Chapter 109: Prepare to Save People
The facade of this private club can be regarded as resplendent and resplendent, whether it is the tiles on the wall or the decorations placed at the door, they are all extremely luxurious and expensive.

When Leng Yihan got out of the car, a manager-level figure whom he had known for a long time came up to him and said, "Welcome Young Master Leng."

When he saw Mu Taotao, the manager froze for a moment, and hurriedly said, "This is..."

"My girlfriend."

Leng Yihan finally spoke these few words.

His voice is actually very pleasant, almost comparable to a radio broadcast, but he is too quiet to talk.

Mu Taotao felt that he was just pretending.

It's just that she couldn't make him talk more, she was really anxious.

Moreover, if she had known that he brought her here to be his girlfriend, she would not have competed with Ai Meili.

The torture I thought did not exist at all.

Mu Taotao regretted it to death now.

None of the attendants got out of the car, and Leng Yihan stood there without moving.

Mu Taotao was absent-minded, and bumped into Leng Yihan's back as soon as she came up, almost knocking her nose off.

Holding her nose, feeling the sour feeling, Mu Taotao almost wanted to point at his back and curse.

But the iceberg man gave her a thrilling smile after turning his head. That smile, like the first melting of ice and snow, like the rising sun, actually gave her an incomparably warm feeling, and it also gave her a feeling of time travel.

Could this man be possessed by a ghost?He still laughs?
Mu Taotao was about to be killed by lightning.

But that smile only lasted for a second, and then disappeared in an instant.

The man said: "I don't care about your mistakes, but please walk with me on your arm."

While talking, the man had already grabbed Mu Taotao's hand and put it in his own arms.

Unable to help her struggle or yell, Leng Yihan has already led her towards the gate of the clubhouse.

Along the way, Mu Taotao received many surprised looks.

Those people who passed by them, no matter men or women, no matter whether they were facing the same direction or the opposite direction, all greeted Leng Yihan: "Young Master Leng."

Their manners were respectful, their brows lowered, and none of them seemed arrogant, although each of them looked like a real upper class person.

But their attitude towards Leng Yihan is enough to show their respect for him.

What is the origin of this Leng Yihan?
Thanks to him, even Mu Taotao received the same courtesy. When everyone looked at her, they all smiled and respected her, which really flattered Mu Taotao.

Soon, the two of them joined hands and came to an exquisite gate, waiting for someone to open the gate for them...

In the president's office of the Mo's Consortium, Mo Yanshao finished his day's work, got up from the executive chair, and came to the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Thinking about some recent events, he was going to Southeast Asia in a few days, and Mo Yanshao couldn't help but miss that little woman.

I don't know how she is doing now.

Ever since Mu Taotao and Ai Meili were rumored to be having an affair, Mo Yanshao only used Zhu Ying and Qiyuan to find out who was behind the whole incident within half a day.

It was the woman named Xiao Feifei.

Later, the woman threatened with death, forcing Mu Taotao to come and tell him to stop buying the Xiao family's property, just because she didn't want to see that woman commit suicide by jumping off the building because of this incident.

The reason Mu Taotao gave was very simple, she didn't want to kill people indirectly.

Mo Yanshao was very annoyed by these words, as if he was a murderer.

Not only that, Mu Taotao also hoped that he would stop meddling in any of her school affairs, even if someone bullied her, she would find a way to solve it by herself.

But for Mo Yanshao, how could he just sit back and watch her being bullied?

But Xiao Nizi has been very quiet recently, and doesn't seem to have any troubles.

Thinking of this, Mo Yanshao smiled and took out his mobile phone, and dialed Mu Taotao's number.

Unexpectedly, there was a mechanical beep on the other end of the phone, indicating that the phone had been turned off.

The smile on Mo Yanshao's face gradually froze on his face, and soon disappeared.

Mu Taotao never turns off the phone.

Isn't it too strange that her mobile phone will be turned off?
Mo Yanshao always felt that something happened.

Immediately afterwards, the assistant Wen Sen called: "President, there is a business banquet that requires you to bring your female companion to attend, and it is in a private club in the southern suburbs."

"Don't go."

Mo Yanshao replied coldly, then hung up the phone.

Then he called another person, who was an eyeliner he had planted in the school.

That person can report Mu Taotao's situation in school to him at any time.

"Did Miss Mu leave school on time today?"

"I was about to report this to the president. Miss Mu stopped the car of student council president Leng Yihan today, and then left with him."


The name Leng Yihan was no stranger to Mo Yanshao, but he never expected that this child would come back!
I thought of the few opportunities I had to deal with that child when I was a child, but he was definitely a difficult kid to get along with.

Where did he take Mu Taotao?
Mo Yanshao was inexplicably startled, and immediately called Qi Yuan and said, "Help me find out, where did Leng Yihan take Mu Taotao?"

"Yes, boss." Qi Yuan has the same advanced computer technology as Wen Tao, and his tracking skills are also very famous.

As long as the tracked person's phone, car, or other relevant information is found, his whereabouts can be found in a short time.

Leng Yihan is also a well-known figure in the business world.

He is famous not only because of his ruthlessness, but also because of his youth and promise.

At the age of 15, he began to dominate the entire business world. At the age of 17, he won the entire real estate industry in Asia, and then moved to Europe. In just three months, Leng Yihan has a net worth of tens of billions just by buying and selling land in Europe.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is legendary.

Thinking of where that cruel man took Mu Taotao to some unknown place, Mo Yanshao felt shuddering.

I always wonder if that person is targeting me.

Mo Yanshao's Xiao organization recently obtained a piece of top-secret military information.

And this information is about the Leng family. Once the Leng family finds out, what the consequences will be is unknown.

But a bloodbath is inevitable.

As far as Mo Yanshao knew, Leng Yihan was the mastermind behind a newly emerging intelligence organization in Europe.

He seemed to be competing with Mo Yanshao both openly and secretly, vowing not to give up until he achieved his goal.

"Boss, that Leng Yihan took Miss Mu to a private club in the southern suburbs."

"Prepare the car and go to the private club in the southern suburbs."

Mo Yanshao dropped the phone, quickly put on his suit jacket, and strode out of the office.

(End of this chapter)

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