Chapter 116 Won't Harm Him
Hearing what he said, Mu Taotao turned her gaze to the target the two women were heading towards.

Unexpectedly, the two of them came to the same table and greeted the same man at the same time.

Now it's really fun to watch.

Mu Taotao has to say that the so-called high society is nothing more than that, it's just a better place to hide filth.

The woman named Mary just opened her mouth and called out "Mr. Li"

The woman named Wu Shuang immediately pulled the man to her side, sat next to him, and said: "Mr. Li, as you said, you are with me today."

"You're talking nonsense. It's obviously free on the weekend, so it should be my turn."

"Hmph, I don't care. It was agreed at the beginning, and today belongs to me."

The two women actually argued in public about who this man should accompany today.

Mu Taotao also opened his eyes: "Who are these people?"

"It's nothing, it's just a three-player game they played."

Sure enough, the man who came with Mr. Li joked, "Mr. Li, why don't you play with the three of us together."

Mr. Li was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and when he heard someone say that, he immediately laughed inscrutablely and said, "How can it be possible? I won't be with anyone today. I have to go back and be with my wife."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Li quickly got up, greeted the two women and the man who had dinner with him, and left in a hurry.

And the two women who wanted to entangle them almost started fighting again in the restaurant, one dragged the other, and the other was not allowed to chase after Mr. Li who had left.

Seeing this, Mu Taotao really lost his appetite.

It is a shame for women to live in their role.

"I really want to go up and give them a slap. Don't they have to die without that man? Can they live with dignity?"

"Everyone has the right to choose their own life, don't be so cynical, okay?"

Mu Taotao was really angry, and felt that those two women were disgraced as women.

Mo Yanshao stretched out a hand to cover hers, looked at her softly, and said to her softly, "Don't be angry, be good."

"You think I'm a kitten or puppy?" Mu Taotao couldn't help but glared at him.

Mo Yanshao still smiled harmlessly, the little girl just likes to be angry with people she doesn't know, so why bother?
"You don't even know them. You are so angry, aren't you making yourself uncomfortable?"

"I'm not..."

Mu Taotao couldn't find anything to refute at the moment, but thinking about it, Mo Yanshao was right.

You don't even know each other, so why are you angry?
After the two of them finished eating, Mo Yanshao got the waiter to settle the bill, and they left the restaurant together.

As soon as I returned to the Mo's Manor, I felt that the house was quiet and a little strange.

When the two of them entered the living room and saw the person sitting there, Mo Yanshao stood still in place for an instant, as if casting a holding spell.

Mu Taotao was walking beside him, and soon felt that something was wrong with Mo Yanshao.

His face was pale, his breathing was rapid, and his two hands on both sides of his body were clenched into fists.

Mu Taotao felt surprised and wanted to ask him what's the matter.

At this time, several people sitting in the living room stood up and greeted Mo Yanshao.

The first person to speak was the head of the Mo family, Mr. Mo.

Today, his face was radiant, with a strange brilliance on his face, and he said to Mo Yanshao: "Shao Yan, come and sit down!"

As usual, Mu Taotao was ignored.

There is also a man in the house who looks like he is in his early forties. His hair is all combed back, shiny and shiny, very retro style, and he is wearing a neat suit.

When the man looked at Mo Yanshao, he didn't speak, but there was a smile on his face.

And Zhou Zhenni's father Zhou Boren was also among them, sitting with Zhou Zhenni.

Before Mo Yanshao and Mu Taotao appeared, Zhou's father and daughter were talking to the middle-aged man, and there were chuckles from time to time.

Mo Yanshao's face became ugly, he didn't say anything to anyone, he only said to Mu Taotao, "Help me back to my room."

Mu Taotao didn't know what was going on, but she quickly supported him and walked towards the room.

When Mo Yanshao returned to his room, he closed the door heavily, and hugged Mu Taotao, who was much smaller than him, in his arms.

Mu Taotao was hugged tightly by him, feeling the fear from his heart.

Yes, Mu Taotao never knew that Mo Yanshao would have such a sense of fear in his heart.

Because she had never seen him act so flustered before.

The Mo Yanshao she knew was calm and calm, even if someone pointed a gun at his head, he would not have such panic and fear.

What's the matter with him?
Who made him feel so flustered.

"Don't talk, I just want to hold you like this, I feel cold."

Mo Yanshao's complexion was still not good, and there was a lot of fine sweat on his forehead, as if he had been frightened.

His voice was trembling too.

This made Mu Taotao more certain that he was really afraid.

Mu Taotao took the initiative to hug him tightly, hoping to give him more warmth.

"Is this better? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Like a child, Mu Taotao gently patted Mo Yanshao's back to comfort him.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Mo Yanshao still hugged Mu Taotao and did not let go, but quietly made people think that he had fallen asleep.

His arms grabbed the woman so forcefully that she felt the strength from him.

His whole body exuded a kind of icy aura, but this aura was not aimed at her, but aimed at affairs other than her.

"Can you tell me why you reacted like that?"

Although Mu Taotao is usually careless, she is a girl after all and has sensitive nerves.

Mo Yanshao's abnormal behavior did not happen in a day or two.

He must have been strongly stimulated before to have such a frightened and flustered expression.

"Do you really want to know my story?"

Mo Yanshao finally let go of Mu Taotao, and then fixedly looked at the woman's delicate and lovely face.

This face is what he loves, and her whole person is also what she loves.

He believed that she would not harm him!
So, he is willing to share stories about him with her.

"As long as you are willing to speak, I am willing to listen."

Mu Taotao said this to him.

Mo Yanshao smiled a bit shyly: "After hearing my story, you will be born as my man and die as my ghost. Can you accept it?"

"I thought I was already yours, but it turns out I'm not."

Mu Taotao's tone was sad, which made Mo Yanshao amused again.

Not to mention, being with a girl like Mu Taotao makes people feel relaxed.

Mo Yanshao is a person who has this kind of personal experience.

(End of this chapter)

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