Chapter 107
There is little deterrent in this statement.

Mu Taotao stared back at the fat man, took the lollipop from his mouth, and said viciously, "How dare you!"

But she really stopped making trouble, because she didn't know if one day, they would quietly take Ai Meili away.

So in order to avoid this situation, Mu Taotao decided to stay the same.

While eating the lollipop, Mu Taotao stopped yelling, but it was impossible for her to stay silent.

So she began to tease the iceberg boy: "Hey, handsome guy, why do you like to be so cool? Do you think that because you are not talkative, someone will worship you like a star?"

She was not afraid to talk to the iceberg man, and she spoke with sarcasm.

The other men next to her were sweating for her.

Because in their view, Mu Taotao is looking for death, no one dares to talk to their student president like that.

But the iceberg man remained indifferent until the extended Lincoln car stopped somewhere.

Mu Taotao looked out of the car window and found that it was a very bustling street. The place where they parked was an image design studio called Zunshang.

After the door opened, the iceberg man stretched his legs first and walked out of the car.

Mu Taotao also got out of the car under the urging of Fatty and another man.

When they stood at the door of the image design office called Your Majesty, Mu Taotao felt that the design and decoration of the store were extremely luxurious and extravagant.

Even the signboard seems to be inlaid with real diamonds, the golden light is eye-catching.

The waiters outside the store are all long-legged beauties, wearing tight-fitting hip skirts, with professional smiles on their faces, giving people a very generous and dignified feeling.

Mu Taotao had never been to such a place before, so she couldn't help but wonder what the iceberg man meant by bringing her here?
And the fat man pushed behind her and said, "Go in."

"Push what, don't I know how to go?"

Mu Taotao was rude to him. ,

"Then you should go."

The fat man really wanted to give this noisy woman two blows.

However, the Bingshan Man quickly turned his gaze to the two of them, and with just one glance, the fat man dispelled the idea of ​​being rough on Mu Taotao.

Bingshan Man walked into the shop first, and was warmly welcomed by the service ladies, all of them greeted each other with smiles and said welcome.

Mu Taotao was pushed and shoved, and also walked into the shop.

The interior of the store is even more exquisite than the exterior.

There is a dazzling array of clothing everywhere, as well as all kinds of glittering accessories.

The clothes and accessories, obviously worth a fortune, looked gorgeous and stylish.

It was only then that Mu Taotao remembered what the name of this store was.

An image store, of course, is not an ordinary clothing and accessories store.

Not long after Bingshanman walked in, the store manager, who was about 40 years old and looked extremely noble and generous, greeted him in person and called him warmly: "Young Master Leng."

It was only then that Mu Taotao remembered that she still didn't know the name of this Bingshan boy.

Now that the store manager called him Mr. Leng, he can be sure that his surname is Leng.

He really lives up to his name, his surname is cold, and even his temper is cold.

"Hey, your president's surname is Leng, what is his name Leng?"

Mu Taotao boldly asked the fat man on the side, but he received a disdainful look, as if he would not tell you.

Unexpectedly, the Bingshan man heard Mu Taotao's question, turned his head and said to her: "Leng Yihan, my name."

"Leng Yihan?"

Mu Taotao repeated the name, always feeling a little weird, and then laughed wildly: "Hahaha, it's so strange to want to make something cold, isn't it? Hahaha."

Well, she regards Yiran's Ran as a combustible fuel, so she finds it very funny.

And Mu Taotao laughed at the president's name, he was looking for death.

Therefore, when she was still laughing, she naturally received fierce looks from Yi Leng Yihan and his subordinates.

With just one glance, Mu Taotao really couldn't laugh.

It's not because she's afraid of Leng Yihan, but because one person finds something funny, but others are indifferent, can this person still laugh?
Mu Taotao felt that it was too boring, so she simply closed her mouth.

And after Leng Yihan nodded with the store manager, he pointed to the side and looked around, Mu Taotao said with a curious face: "Make her a shape, the kind suitable for dinner parties."

Hearing Leng Yihan's words, the store manager immediately smiled, looked at Mu Taotao and said, "Okay, this lady's appearance is fresh and refined, as long as she modifies it a little, she will be very beautiful, Mr. Leng Good eyesight."

After the store manager finished speaking, he ordered one of the waitresses to take Mu Taotao to the dressing room on the second floor.

"Where? What do you want to do?"

"Didn't you hear? Let you go to make up and prepare for the dinner party."


It was only then that Mu Taotao realized that things seemed to be getting worse.

She thought that this Leng Yihan was going to bring her out to be tortured, but she didn't expect that he brought her to the image design studio for styling, and then accompanied him to the dinner party. Can she refuse now?

"If I had known this was the case, I wouldn't have come instead of Ai Meili. Can I call her here now?"


This time, without waiting for other people to speak, Leng Yihan has already flatly refused. He looked at Mu Taotao with icy coldness, which made people feel shuddering, but that charming brilliance and that cold temperament were instant. Can conquer hearts.

Mu Taotao was stunned by his imposing sentence of no, but he was able to blurt out: "Why?"

This is the difference between her and Emily.

If Ai Meili was here, I'm afraid she could only be manipulated by others.

But Mu Taotao could still ask why.

But the end is the same.

Leng Yihan had already turned to look away, while Mu Taotao was "invited" up to the second floor, sat on the makeup chair, and started to put on makeup.

But is Mu Taotao the kind of person who sits there quietly and is manipulated by others?

During the whole makeup process, her ass seemed to have a spiral, twisting and turning.

The one who helped her with makeup was a pseudonym who dressed herself up very delicately.

He is obviously a man, but he wears heavy makeup, and his small eyes are charming and charming.

Turning to Mu Taotao, she said, "I told you, girl, as a woman, you must have the self-consciousness to dress yourself up beautifully."

When the pseudo-mother said the words "very beautiful", she deliberately emphasized her tone, and her fingers were curled up into orchid fingers, which is called delicate and charming.

Mu Taotao was almost disgusted by his actions.

She wanted to refute, but she found that she couldn't speak at all.

Not only did the hypocrite talk a lot, her hands and feet were also very nimble. From powdering to eyebrow painting and then to combing hair, she didn't stop for a moment, and it took a while.

(End of this chapter)

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