stood in a big font, with a pretty face covered with dark clouds, a pair of bright eyes full of murderous intent, his chin slightly buried, he was staring at the front window of the car, wishing he could rush out immediately.

The driver in the cab didn't dare to act recklessly, so he had to brake suddenly.

Everyone in the car swayed forward due to inertia.

Ai Meili's eyes were sharp, and she saw Mu Taotao standing in front of the car at a glance.

She was really sweating for her. Everyone knew that the end of offending the student council president would be very miserable.

But Mu Taotao is not afraid.

The fat man who was next to the president wanted to get out of the car to drive Mu Taotao away, but was stopped by the iceberg man.

He beckoned to the fat man, let him listen to him, and whispered a few words in his ear.

The fat man didn't know, so he glanced at the Bingshan Man, got out of the car as he ordered, and swayed towards Mu Taotao.

"what's your name?"

"What do you call me?"

"Our president said, you and Ai Meili, one of them will be taken away, you or her, you decide for yourself."

"What... what do you mean?"

"Don't understand? Our president needs a woman to accompany him, either you or Ai Meili."

"Why? Why should we have one to accompany her?"

Mu Taotao quit and yelled loudly.

But the fat man just glanced at her and said, "So, if you don't intend to let Ai Meili get out of the car, then we will take her away."

Mu Taotao finally understood what they meant, either she followed them, or Ai Meili followed them.

"Hey, wait a minute, I'll go, I'll change to Ai Meili."

For Mu Taotao, she would rather go than let Ai Meili suffer.

Because she thinks she is stronger than her and can bear everything.

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, the fat man stopped and turned to look at her again, then said, "Wait."

Soon, Ai Meili was taken out of the car, and at the same time, Mu Taotao was dragged into the silver-gray Lincoln extended car by the fat man.

Before the two women could say hello, the car restarted and drove forward.

Only then did Mu Taotao remember to resist: "You let me get out of the car, I don't want to go with you, let me get out of the car!"

"Hey, woman, do you think you can get on and get off this car whenever you want? Now that you get on the car, there is no possibility of getting off again."

Mu Taotao wanted to get up, but was forced to sit on the car seat by the fat man and another man.

Only then did Mu Taotao feel a trace of fear.

The whole car is full of men, and she is the only woman.

She bravely changed Ai Meili out of the car, but she fell into the trap of tigers and wolves.

If these people want to do something wrong to her, it's really unreasonable every day, and it's so ineffective.

Mu Taotao thought of asking Mo Yanshao for help.

But as soon as she got her mobile phone, the fat man snatched it and turned it off in front of her, with a smirk on his lips: "If you're with our boss, don't even think about finding someone to rescue you. "

Mu Taotao was really terrified and couldn't call for help. Is this kidnapping?
"What the hell do you guys want?"

Mu Taotao was a little incoherent.

And from the beginning to the end, the iceberg man just put one hand on the car window and looked outside, as if there were many things that attracted him outside.

He never even glanced at Mu Taotao, even though this woman was very noisy.

Mu Taotao is indeed very noisy.

She will not shrink in the corner like Ai Meili, showing a frightened face, afraid of the fate she will suffer next.

Mu Taotao, on the other hand, kept making noises, insulting this group of men with all kinds of curse words, as if it would be hard to get rid of the anger in his heart if he didn't provoke them.

The iceberg man seemed to have finally run out of patience, and turned around and said, "Find a way to make her shut up!"

After the sentence, the fat man forced a big lollipop into Mu Taotao's mouth, and threatened: "Eat the candy well, don't talk anymore, if you make trouble again, I will catch Ai Meili next time." , let her spend the night with our boss."

(End of this chapter)

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