Chapter 124 The Male God in My Heart

Leng Yihan grabbed the key and strode out of the classroom.

With his departure, everyone can breathe normally again.

And Xiao Feifei hated Mu Taotao to death, and couldn't help yelling at her: "Mu Taotao, did you do it?"

"What did I do?"

"You actually kindly came to greet us just now, if you didn't do it, who is it?"

Xiao Feifei remembered the fact that Mu Taotao came to her seat to greet them before.

And Mu Taotao was able to tell exactly where Leng Yihan's car keys are, doesn't that explain the problem?
"Yo yo, miss, I think you have persecution delusions, how could I do such boring things?"

Think about it when you were stealing on the street in the past. If you were caught and the stolen goods had been transferred, you would not admit it even if you were beaten to death.

This is the situation now, but Mu Taotao feels that the most blundering thing he has done is that he has not been able to hide it.

If Leng Yihan took away his key when he was not looking, it would be impossible for him to find her.

What's worse, she actually had positive contact with him, so it's no wonder she wasn't suspected.

Ai Meili walked over, Mu Taotao grabbed her arm, looked her up, down, left, and right, and asked with concern: "He didn't do anything to you, did he?"

"No, Taotao, don't do such dangerous things in the future. I heard that Leng Yihan is really a terrible person, and anyone who offends him will end badly."

"Are you saying I didn't end well?"

Mu Taotao couldn't help but follow her words.

She felt that Ai Meili was trying to increase the ambition of others and destroy her own prestige.

"No, I'm just afraid that he will be really provoked, which will be bad for you."

"I'm not afraid of him."

Mu Taotao raised her chin high, with strength and disdain in her eyes.

Anyway, she, Mu Taotao, was not frightened, and she would never be frightened just because a man threatened her.

"By the way, didn't you say you were going to Bali with him tomorrow? Have you thought about it yet?"

Mu Taotao casually asked Ai Meili.


As soon as this question was mentioned, Ai Meili's face was blushing and her heart was pounding, and she nodded immediately.

"You silly girl, why are you blushing? He looks so scary today, and he grabs you like a chicken, aren't you afraid of being eaten by him?"

"But I'm just..."

Ai Meili still blushed.

In her heart, no matter how scary Leng Yihan was, he was still a male god, her male god.

She would be willing to torture her to death if she could go to Bali with the male god.

Mu Taotao couldn't help poking the woman's forehead with her fingers, feeling like she hated iron for being weak.

Zheng Zhongjie came over, looked at the two women with concern, and said, "Are you alright?"

"It's okay, what can we do? Although that Leng Yihan looks very violent, he shouldn't be bad enough to hit a woman."

Mu Taotao looked determined.

Zheng Zhongjie shook his head, disapproving and said, "I think it's better not to mess with such a person."

"I'm just wondering, why are you all so afraid of him?"

Ever since Mu Taotao came to this school, he has never seen anyone who is as awe-inspiring as Leng Yihan.

"You don't know, Leng Yihan's background is very deep. It is said that their family is also involved in the management of the academy. As for black and white, they even regard the Leng family as a god-like existence.

Speaking of gangsters, Mu Taotao thought of his master, who was said to be a gangster in the past, and later established a club, which is a disguised way to wash his hands.

If the Leng family is really so capable, Master should know about it.

Just as Mu Taotao was thinking about the background of Leng's family, when the group of three came to the parking lot, four or five tall and strong men in black clothes suddenly appeared from the side.

They all wore black sunglasses, with serious expressions on their faces, and they walked towards Mu Taotao and the others step by step.

Ai Meili thought at the time that this must be sent by Leng Yihan to find her, so she quickly stepped forward and said, "Where is the president, take me there."

"Miss Ai Meili, our young master has something to say to Mu Taotao, so we ask her to come with us."

I didn't expect to find Mu Taotao.

This is really surprising.

Zheng Zhongjie stepped forward first and said: "I don't feel relieved that she is a girl going with a group of your men, so forget it, and let Leng Yihan come over and talk about something."

"Which onion are you? It's your turn to worry about our young master's affairs."

After one of the strong men finished speaking, he pushed Zheng Zhongjie back, which made him very embarrassed.

Mu Taotao has seen it, these people are actually out of the way.

Since it was Mu Taotao who was looking for her, then she should go, and Zheng Zhongjie and Ai Meili must not be implicated.

Ai Meili's expression was very depressed. She thought that Leng Yihan was looking for her, but she didn't expect that he was looking for Mu Taotao, which made her feel sad secretly.

Mu Taotao yelled at the group of people: "Do you know what politeness is? Don't just use violence against people, okay? This is the behavior of barbarians, barbarians, understand?"

Mu Taotao sounded admonishing others, but those few people were angry and said: "Okay, hurry up and see the young master with us, don't be too hungry to walk around."

A few people stepped forward, holding Mu Taotao and going forward.

Ai Meili followed closely and said, "Why don't I go with Taotao."

"Miss Ai Meili, the young master needs to find Mu Taotao for something, you'd better not go, I'm afraid I will scare you."


When Ai Meili heard this, she couldn't help worrying about Mu Taotao.

What does it mean to be afraid to scare her.

Mu Taotao was also taken aback, this Leng Yihan looking for him, probably nothing good.

"Didn't she steal the young master's car keys, so the young master thought about asking her when she learned this trick.

You know, the young master hates cheating and stealing the most! "

One of them said harsh words and took Mu Taotao away.

Only at this time did Mu Taotao understand, did Leng Yihan think he was a law enforcement officer?Because of his own theft, he wants to take sanctions against himself?

Mu Taotao came to the familiar student council president's office with a very anxious heart.

People don't seem to come to this place very often, so there is a musty smell that lingers for a long time.

However, the furniture inside is very new and very good, and it is a bit out of tune with the environment here.

As soon as Mu Taotao walked in, he saw a man sitting on the sofa with his back facing him. He was dressed in black clothes, which matched his gangster background very well.

As soon as Mu Taotao walked in, he preemptively said: "Leng Yihan, what evidence do you have that I took your car keys."

Hearing what Mu Taotao said, Leng Yihan slowly got up from the sofa, his movements were very elegant and noble.

(End of this chapter)

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