Chapter 122

Buying it at a price of 500 million is really worth it!
"Jenny, I will transfer the money to your account, and I won't let your uncle spend the money in vain."

"If you want to mention money to me, then I won't give it to you."

Zhou Zhenni also lost her temper, and her face suddenly collapsed: "Our Zhou family is not short of this money, you are insulting me.

I won't give you this jade, we don't even have to be friends. "

Zhou Zhenni said it firmly, as if if Mo Yanshao really gave her the money, she would really want to take the jade with her.

Mo Yanshao turned his head to look at the woman, and couldn't help but be impressed by her seriousness and persistence, then sighed softly and said, "Well, I can promise you anything except not marrying you, okay?"

"Then can we be friends who talk about everything?"

Jenny Zhou was happy again, with an innocent smile on her face.

Dazed to see it, he thought it was Mu Taotao who was beside him.

Mo Yanshao didn't think about it any more, he just said: "Talk about everything, it seems impossible, but it's no problem to be ordinary friends."

When Mo Yanshao said this, he remembered that Zhou Zhenni seemed to have classes to attend: "By the way, aren't you going to Willis College? I remember you and Taotao are students in the same class. She seemed to be in the same class today. Went to school."

"Oh, because I want to pick up the goods with you, so I asked for leave. I have nowhere to go now. I wonder if I can visit your company?"

"If you like it, go for it, lest you feel bored."

Mo Yanshao couldn't refuse because of the jade.

Besides, there is nothing that cannot be seen in the operation of Mo's company, so he readily agreed.

This is also one of Zhou Zhenni's goals, to get closer to Mo Yanshao so that they can get to know each other better.

Just like that, Mo Yanshao took Zhou Zhenni back to the company from the pier in the car.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning.

As soon as Mo Yanshao arrived at the company, he was notified that there was a contract to be signed, and the person in charge of the other party had already arrived in the meeting room.

"You wait for me in the office for a while, and I will sign the contract."

Mo Yan said less, and walked out with his assistant.

Jenny Zhou smiled and nodded.

After a while, an assistant lady brought coffee for Zhou Zhenni.

She smiled and said thank you, and stopped the assistant lady: "What kind of coffee flavor does your boss Mo like?"

"Oh, he likes to drink the original flavor, usually without sugar, this is his habit."

"Light coffee?"



After Zhou Zhenni finished speaking, the assistant lady smiled and walked out.

Zhou Zhenni took out her mobile phone, dialed a number, and said to the person inside: "Auntie, I remember that you have good Brazilian coffee beans, right?"

The person on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "Jenny, why are you asking this? Don't you want to learn how to make coffee?"

"Yes, Auntie, you have to teach me."

"No problem, go back to China another day, and I will teach you."

"Okay, no problem."

"Hold up, you call me in the middle of the night, are you trying to exhaust my aunt to death?"

Speaking of this, the people inside yawned, and Zhou Zhenni stuck out her tongue playfully: "Auntie, I'm sorry, I forgot the time difference."

So decisively hung up the phone.

I like black coffee, a good habit.

Zhou Zhenni raised her eyebrows, with a happy expression on her face, and began to look through the books in Mo Yanshao's office.

Most of them are about finance and investment, which shows that this is a must-read book for business elites.

In addition, Zhou Zhenni also discovered another type of book hidden in this type of book, a magazine called "Fishing".

Turn out the magazine, on the cover is a photo of the champion of a certain fishing competition, and the fat fish he caught.

Opening the book, it also introduces the situation of various fishing resorts in the world, such as Phuket in Thailand, Hokkaido in Japan, Alaska in the United States and so on.

This made Zhou Zhenni understand that Mo Yanshao still likes fishing in his daily life.

It seems that she also needs to improve her knowledge in this area.

After Zhou Zhenni walked around Mo Yanshao's room, she basically knew the following information:
Mo Yanshao is a very business-minded man, and he is absolutely unambiguous in his business.

His private life is also very orderly. He likes to drink black coffee and eat Japanese food. From his fondness for fishing, it can be seen that he seems to have a special liking for assassins.

Then there is love to play golf, run, and go to the fitness center to exercise.

Knowing this, Zhou Zhenni was elated.

When Mo Yanshao came back after signing the contract, what he saw was Zhou Zhenni with a happy smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling so happily? What's the good thing?"

Because of the jade artifact, Mo Yanshao naturally spoke more casually with Zhou Zhenni.

Anyway, just get along in the name of friends, no big deal.

Having Mo Yanshao take the initiative to speak, Zhou Zhenni was even happier. She tilted her head and thought for a while and said, "I was thinking about what we will have for lunch today. I will give you a jade article. You won't be stingy and don't even invite me for dinner, will you?"

"No problem, what would you like to eat?"

Major Mo Yan sorted out the documents on his desk and asked casually.

"I suddenly wanted to eat Japanese food. I remember that year my uncle took me to Hokkaido to play, and he even caught fish there for me to eat."

Hearing this, the expression on Mo Yanshao's face became pleasantly surprised. He couldn't help but walked up to Zhou Zhenni and said excitedly, "Have you ever gone fishing in Hokkaido?"

"That's right, it's a place where many people like to go fishing."

Zhou Zhenni blinked her eyes, indicating that it was nothing.

But Mo Yanshao was very interested in her words: "Come on, come sit here and tell me about your feelings about fishing in Hokkaido."

"Oh." Zhou Zhenni pretended to be foolish and was led by the nose by Mo Yanshao, and began to tell the story of her and her uncle fishing in the North Sea.

She just processed and processed what she saw in the magazine just now, and replaced the protagonists with her and her uncle.

And so this story was formed.

Mo Yanshao had no doubts about it, and really listened to the story.

Then he got up and walked around on the spot and said, "I will go to Japan another day, and I must go there to experience the fun of fishing."

Mo Yanshao's young and handsome face became more dazzling because of the excitement, which made Zhou Zhenni stunned.

When Mo Yanshao turned his head again, Zhou Zhenni came back to his senses, and then talked about it from left to right: "Then let's hurry up and go, I really want to taste the sashimi that I haven't tasted for a long time."

This is a Japanese restaurant with a strong Japanese style. Not only the interior decoration is all Japanese, but even the tables and chairs are purchased from Japan by the owner himself.

(End of this chapter)

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