Chapter 110 What's Your Name

But half an hour later, Mo Yanshao took Zhou Zhenni to the private club in the southern suburbs.

Today, Zhou Zhenni is very beautifully dressed, her hair is tied up high, fixed with crystal jewelry, and her makeup is exquisite, like a noble queen.

She was wearing a long violet dress, matched with her makeup, she was graceful and noble.

The reason why Mo Yanshao brought her along was because today's private club in the southern suburbs was held by a celebrity, and people from all walks of life were invited.

One requirement is that men must bring their female companions, otherwise they will not be allowed to enter the venue.

Such rules are naturally everyone who comes to the banquet should abide by.

Mo Yanshao was no exception.

Now that his female companion was taken away by Leng Yihan, he could only find Zhou Zhenni to replace her.

Simply because she was the best substitute he could think of.

This Mu Taotao, I don't know if his brain is flooded, but he is entangled with Leng Yihan.

The purpose of Mo Yanshao's visit to the private club in the southern suburbs was very simple, that is to bring Mu Taotao back.

And warned her, don't get entangled with that person Leng Yihan.

Dressed in gorgeous clothes, Zhou Zhenni, who came to the clubhouse in the southern suburbs with Mo Yanshao on her arm, kept grinning happily.

For her, being able to attend the banquet with Mo Yanshao was beyond her dream.

"Yan Shao, I'm so glad to be here with you."

There was a shy smile on Zhou Zhenni's face.

"Are you really happy?" Mo Yanshao looked indifferent and arrogant, he didn't think there was anything to be happy about.

He didn't bring this woman because he liked her.

In fact, he also thought about how she would react when he met Mu Taotao.

Will he be jealous and angry because he has other women by his side? He really wants to know Mu Taotao's reaction when he sees the two of them together.

With this in mind, Mo Yanshao and Zhou Zhenni also stood in front of the golden gate, and the waiter opened it for them.

This is a magnificent hall arranged like a crystal palace.

The huge Austrian handmade crystal chandelier pours down from the four or five-meter-high flowering board, and the radiance illuminates the entire hall as bright as day.

The hall is filled with all kinds of fashionable and gorgeous people. Some of them are wealthy businessmen, some are politicians, some are celebrities, and there are all kinds of alternative people who want to climb high. Of course, most of them are beautiful women.

People gather in twos and threes, talking about fashion and investment, philosophy and literature, arty, and think they are noble and extraordinary, different.

Slow and smooth music echoed throughout the hall.

The highly popular orchestra performed live, so the whole hall seemed to be the scene of an elegant concert.

While enjoying the exquisite music played by such a high-quality paradise, people talked about their wonderful lives.

Leng Yihan, a legendary business prodigy, has become the object of prey after entering the hall, especially those businessmen who are interested in investment and real estate. Everyone surrounds him, hoping to listen to him. The view on the direction of future investment has also given me a boost in this year's investment journey.

Mu Taotao was held tightly by Leng Yihan, even if she entered the hall, she couldn't get rid of her.

Mu Taotao was going crazy, but in front of so many people, it was inconvenient for her to have a fit.

People say that a man is the best face, even if Mu Taotao is not very close to Leng Yihan, as his female companion, he should still give him enough face, right?
Mu Taotao worked hard to support herself, not to be annoyed to death by the various problems of those people.

As for Leng Yihan, he even disdained to answer those people's questions.

Usually after those people ask questions, someone else will answer them.

But Leng Yihan basically didn't open his mouth until someone joined the discussion of others and asked Leng Yihan directly:

"I heard that Young Master Leng brought a female companion to the banquet today. This is really a miracle. Can you introduce your female companion to us all? I don't know which country's daughter it is?"

The voice was full of arrogance and provocation, but it was damn nice, with extreme laziness and ambiguity.

Mu Taotao felt that voice was all too familiar.

And hearing this voice under such circumstances, she felt even more frightened.

The crowd dispersed and surrounded the man to Leng Yihan's side. Mu Taotao suddenly discovered that it was Mo Yanshao whom she called her boyfriend who spoke just now.

Mo Yanshao tonight is wearing a black suit-style evening dress and a black tie. It looks classic yet refined, elegant and extravagant.

Jenny Chow in a violet long dress and evening gown was also hanging in his arms.

Today's Zhou Zhenni's dress is also full of extravagance, very much like a wealthy and famous lady in the upper class.

And with the strength of Zhou's consortium, she is indeed a real daughter.

Seeing the combination of these two people, Mu Taotao was stunned for a moment.

The smile on Mo Yanshao's face was faint, but it gave people a sense of indifference and alienation, which made people unable to warm up.

Why is this happening?

From the moment Mu Taotao saw Mo Yanshao, she was in a sluggish state, while Zhou Zhenni was directly ignored.

However, Zhou Zhenni did not regard her as air, but greeted her enthusiastically: "Taotao, I didn't expect you to come to the banquet. This is our president, right? He is really tall and handsome." .”

To Zhou Zhenni's compliments, Leng Yihan, who has always been quiet, also said: "Your male partner is also very good."

With one sentence, Mo Yanshao became Zhou Zhenni's boyfriend.

How could Mo Yanshao, who had always been proud and arrogant, accept this?

What's more, Mu Taotao is Mo Yanshao's woman.

"Master Leng, is it convenient to borrow your female companion for a while?"

"If it's just a loan, no problem."

Leng Yihan also stared at Mo Yanshao's face, and then slowly let go of Mu Taotao's hand.

Once liberated, Mu Taotao jumped to Mo Yanshao's side, grabbed him, and said aggrievedly: "Yan Shao, this man is overbearing and rude, I was forced to come here by him."

"is it?"

Seeing Mu Taotao's aggrieved face, Mo Yanshao believed her words.

In his opinion, it is absolutely impossible for Mu Taotao to leave him because of a Leng Yihan.

Leng Yihan, who was on the opposite side, was not angry when he saw his female companion turned against him, but said coldly: "What's your name?"


Mu Taotao didn't understand what he meant, so he asked.

"what's your name?"


Mu Taotao pointed to her nose again.

Leng Yihan has lost all his patience: "I'd better ask Ai Meili."


(End of this chapter)

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