Chapter 115

And Leng Yihan didn't even look at her and Ai Meili, and just said: "This time only some interest was charged, the real debt has not yet begun to be settled."

After all, Leng Yihan hastily left with his people.

When he turned a corner and couldn't see Mu Taotao was let go by the two attendants, and then threw her heavily to Ai Meili's side before they left.

Mu Taotao didn't care about her own pain, and walked up to Ai Meili, wanting to see how she was doing.

At this time, Ai Meili started to cry, holding Mu Taotao while crying, as if she had infinite grievances in her heart.

"Beautiful, don't cry, we can't give in to that person, believe me, one day, I will make him worse than now."

"No, Taotao, don't mess with him. I did this because I owe him something. You really don't want to deal with him."

"What do you mean? Why can't you understand?"

"Tao Tao, you don't know that Leng Yihan is not a bad person, on the contrary, because of him, our company can continue to operate.

So my dad and I are actually very grateful to him.

Dad even deliberately wanted me to marry him.


Speaking of this, Ai Meili's face turned suspiciously red, which made Mu Taotao wonder if she was dazzled.

From Ai Meili's shy expression, her sad little eyes, and her words, she seemed to smell some adultery.

Mu Taotao couldn't help suspecting that Ai Meili liked Leng Yihan at all, that's why she was willing to let him sit beside her and be treated as a servant girl by him.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao suddenly grabbed Ai Meili's hand, fixed his eyes on the woman's shy face, and said solemnly: "Lili, tell me honestly, do you like that Leng?"

Ai Meili looked at Mu Taotao with her big beautiful eyes, the blush on her face became even stronger, but her eyes became erratic, she just didn't dare to look at Mu Taotao.

In the end, the woman nodded coyly, as an admission.

Mu Taotao let go of the woman's hand and patted his forehead, with an expression of sudden realization and pain: "Beautiful, you really make me..."

| "What do you want me to say about you?

Why didn't you say it earlier, causing me to be against him all the time, all the time.

If you had said earlier that you liked him, then I would not have done so.

If you offend him now, will he take his anger out on you? "

Mu Taotao felt that she was the No. [-] fool in Tianzi, why didn't she see the twists and turns?

But it's no wonder she, how could she know that Ai Meili's eyes are so poisonous, and she would like a pervert.

I don't know how Leng Yihan looks like a pervert, but Mu Taotao just thinks he is a pervert.

Playing cool and majestic all day long.

As the president of the student council, I haven't seen what he has really done for the school, but he has bullied Ai Meili enough.

"Peach, why are you unhappy?"

Sitting in a high-end restaurant, surrounded by so-called upper-class people who are eating quietly, all of them with satisfied and smug smiles, drinking the so-called treasured red wine that is expensive, but not necessarily delicious, eating a few Steaks worth hundreds of dollars a customer seemed to be made of pure gold.

I don't know why, but because he is in a bad mood, Mu Taotao feels uncomfortable when he sees everything.

So when Mo Yanshao who was sitting across from her called her softly, she didn't hear him either.

Mo Yanshao was a little displeased, with a dark expression on his face.

This little girl, isn't she thinking of other men?
This idea got into Mo Yanshao's heart, and he couldn't get rid of it.

He remembered that day when Mu Taotao appeared as someone else's female companion at the private club in the southern suburbs.

As for him, he showed up with Zhou Zhenni.

It was just to annoy her, but she didn't respond at all.


This time, Mo Yanshao's voice became even deeper, accompanied by a terrifying low pressure.

Mu Taotao finally came back to his senses, looked at the handsome man opposite, and found that the expression on his face was wrong.

"Young Master Yan, what's the matter with you? Who made you unhappy? I'll deal with him!"

Mu Taotao looked like an envoy of justice, very cute.

Mo Yanshao was almost amused by her, so he put his hands on the table, approached her and said, "Then tell me, if someone really wants to bully me, how will you clean him up for me?"

"I can……"

Mu Taotao also followed Mo Yanshao's example and put his hands on the table, facing him.

Her eyeballs rolled quickly, smart and beautiful, very lovable.

Mo Yanshao just likes her lively character, which is a bit aggressive and stubborn.

When Mu Taotao was thinking about how to help others, he suddenly had a burst of inspiration.

I think that what Mu Taotao is good at is not that, why didn't she remember it?
If anyone dares to provoke her in the future, she will definitely let them know how powerful she is.

When Mu Taotao thought of what she was good at, she immediately became elated. She knew how to deal with Leng Yihan.

And those who dare to bully her again!
Her eyebrows and eyes were crooked, because she was so happy that she couldn't see her eyes when she smiled.

Mo Yanshao was a little baffled by her sudden smirk, and couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch her forehead with concern: "Are you thinking something stupid? Or do you have a fever?"

"You are stupid, you have a fever!"

Mu Taotao knocked off Mo Yanshao's extended hand very dissatisfied, and then growled at him.

Mo Yanshao looked around, signaling her to pay attention to her words and deeds.

Mu Taotao saw two stylishly dressed women walking in the door. Both of them had very beautiful makeup, but they seemed to dislike each other, so they looked at each other with supercilious eyes. The subtext was, what's so great about you?
"What do you think is the relationship between those two people? Why don't you like each other?"

Mu Taotao couldn't help pointing at the two women curiously.

Mo Yanshao didn't understand why Mu Taotao cared about other people's affairs, but he would like to analyze it with her.

He noticed that the two women were also well-known courtesans in high society.

To put it bluntly, they are superficial women who are only looking for rich men. They also came to his office once, but he rejected them straight away, and didn't even let them in.

But Mo Yanshao always knew people quickly, and it was not easy to clear them from his mind, so he still remembered them.

The one in the light pollen dress is called Mary, and the one in the light blue dress is called Wushuang.

These two stared at each other at the entrance of the restaurant. Presumably there could be only one reason, and that was to fight for men.

They must be fighting for rich men.

So Mo Yanshao quickly winked at Mu Taotao and said, "These two women were probably invited here by someone else. As for why they don't like each other, let's move on."

(End of this chapter)

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