Chapter 123 Blackmailed by him
The designer used the first floor as a public dining area, with many shapes and designs: flowing water, silk, bamboo, rockery, lantern screen Ukiyo-e, and an open cooking table, all of which are typical Japanese elements.

The second floor is arranged into tatami and Chinese restaurants according to the different eating habits of the guests.

The corridor is designed as a garden landscape, elegant and restrained, full of Zen.

After Mo Yanshao and Zhou Zhenni walked into the store, they were warmly received by waiters dressed as traditional Japanese women and welcomed them to the tatami room on the second floor.

I ordered Wagyu beef, cheese scallops, and salmon sashimi for two people.

Mo Yan's movements of eating less are very elegant and elegant, matching the style of the Japanese restaurant, as if he is a nobleman in the shogunate era.

Zhou Zhenni had eaten Japanese food before, but it was the first time with Mo Yanshao.

He really made her feel that there is another kind of man in this world who has all kinds of advantages in one body.

And why didn't she want to hold him firmly?
During the whole eating process, Zhou Zhenni observed Mo Yan more when he seldom, but less time when he ate.

In this way, it gives people the impression that Jenny Zhou eats very elegantly, which unintentionally fits the Japanese eating habits.

When Mo Yanshao occasionally looked up at Zhou Zhenni eating, he would think of that crazy girl.

What would happen if you were eating Japanese food with Mu Taotao?

It must have been stuffing the sushi rolls into the mouth desperately, and when the wasabi was so hot, it stuck out its tongue like a puppy, and then yelled for water.

Thinking of the woman eating, Mo Yanshao couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me?"

Zhou Zhenni found that Mo Yanshao's situation was wrong, so she couldn't help asking.

"No, I just thought of some interesting people and things, come on, you continue to eat more, I treat you, you're welcome."

Zhou Zhenni did not refute his words, she just told herself in her heart that the current situation is already very good, and she should not be too eager for quick success.

At Willis College, Mu Taotao and Ai Meili were sitting together, chatting softly while writing and drawing in their books. The end of the semester was coming, so of course they had to write down the key points so as not to fail the course.

"Let's go eat with Lu Xue after class?"

Mu Taotao suggested.

The weather is so hot, even if you sit, you will sweat profusely.

So it’s not too cool to eat ice cream in this weather.

"Okay, let's call Ajie too."

Emily said.

Mu Taotao then turned his gaze to Zheng Zhongjie who was not far away.

The kid was listless, and he didn't react until Mu Taotao threw a small ball of paper.

When looking at Mu Taotao, Zheng Zhongjie's eyes were filled with infinite sadness and deep affection.

Mu Taotao was most afraid of him looking at her like that, and felt ashamed of herself.

Although she did rescue him, Zheng Zhongjie's wallet was frequently searched by her, didn't he even know about it?

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao just wanted to stick out her tongue.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew outside the classroom door, and at the same time, a loud shout was heard: "Mu Taotao!"

Almost all the students in the class could feel the strong cold air, and then an iceberg-like figure appeared outside the classroom door.

He is 1.9 meters tall, and his whole body is extremely cold. It is believed that if anyone approaches, he will be frostbitten.

Just when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the timid teacher saw who was standing at the door, so he chose to take the handouts and hurried out of the classroom.

And Mu Taotao, who was named, took a closer look, and it turned out that it was Leng Yihan who came to the door.

Thinking that his car keys were taken away by him, Mu Taotao had a smug smile on his face.

That Leng Yihan walked towards Mu Taotao step by step almost with the pace of death.

Ai Meili, who was on the side, turned pale with fright, and held Mu Taotao's arm tightly, afraid of being hurt by Leng Yihan's violence and ice cold.

On the other hand, Mu Taotao looked calm and relaxed, sitting leisurely at the desk, completely ignoring Leng Yihan's coldness.

Leng Yihan had never seen a bold woman who dared to pluck hair from his head, but Mu Taotao had reached his limit.

Spreading out his big palm and placing it in front of Mu Taotao, Leng Yihan's words almost jumped out word by word: "Bring the key, don't make me say it a second time."

"Strange, what key? I don't even know what you're talking about."

Mu Taotao used the book as a fan, and kept fanning himself on the face, hoping to get more wind and cool himself down.

Isn't this ruined academy known as a noble academy?They don't even have an air conditioner, it's a big laugh.

Ai Meili on the side almost shrank behind Mu Taotao because of Leng Yihan's too angry face.

She really didn't expect that her friend was so bold that even Leng Yihan dared to offend him.

That Leng Yihan looked at Ai Meili with his deep eyes, and she was so frightened that she almost collapsed to the ground, her eyes were full of terror.

The whole class shrank into a corner, not daring to care about the affairs of these three people.

Zheng Zhongjie wanted to step forward to help at this moment, but Mu Taotao stopped him with a wink.

Leng Yihan saw that Mu Taotao was stubborn, so he didn't immediately cooperate to hand over the key, and he never bothered to fight with women.

After much deliberation, there was only one way to grab Ai Meili by the side like a chick, and then yelled at her with bloody eyes: "Tell your friend to hand over the key, otherwise I won't guarantee the consequences." What will happen."

Ai Meili just looked at Leng Yihan, and was so frightened that she almost fainted. Now that she heard him threatening her, her whole body was in a bad state, and she cried directly.

When Ai Meili cried, Mu Taotao became angry, jumped up and shouted at Leng Yihan: "Hey, are you still a man? You only bully women, I look down on you!|
Facing Mu Taotao's clamor, Leng Yihan just glanced at her, bloodthirsty and cruel, and then grabbed Ai Meili.

Mu Taotao suddenly lost his mind. If he doesn't hand over the key, what if he hurts Ai Meili?
Mu Taotao thought about it, her face was flustered, and when Leng Yihan grabbed Ai Meili and was about to walk to the door of the classroom, she suddenly yelled: "I remembered, I saw that key before, it seems It's in Xiao Feifei's drawer."

Hearing this, Xiao Feifei's face also turned pale, and immediately began to argue: "You are talking nonsense, why is there Leng Shao's key in my drawer?"

Mu Taotao didn't even look at those two people, but turned his back on and said, "Leng Yihan, I really saw it, believe it or not."

Hearing Mu Taotao's words, Leng Yihan pulled a cruel sneer from the corner of his mouth, let go of Ai Meili in his hand, and strode up to Xiao Feifei, only staring at the woman, so scared that Xiao Feifei quickly stretched out her hand He fumbled in the drawer and took out the unique car key.

(End of this chapter)

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