Chapter 112

At this moment, she is clinging to herself like this, asking herself to take her home, why would he not agree?

"Okay, let's go home."

Mo Yanshao pulled away Mu Taotao's hand around his waist, apologized to the others around him, and hurriedly left the banquet hall with Mu Taotao.

Even Zhou Zhenni, he forgot to take her with him and left her in the banquet hall.

Watching the two leave completely ignoring her existence, Zhou Zhenni's eyes gradually changed from a smile to a cold one.

Mu Taotao, Mo Yanshao, what you have done to me, one day you will pay back ten times and a hundred times.

Zhou Zhenni swore secretly in her heart.

When Leng Yihan returned to the banquet hall, Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao had disappeared.

Scanning the crowd for a week, he didn't find a woman, but he saw Zhou Zhenni.

Leng Yihan strode over and said, "Where's Mu Taotao?"

Zhou Zhenni shook the red wine glass in her hand, looking at this man who was so indifferent in the past, a man who was not conquered by his own charm, Zhou Zhenni just said indifferently: "I don't know."

In response to Zhou Zhenni's answer, Leng Yihan held an indifferent attitude, turned around and was about to leave.

But Zhou Zhenni said from behind: "Leng Yihan, if you have the ability, grab that woman to your side and take it for yourself.

If you can't do it, replace me! "

"You like women?"

Leng Yihan turned around, looked at Zhou Zhenni expressionlessly, and said this ironic thing.

Jenny Zhou almost spit out the wine from her mouth because of this.

She glared at him angrily: "I'm talking about Mo Yanshao, and it's that man I'm going to snatch."

Leng Yihan glanced at her again, ignored her, and left.

Jenny Zhou almost wanted to throw the red wine glass on the man's back.

Call you arrogant, tell you to speak so unreliably. ,

But this is only what Zhou Zhenni dared to say in her heart. In the school, no one dared to disrespect Leng Yihan, including her, the vice president.

Mo Yanshao took Mu Taotao into the car and watched her face gradually turn from pale to better.

"What happened to you? Why is your face so ugly?"

"It's all your fault, telling you to treat me badly, telling you to show affection with other women in front of me.

Mo Yanshao, I hate you! "

Mu Taotao was so proud of being favored and complained to Mo Yanshao as soon as he got in the car.

The man laughed, neither denying nor admitting, nor did he interrupt Mu Taotao's complaint.

He would rather she be so noisy by his side now, messing around for no reason, and he doesn't want her to stay by Leng Yihan's side and be with him to anger him.

While driving the car, Mo Yanshao listened to Mu Taotao's nagging, and finally couldn't help asking: "Why are you with Leng Yihan? And you came to the banquet with him?"

"You think I think, don't blame that pervert, who said that he wanted to catch Ai Meili to serve him, I was afraid that Meili would suffer, so I said let me replace her.

How could he know that this pervert didn't really want to torture Meili, but just wanted her to accompany him to the ball. "

"So, you misunderstood Leng Yihan?"

"I don't know, I didn't misunderstand him, he is just a pervert!"

Mu Taotao cursed fiercely.

"Hehe, he's not a pervert. He's a business genius. If you get in touch with him more in the future, you'll know."

Mo Yanshao said inadvertently, he would not wait for him to react to what he had said, and he immediately changed his words: "There is no future, and we must stay away from him in the future."

When Mo Yanshao said these few words, his expression changed drastically.

Mu Taotao turned to look at him, and found that his expression was not very good, knowing that what he said was true.

"Do you think I want to be with him? How did I know that was the case. Besides, he is so cold, who wants to be with him?
But you, Mo Yanshao, your relationship with Zhou Zhenni seems to be pretty good. "

Mu Taotao said solemnly.

"What? Are you jealous?"

Mo Yanshao's face turned from cloudy to sunny.

He just wanted to see how Mu Taotao was jealous of him.


"Where am I jealous? Aren't you two just dancing together? This is nothing more than normal.

It's like I'm with Leng Yihan, he just asked me to be his temporary dance partner, so is there any problem?

right? "

Mu Taotao spoke eloquently, but Mo Yanshao was completely speechless.

Does this woman have a heart?Is there a problem if a man really wants to make out with other women in front of her?

Is her mind right?

Mo Yanshao was depressed again.

And Mu Taotao was still talking, analyzing endlessly.

Until the two returned to Mo's manor and entered the house separately, Mu Taotao said goodnight to Mo Yanshao, but the other party ignored her.

This made Mu Taotao feel that Mo Yanshao was just a stingy man who would get angry every now and then, which made her feel baffled.

When Mu Taotao finished her bath and came back to the room with a fresh fragrance of shower gel, she was almost startled by the man with one hand supporting her head on the bed with a charming face.

That man was none other than Mo Yanshao.

He had obviously just showered, his hair was slightly damp, and drooping on his smooth forehead, it added some beauty.

Because of his cleansing, his eyebrows and eyes look more refreshing, with clear lines, especially a pair of dark brown eyes, which are deeply attractive, attracting ignorant girls to keep coming forward and falling in love with him irresistibly.

Mu Taotao is that ignorant girl, she really can't resist his beauty.

Besides, he almost occupied her entire bed, if he didn't go up and fight him, how could he get back his own territory.

So under the banner of "recovering the lost ground", Mu Taotao "violently" pounced on the bed "enchantingly charming" and kicked him off the bed.

Mo Yanshao was not willing to give up, he turned over and got up from the ground, dragged Mu Taotao's feet, dragged her out of the bed, and argued with him, she was still a little tender
The arms and legs are also all in use, grabbing each other and holding on.

Mu Taotao had already put today's unhappiness behind him, but Mo Yanshao's lips had a hint of a scheming smile.

He has already mastered the best way to conquer women, that is to use the beauty trick, and he has tried it time and again.

He raised his eyebrows, and his eyes flashed brightly, Mu Taotao knew that this man was planning to talk about life with her.

Well, nothing to talk about, just beat him.

Both of them were immersed in the joy given by the other, unable to extricate themselves, and couldn't think of leaving.

While the two were chatting happily, Zhou Zhenni also received a call from abroad. It was said that the things she wanted could arrive at the port tomorrow, and she was asked to sign for them in person.

Thinking that her own plan can be implemented very quickly, Zhou Zhenni burst into laughter.

When Mu Taotao returned to Willis Academy, he was already in good spirits.

And when she found that the noisy classroom became very quiet, she was very surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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