Chapter 127 Playing Video Games

Hearing the impatience in Mu Taotao's words, Ai Meili was on the verge of tears: "Taotao, I really can't make up my mind, that's why I called you.

Why don't you take me to the airport tomorrow, so that I will be more courageous. "

"Well, you mean I'll take you to the airport, so you won't be afraid, right?"

"Yes, yes, he said he would send someone to pick me up, but you know, his subordinates are so scary, I'm really scared."

"Then are you afraid of him?"


"Leng Yihan."

The other party hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I'm afraid, but I also like him very much. This kind of relationship is very complicated, Taotao, can you understand me?"

"Okay, I get it, but I hope I don't have to be afraid of him when I go to Bali, understand?
If you are always afraid, how can he like you?

I think men like girls who are stronger. "

Mu Taotao analyzed.

"Well, I listen to you, try to be brave in the future."

After the two little girls finished talking, Mu Taotao happily hung up the phone.

"Who are you on the phone with? Talking so happily?"

The sudden low and alluring voice scared Mu Taotao to death.

However, the person behind her had already pressed her lips against the skin of the back of her neck, causing goosebumps all over her body.

At the same time, the heartbeat also accelerated rapidly.

Mu Taotao knew that only Mo Yanshao could give her such a feeling of rapid heartbeat.

On such a quiet and beautiful night, with someone you love by your side, time becomes more difficult, and you always need to have feelings by your side.

Mu Taotao didn't understand why Mo Yanshao left and returned.

Only a man understands that he just wants to test her reaction.

Whether her feelings for him are still so strong.

Mu Taotao turned around, cupped the man's handsome face with both hands, stared at him intently, and said softly, "What's the matter with you today?"

"It's nothing, I just miss you very much, do you miss me?"

"Do you want to talk about life with me again?"

Mo Yanshao looked down at Mu Taotao, with gentle eyes.

The woman's face was full of shyness, and she said softly: "It's disgusting!"

After all, I still don't forget that the two little hands are wringing.

Mo Yanshao wanted to hold her little hand, but she balked and refused.

She was not willing to stretch out her hand until Mo Yanshao's face turned pale.

But this life is really not enjoyable to talk about. Where do we start?
"Shaoyan, is it really okay for us to do this? Only talk about life and nothing else?"

"Then what else do you want to talk about?"

Mo Yanshao shrugged his shoulders, expressing his helplessness.

"I thought I could talk about something else, like..."

Mu Taotao pointed to a pair of game consoles in the open space in front of him.

Damn, it's really smart, and it can also play video games.

Mo Yanshao understood, and the two picked up the controllers of the game console and started a new round of journey.

"Hey, I'm a girl, can you spare me a little?"

The next morning, Mu Taotao dressed neatly, wearing a black super, and sat in the yellow Lamborghini. The car drove out of the Mo's Manor with a low roar.

Her destination is Ai Meili's villa in another corner of the city.

Ai Meili's father is the president of a candy company, and his family background is not bad, so he naturally lives in a big house.

Although Ai Meili is only the adopted daughter of Boss Ai, she loves her as much as her own.

He has no other children, and his wife passed away early, so he went to Fude Yuan to adopt Ai Meili.

At that time, Ai Meili was still young, but she looked like Barbie, with a weak personality, much like a little princess in trouble.

Therefore, Boss Ai adopted her and let her live a life like a real princess.

It's a pity that the economic recession has been severe in the past two years, and the Ai family's candy company has a relatively single industry, so there are occasional difficulties in capital turnover, and they have to rely on the help of other large consortiums.

Leng Yihan was one of the consortium bosses who helped.

Although he is only 19 years old, he is more powerful than the average company boss.

Also because of the **** background, it is not comparable to others.

When Mu Taotao came to the door of Ai Meili's house, the woman was fully prepared. She was wearing cool shorts and a vest. sunglasses.

Mu Taotao's sports car stopped at the door, Ai Meili waved to her, and quickly got into the passenger cab.

The two drove to the airport.

"Did you buy a plane ticket to Bali?"

"No, it's Leng's family's private jet. It's parked at the airport. You can just go in later."


"Then I can take you to the airport?"


Ai Meili looked up at the road ahead, and the two of them were heading towards the airport.

Ai Meili's face was slightly nervous, and she had asked Mu Taotao many times when she got in the car: "Taotao, is my dress okay?"

Mu Taotao also comforted her countless times: "Your clothes are fine, you are really beautiful!"

But Ai Meili still kept asking, and Mu Taotao was about to be annoyed to death by her.

Mu Taotao didn't realize why Ai Meili was so nervous until she was almost at the airport.

Because the man named Leng Yihan was standing at the gate of the airport, with a tall figure of 1.9 meters, decent casual clothes, and a cool and handsome face, he almost became the focus of people's eyes.

There is no one who is not captivated by his presence.

Those women who looked at Leng Yihan were even more dull-eyed, looking like a nympho. There were even flight attendants who were so focused on Leng Yihan that they forgot to look at the road ahead and bumped into the person in front of them. They had to tell others immediately sorry.

Looking at Leng Yihan again, he didn't care about those people's eyes at all, just looked around.

His subordinates, about seven or eight men in uniform black suits, surrounded him and looked at the passing cars at the same time, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

When Mu Taotao parked his sports car at the gate of the airport hall, Leng Yihan's people also found them.

Immediately pointing to the sports car, he respectfully said: "Master, Miss Ai is over there."

Leng Yihan's eyes looked towards Mu Taotao and the others, with a cold and dangerous brilliance.

Mu Taotao parked the car there, followed Ai Meili out of the car, and walked towards Leng Yihan.

Mu Taotao's expression was calm and composed, while Ai Meili was the opposite, still looking nervous.

Mu Taotao patted Ai Meili on the shoulder, and then greeted Leng Yihan, "Leng Yihan, I entrusted beauty to you, you have to treat her well, otherwise, I will put you..."

When Mu Taotao said this, a strange expression appeared on his face, and there was a smirk at the corner of his lips, as if he had caught Leng Yihan's tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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