Chapter 114
Just like she and Mo Yanshao, wasn't she also bullied and ravaged by him before?
No, she must save Ai Meili!

"Let go of me! Otherwise I will yell and moleste!"

As he was speaking, a student was passing by.

Mu Taotao's voice was so loud that it really attracted the attention of many students.

But under the warning of the fat man, those students all took a detour.

Seeing the students leaving, the fat man couldn't help but come over and look at Mu Taotao proudly, "You're calling me, let's see if anyone is meddling."

Fatty is really proud, but he didn't expect that Mu Taotao is not an ordinary girl.

A powerful forward punch, followed by a knee forward.

The fat man was punched hard by Mu Taotao on the elbow, the pain caused cold sweat to break out on his forehead, and he let out a muffled groan.

It's not over yet, Mu Taotao's knee hit the man's crotch, the pain can be imagined.

Mu Taotao's whole movement was done in one go.At the same time, he pushed open the double doors of the office and rushed in.

In the spacious office, Leng Yihan and Ai Meili were indeed there.

But the picture is not as wretched as Mu Taotao imagined.

But Ai Meili's situation is indeed very bad.

The man with a calm face was sitting leisurely on a chair, like an old man, with his eyes slightly closed, leaning there.

Ai Meili was like a servant girl, helping the man beat his legs and back, and even handed him tea.

Seeing Ai Meili being so wronged, Mu Taotao picked up the baseball bat at the side and wanted to throw it at Leng Yihan.

However, before Mu Taotao could hit the baseball bat on the man, a few followers-like figures stopped Mu Taotao.

The fat man who was writhing in pain from Mu Taotao said: "Throw that woman out!"

As a result, Mu Taotao was framed and thrown out of the student council president.

At this time, Leng Yihan, who was sitting on the chair, also opened his eyes, and asked Ai Meili, who was beating her legs, "What happened just now?"

Well, he actually fell asleep completely, not knowing what happened.

"Leng Yihan, you are going too far!"

Ai Meili didn't know where the courage came from, but she just gave Leng Yihan a hard look, and followed Mu Taotao out of the president's office.

Leng Yihan bent down, with his hands hanging between his legs, and a strange smile bloomed on his handsome face again.

Growing up so big, no one dared to disobey his orders, because those who disobeyed would have no good end.

And now, does even Ai Meili, who is as docile as a sheep, dare to resist him?
This game just keeps getting better and better.

Raising his head and looking at the wide open door of the president's office, a brighter smile appeared on Leng Yihan's face.

If someone passed by at this time and saw the expression on Leng Yihan's face, his jaw would definitely drop in shock.

That man who has always been famous for his coldness and mystery actually has a smile, isn't this a matter of red rain?

Mu Taotao was supported by two boys and came directly to the fountain, and then both of them let go of their hands at the same time, and she fell into the fountain, and her whole body was drenched by the fountain.

Mu Taotao felt that this was really a great shame in her life. There were very few people in the world who dared to treat her like this. If she couldn't teach the self-righteous student council president Leng Yihan a lesson, then she really wasn't Mu Taotao.

"Tao Tao, how are you? Are you okay? Come here, I'll pull you!"

Ai Meili followed and ran to the fountain pool, trying to pull her out of the pool.

"Meimei, why are you here? Will that pervert let you go?"

"He fell asleep just now, and I don't know what happened. Taotao, don't talk yet, come up first and then talk."

Ai Meili stretched out her hand and handed it to Mu Taotao so that she could take her hand and leave the fountain.

In the process, Ai Meili also drenched herself thoroughly.

Two women in gorgeous dresses with beautiful hairstyles.

But because of the fountain, he made himself look like a drowned rat.

Ai Meili's expression was a little downcast.

Mu Taotao looked angry.

"Just wait, I will never let Leng Yihan go!"

While talking, Mu Taotao looked around for tools that could be used.

At this time, several workers responsible for cleaning the teaching area were passing by with plastic buckets and mops.

Without saying a word, Mu Taotao grabbed one of the plastic buckets and said to the worker, "I'll borrow it."

Before the worker could react, Mu Taotao ran to a nearby water pipe with a plastic bucket, and took half of the bucket of water.

Carrying the half-bucket of water, Mu Taotao walked towards the student union office in a huff.

"Peach, where are you going? What do you want to do?"

Mu Taotao ignored Ai Meili's yelling behind her.

Her idea is very simple, if anyone makes her look ugly, she will not make him feel better.

Now, Mu Taotao was drenched all over, with water dripping from her hair, and she came to the student union office with the half bucket of water.

Just as Leng Yihan was about to leave, the tall figure just walked to the door of the office.

His posture is elegant and handsome, and his face is still expressionless.

Very well, Mu Taotao almost burst out the man's name between his teeth, and then poured the half bucket of water directly on Leng Yihan's body.

Even though his diehard fans quickly blocked him, Leng Yihan did not escape the fate of being splashed with water.

Because of the water splashed on that finely carved face, even the eyebrows were covered with water droplets.

At this moment, Leng Yihan can still stand in place, keeping his shape still, just waiting for the water to drip down.

And the whole audience was like a cold current passing through, and it was instantly silent.

Even Ai Meili, who was chasing after her, was frightened by Mu Taotao's actions, her mouth was opened wide, and she looked at Leng Yihan, who was splashed all over by Mu Taotao, standing there.

Ai Meili almost fainted from fright, and immediately ran over to wipe Leng Yihan's water, and apologized: "I'm sorry, President, Tao Tao didn't do it on purpose, she didn't do it on purpose."

But Leng Yihan just stretched out his hand coldly, and pushed Ai Meili to sit a few meters away.

The ground was cold, and Ai Meili was pushed so hard that her butt hurt a little.

But she didn't dare to say a word of pain, so she could only sit on the ground and grin her teeth.

Seeing that Leng Yihan treated Ai Meili so roughly, Mu Taotao immediately stepped forward to complain, completely forgetting who poured water on Leng Yihan.

"Get this crazy woman out of the way!"

Leng Yihan was really angry, his voice was extremely cold, with a terrifying vigor.

And those followers who stood in front of him really stepped forward, holding Mu Taotao in the air again.

"Let go of me, you idiots, why are you doing this to me?"

Mu Taotao yelled loudly, but it was useless, no one paid any attention to her.

(End of this chapter)

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