Chapter 113 Beauty Saves Beauty

What made her even more unexpected was that the empty seat next to Ai Meili was originally her seat, but at this moment another person was sitting there.

This man is wearing brand-name casual clothing, which perfectly complements his tall and slender figure.

He sat there with his legs crossed, looking leisurely.

Zhou Zhenni, Xiao Feifei, and even Ai Meili next to her all had expressions of sincerity and fear that they had never seen before, which made Mu Taotao feel even more strange.

Especially Ai Meili, who kept her head down, could feel that her whole body was shaking, and her teeth were still chattering constantly.

Being able to have such a powerful aura can make the whole class feel in awe, and even the scene that should be lively and noisy becomes so quiet, one can imagine how powerful this person is.

He was none other than Leng Yihan who had a relationship with Mu Taotao.

At this time, he was sitting next to Ai Meili, flipping through the economics professional book, with a focused expression and an indifferent expression, completely ignoring the surprised gazes of other students.

Mu Taotao, whose seat was occupied, became the focus of the whole class' jokes.

Because they all wanted to know how she would react, and also wanted to know how miserable she would be when Leng Yihan repaired her!

As expected, Mu Taotao lived up to everyone's idea of ​​seeing a joke, walked straight to Leng Yihan's seat, and shouted at him: "Student, this seat is mine, please get out of the way."

At this moment, Ai Meili raised her watery eyes, looked at Mu Taotao, winked at her desperately, and dared not say a word.

But Ai Meili's fear did not affect Mu Taotao at all.

In her opinion, Leng Yihan just took her seat, so she has a reason to let him get up.

The class held their breath watching these two duel.

But Leng Yihan didn't even raise his eyelids, he just flipped through the economics theory book in his hand, looking like he loves to study.

Mu Taotao was so angry that she reached out to grab Leng Yihan's shoulder, trying to get her out of her seat.

However, before Mu Taotao's hand could touch Leng Yihan, his hand blocked it and bounced it away.

Going forward, it's still the same.

As soon as Mu Taotao bounced away, he easily bumped into other tables, making a crashing sound, and bumped himself into bruises and purple spots, but the other party still didn't move at all.

This is really annoying.

This Leng Yihan seemed to have a peerless magic skill, there was no way for anyone to get close to him.

Mu Taotao, after several bumps, almost burst into tears from the pain.

Ai Meili couldn't stand it anymore, she got up quickly and grabbed Mu Taotao, telling her not to compete with Leng Yihan for a seat.

"Peach, forget it, at worst, you sit in the back seat."

"Okay, then you come with me."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, he was about to help Ai Meili pack the stationery and books, but Leng Yihan slapped it on the table with a big palm, and at the same time, he heard the man's voice so cold that it fell off ice: "Ai Meili."

Ai Meili trembled all over when she heard this roar, her small face was so nervous that she looked at Mu Taotao, and then at Leng Yihan who was speaking.

Ai Meili could only succumb to the opponent's strength, winked at Mu Taotao and said: "Taotao, you should go by yourself, I can't..."

Mu Taotao couldn't have imagined that this Leng Yihan was a slut who specially bullied girls.

So she stepped forward again and yelled at Leng Yihan: "I warn you, Leng Yihan, don't think that you are a man and you can bully women at will, be careful and there will be retribution."

It's a pity that the man didn't raise his head, and continued to read his book, his movements were very elegant, and he looked very attentive.

It was Ai Meili who got up and persuaded Mu Taotao to sit down in another seat.

Then the teacher of this class stood on the desk and began to give lectures.

During the whole class, Mu Taotao didn't listen much, she just stared at Leng Yihan's seat with hatred, thinking about how to get revenge on this person.

He likes that seat, doesn't he?Then can she put some super glue on that chair, and when he sits on it, his butt can't get up?

Thinking of such a scene, Mu Taotao almost laughed out of joy.

Or, when he goes to a restaurant to drink a drink, add something to his drink, let him drink it, and let him run to the toilet until he dies, that must be a super cool thing.

Mu Taotao's face was full of excitement when she thought about how she was going to punish this man.

After a class, Mu Taotao spent time in his own fantasy.

When school was over, Mu Taotao was still thinking about how to get revenge on Leng Yihan, so that everyone in the classroom had left, but she didn't know it.

When she woke up, she realized that Ai Meili was led to the door of the classroom by Leng Yihan.

When she yelled for them to wait for her, she was ignored.

Mu Taotao stuffed the textbook indiscriminately and chased him out.

But where are the shadows of Leng Yihan and Ai Meili?

Looking down from the balcony, I realized that Ai Meili and Leng Yihan had already walked to the path outside the teaching building.

"Beautiful, wait for me."

Mu Taotao desperately waved at Ai Meili.

Ai Meili just turned her head and gave a smile that was more than crying.

It was a horrible sight.

Mu Taotao thought of Leng Yihan holding on to Ai Meili's hand all the way, is he planning to continue to abuse her?
Thinking about it, I misunderstood Leng Yihan before.

But seeing Ai Meili's pitiful look when she followed him, Mu Taotao felt that she couldn't sit idly by.

She must go up and stop Leng Yihan from taking Ai Meili away.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao hurried downstairs with the book in her hand.

When she chased downstairs, the two people on the path had disappeared.

Mu Taotao had no choice but to ask where Leng Yihan had gone all the way, and followed them to the legendary student union office.

When he got there, Mu Taotao realized that Leng Yihan wasn't the only one here, the fat man and his group of followers were also here.

It's just that none of them entered the office, but stood neatly outside, as if they were soldiers waiting for inspection.

As soon as she saw that fat man, Mu Taotao knew that Leng Yihan must be here too, so she rushed straight to the office.

Her purpose is very simple, never allow Leng Yihan to hurt Ai Meili.

But as soon as Mu Taotao rushed to the door, he was stopped by the two nearest boys. With a wretched smile, he said to Mu Taotao, "Student, our president is working with a girl. Classmates have a long talk, you'd better not go in, understand?"

She understands, she understands what a ghost!

These bad guys, let a man and a woman stay in the same room, what good will happen?
She could completely imagine the scene where Ai Meili was ravaged by Leng Yihan.

(End of this chapter)

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