Chapter 126
Life becomes more enjoyable.

And Mo Yanshao and Zhou Zhenni were not idle that afternoon. They went to the history museum where all kinds of antiques were exhibited, admiring the pottery and jade wares made by famous masters, and all kinds of antique products in different shapes.

For Mo Yanshao, the works in his own collection are naturally different from the antiques in the history museum.

Watch more and listen to the guide's explanation, and you will learn more stories that people don't know.

Zhou Zhenni accompanied the whole process, and felt that she knew the knowledge of collecting antiques.

She secretly made up her mind that next time there are cultural relics and antiques auctioned in various auction houses, they will definitely not let them go.

It will definitely do what it likes.

When evening came, Mu Taotao, Mo Yanshao, and Zhou Zhenni arrived home almost at the same time.

Mu Taotao drove the yellow Lamborghini, while Mo Yanshao drove the black Audi A8.

The two cars drove back to Mo's Manor from different directions.

When the three got out of the car almost at the same time, they saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Especially Mu Taotao, she really didn't expect that Zhou Zhenni didn't come to class today, but went out with Mo Yanshao.

"Wow, what's the matter today? You two actually went out to play together?"

When Mu Taotao said this, she didn't have any personal emotions. In her opinion, Zhou Zhenni and Mo Yanshao could get along very well.

Mo Yanshao thought that he didn't contact Mu Taotao even a single phone call today, so he couldn't help feeling ashamed, and said to her after getting off the car, "Taotao, it's not what you think, we just went to see the museum exhibition."

"Isn't it what I was thinking? I just didn't expect a good student like Zhou Zhenni to skip class, it seems something is wrong."

"Oh, I'm going to get something, because it's too big, so please help me with Mo..."

Zhou Zhenni did not tell Mu Taotao the real situation of the jade auction.

She naturally had her plan, it was her and Mo Yanshao's secret, and she didn't want the third person to know.

"Oh, so that's the case. No wonder, have you eaten yet? I was very full. I went to the aquarium with Meili and Ajie. It was so much fun."

"Is it really fun? Then why didn't you call me? I haven't been to the aquarium for a long time."

Mo Yanshao said in a reproachful tone.

He looked at the excited look on Mu Taotao's small face, and couldn't help being a little jealous of Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie who could play with her.

Shouldn't her smile be reserved for him alone?Why does she have to smile so happily at other men?

"Ah, I won't tell you much, I'm going to go back and take a good shower, this damn day, it's so hot!"

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she strode towards the gate of the villa.

Today she's wearing shorts and a tight t-shirt, which is why she doesn't lose her clothes when she hangs upside down.

If it was a skirt, the consequences would be unimaginable.

When Mu Taotao thought of the experience of being hanged upside down by Leng Yihan today, he really had lingering fears.

Do you want to tell Mo Yanshao?

Thinking of that, she seemed too incompetent, so she decided not to say anything.

Mo Yanshao, who was walking behind, looked disappointedly at the direction Mu Taotao was leaving. Zhou Zhenni came to his side and looked at the disappearing woman's back with him. She couldn't help but feel ashamed and said:

"Is it because Taotao is angry because we went out together today?"

"How can you blame this? Didn't you tell her clearly? "

Although Mu Taotao acted casually and naturally, Mo Yansheng was inexplicably angry.

He hoped that she would be angry, or should act angry.

Back in the room, Mu Taotao hummed a song, looked for a change of clothes, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Even when she was taking a bath, she was humming, and she was indeed in a good mood.

Although Leng Yihan hung upside down in front of the window today, but later he knew Leng Yihan's weakness of being afraid of tears.

And because he went to play with Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie, this made Mu Taotao feel that life is very good.

It seemed that she was right in her decision to go to college.

After taking a shower in a good mood, Mu Taotao came out of the bathroom wearing loose silk pajamas and wiping her wet hair.

Inadvertently found that there was a person sitting on the sofa in the house, with a serious face and no expression, like a big Buddha, which shocked Mu Taotao.

Mo Yansheng was sitting on the sofa, staring intently at Mu Taotao who came out of the bathroom, his eyes were terribly cold.

Looks like someone!

Leng Yihan?
No, he is obviously Mo Yansheng, why does it remind people of Leng Yihan?

"Hey, Mo Yansheng, when did you come? Why didn't you say hello?"

Mu Taotao was taken aback by the person who suddenly came to her room, so she naturally wanted to question her loudly.

But Mo Yanshao didn't answer her with a smile, but sarcastically said: "What? You want me to go into the bathroom to say hello to you?"

Mu Taotao felt that there was something wrong with this statement, but she didn't know how to refute it.

After staring blankly for a while, Mu Taotao found the problem in the words, and immediately said: "Hey, isn't that right? It was you who entered my room, why are you more fierce than me?"

Well, she finally found out that Mo Yanshao's expression was not quite right, but why should he get angry at her.

"Jenny and I went to the pier to pick up the goods today."

"I know."

"We also ate Japanese food at noon."


A certain woman sat intently on the arm of the sofa opposite a certain man, wiped the water stains on her head, and replied, but did not notice that the man's face became more gloomy.

Did she really not care, or was she just being crazy?
Why can't she be nervous about him like ordinary girls in love?

"I am here."

"What do you think of Jenny Zhou?"

"Very good, he is a very enthusiastic person."

"Don't you dislike her at all?"

"Why should I not like her?"

Mu Taotao finally raised his head to look at Mo Yanshao, not understanding why he asked himself these questions.

"Yan Shao, what's the matter with you? You feel strange today."

"It's nothing, it's fine if you don't know."

Mo Yanshao got up and stood in front of Mu Taotao with a long body.

A certain woman felt even more baffled, what did she mean she didn't know?
"Speak less..."

Before Mu Taotao could continue to ask, Mo Yanshao had strode to the door and walked out of the room.

Mu Taotao tilted her head, thinking about how to pass the night, when the phone rang.

Mu Taotao hurried forward to check, it turned out to be Ai Meili's call, she quickly picked it up: "Taotao, do I really want to go to Bali with Leng Yihan tomorrow?"

"This is your own business, you can go if you want."

Mu Taotao really didn't understand her good friend, why did she want to call her to ask her if she wanted to go to Bali with that Leng Yihan?
(End of this chapter)

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