Chapter 125 His Weakness
He turned around, with a handsome and cold face, his skin was fair and transparent, and when he looked at Mu Taotao with a pair of deep lavender eyes, there was no ripple.

He has a slender and tall figure, with one hand in his trouser pocket, and his movements are chic and beautiful.

When he looked at Mu Taotao, his eyes dropped to freezing point little by little, and the words he said jumped out word by word: "You'd better admit that you took it, otherwise..."

Before Mu Taotao realized the meaning of what he said, Leng Yihan had already hugged him by the waist.

And with the opponent's height of 1.9 meters, Leng Yihan easily lifted Mu Taotao upside down, making her head down and her feet on the ground.

This taste is even worse than being beaten, and the face instantly turns blood red due to the congestion, and the heat keeps rushing to the head.

Mu Taotao screamed in fright, she has never been subjected to such a crime in such a big age, this Leng Yihan is simply too evil.

"Leng Yihan, you devil, I won't give in, I won't be afraid of you!"

"Really?" Leng Yihan's smile had no warmth, and he hung the woman upside down on a pillar in front of the window.

Poor Mu Taotao hangs upside down, enduring a different kind of pain.

Even speaking was a bit difficult, because the air flow couldn't reach the throat, and the whole person was extremely uncomfortable!

"Leng Yihan, you bastard!"

Mu Taotao tried her best to be hysterical, but refused to compromise.

At this time, Leng Yihan sat on the sofa calmly, then faced Mu Taotao who was hanging upside down, took out his smartphone and began to take pictures: "Tell me, I will post these photos on the Internet, and then Marking that this is the end of the thief, do you think the click-through rate will be high?"

Leng Yihan suddenly found a new pleasure.

In his 19 years of life, it is rare for such a wonderful thing to happen.

It turns out that bullying a woman will give him such a sense of accomplishment, which is much more enjoyable than fighting on the street.

Especially when he bullied a woman like Mu Taotao, he refused to forgive him, and he was already terrified, but he still stubbornly refused to beg for mercy.

He hoped that she would really be tough to the end and never beg for mercy.

As expected, Mu Taotao did not disappoint him.

From the woman's mouth, there was no word begging for mercy or admitting mistakes at all.

But not long after, Leng Yihan was defeated.

Because although Mu Taotao didn't beg for mercy, he started to cry loudly, cursing as he cried, "Leng Yihan, you've been beaten by thousands of knives, I won't let you go even if I die as a ghost, woo woo woo..."

As soon as Mu Taotao cried, tears gushed out, and since she was hanging upside down, the tears dripped down her forehead and onto the ground, even her hair was wet with tears.

In this world, there are three things that Leng Yihan is most afraid of: women's tears, blood, and his mother's face.

As long as these three things appeared in front of him, he immediately surrendered, not daring to move an inch.

When Mu Taotao was crying, Leng Yihan had a flustered expression on his face, and hurriedly called the people outside the door: "Put her down quickly, and tell her not to cry anymore."

When Mu Taotao heard him tell her not to cry anymore, she cried even more happily, insisting on howling that he was paralyzed.

Leng Yihan was really annoyed by her crying, so he had to compromise and said: "Okay, as long as you don't cry, I won't pursue this matter anymore, is it okay?"

"This... but you... said."

Mu Taotao was finally righted from the upside-down state.

When he just stood up straight, he felt dizzy and almost unsteady, so he threw himself into Leng Yihan's arms.

With this pounce, the man stood in place like a sculpture in a flash, without moving.

Never knew that a woman's tears could make him petrified on the spot.

What the hell is that?Why is he so afraid of women's tears?Why can they hold him and make him immobile.

Mu Taotao also realized his mistake, and hastily broke free from Leng Yihan's embrace, only then did he realize that the man was standing there like a immobilizing spell, unable to move at all.

Mu Taotao didn't understand why for a while, so she stopped crying and just poked Leng Yihan who was stiff all over with her finger.

Then I heard a man's mechanical voice: "Don't put your tears on me in the future."

After saying this sentence, Leng Yihan closed his eyes and fainted gorgeously.

Those of his subordinates hurried over to lift his arms for him to pinch him.

Mu Taotao at the side was messed up in the wind, what's wrong with this man?
Tell her not to put tears on him. Is he afraid of women's tears?

By the way, when she cried just now, he started to panic, and he didn't speak so forcefully anymore.

So, what he fears most are women's tears.

Thinking that he had mastered one of this person's major weaknesses, Mu Taotao almost cheered happily.

Just as those subordinates lifted Leng Yihan to the sofa and let him lie down to rest, when he woke up, Mu Taotao quietly left the president's office with a smug smile on his face. .

It was originally a cruel criticism meeting to punish the thief, but it ended because the law enforcement officer fainted.

When Mu Taotao came to the parking lot, he saw Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie still standing there waiting for him.

The arrival of Mu Taotao made the two worried men and women feel relieved.

Ai Meili came over and looked at Mu Taotao carefully, and then said: "Leng Yihan didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

"No, that idiot, how could he beat my clever Mu Taotao?"

Mu Taotao started laughing with her hips on her hips, whenever she thought of Leng Yihan fainting because of her tears, Mu Taotao laughed so hard that tears almost fell down.

But Zheng Zhongjie and Ai Meili were baffled by Mu Taotao's smile.

However, judging from her condition, except for her slightly messy hair and some suspected water-stained substances, she is fine.

I just don't know how Leng Yihan let her out?

Zheng Zhongjie didn't know much about Leng Yihan, but because his family was a school manager and because of his background, it was true that no one dared to provoke him.

Although Leng Yihan doesn't hit women, it doesn't mean he can't even hit men.

So Zheng Zhongjie still keeps him at a respectful distance.

"Since it's all right, let's go."

Emily said gently.

She was also greatly relieved, no matter what, Mu Taotao offended Leng Yihan because of herself, so she was responsible for her safety.

"Where are we going next?" Mu Taotao put one hand on Ai Meili's shoulder and the other on Zheng Zhongjie's shoulder. She really regarded them as her best girlfriends, that's why she acted like this close.

"Of course it was agreed before, to eat ice cream."


In this way, for the whole afternoon, Mu Taotao, Ai Meili, and Zheng Zhongjie went to eat ice cream, and then went to the aquarium to watch all kinds of sea creatures swimming in the blue water.

(End of this chapter)

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