Chapter 128 Sing Conquer
Leng Yihan had a cold face, but suddenly thought of something, his eyes shot towards Mu Taotao like two cold lights.

The woman was so shocked that cracks appeared on her face.

But she still said to herself calmly, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, if this man dares to do anything to her, she will cry for him.

Leng Yihan narrowed his eyes slightly, and understood what Mu Taotao's words meant.

Without any explanation, he stepped forward and grabbed the woman's arm. The man said in his mouth, "Come here!"

"Hey, where are you taking me? I didn't mess with you, Leng Yihan, don't be so overbearing, okay?"

Mu Taotao wanted to break free from the man's clutches, but he grabbed his arm very tightly, preventing her from breaking free.

And Ai Meili was still standing there, watching Mu Taotao being dragged into the airport by Leng Yihan.

"Hey, you pervert, let me go, do you hear me? I tell you to let me go!"

Mu Taotao yelled loudly, but Leng Yihan ignored her.

It wasn't until the two of them passed the boarding gate that Leng Yihan let her go, and surrounded her in a certain corner, making it impossible for her to escape.

"What were you trying to say just now?"

"I... I didn't intend to say anything?"

Mu Taotao hated herself for not having seeds, but at this moment, how could she have seeds?

The aura of this man in front of her was terrifying. She had never seen such a terrifying man.

His eyes are indeed very beautiful, but there is no warmth at all, just looking at you with a cold light like that, it is really frightening to death.

"Don't say yes?"

Leng Yihan grabbed one of her arms and almost lifted her up again.

Mu Taotao felt that the arm he grabbed was going to hurt to death. There must be bruises there, right?

He wanted to ask him to let go, but Leng Yihan said nothing, grabbed her arm again and walked forward.

"Hey, where are you taking me? You bastard!"

It was only then that Mu Taotao realized that Leng Yihan not only led her into the boarding gate, but also walked towards the spacious airport.

Did he forget that he was going to take Ai Meili to Bali?It's not her, Mu Taotao!

Mu Taotao was in a hurry and couldn't help reminding him: "Leng Yihan, the person you want to bring is Ai Meili, not me, please let me go and bring Meili in!"

Mu Taotao trotted, following his pace, hoping to break free from the man's iron-like grip.

It's a pity that everything was in vain, Leng Yihan not only did not let her go, but also said coldly: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whoever accompany me there, as long as it is a woman!"

Shrimp!Mu Taotao was about to faint, what did he mean by that?
He didn't want to take Ai Meili to that Bali island, but to take any woman.

And what he's going to bring now - is her, Mu Taotao!
Realizing that he was going to take him on the plane, Mu Taotao resisted even more fiercely, kicking and biting him, and yelling at him:
"Leng Yihan, what are you doing? I don't want to accompany you to that ghostly place, I - don't - want - go -!"

But Leng Yihan with a cool face completely ignored Mu Taotao's resistance, he just grabbed her all the way to the private jet, and then threw her heavily into the cabin.

Mu Tao was in a hurry, trying to climb down the cabin with all hands and feet, feeling so flustered.

But before she really climbed out of the cabin, the handsome Leng Yihan had already boarded the plane, followed by the sound of the cabin door being slammed shut.

Mu Taotao looked at the closed hatch, her eyes were wide open, and there was a look of despair on her face.

Look at Leng Yihan again, sitting on the seat in the cabin, completely ignoring Mu Taotao, who was lying on the ground with a look of despair on his face.

Mu Taotao turned her head and looked at the dog-like man with a cool and handsome face. He seemed to be fine, but she was taken on the plane and went to that damn Bali.

Mu Taotao got angry, got up from the ground with hands and feet, and rushed towards Leng Yihan like a tiger, and wrestled with him: "You pervert, why do you take me on the plane? What do you want? ?”

But Leng Yihan seemed to have a lot of experience with Mu Taotao's eight-claw skill, no matter how much she scratched, he just grabbed her hand and subdued her directly.

If the legs moved any more, it would be very simple. When his legs clamped, they clamped hers in the middle.

It's like a hamburger sandwiched with ham, Mu Taotao is the ham, and Leng Yihan is the bread.

The eyes of the two were wide open, Mu Taotao's eyes were burning with fire, and Leng Yihan's eyes were cold and mocking.

"Don't you like me very much? I will give you a chance to like me and accompany me to Bali."


Mu Taotao sneered at the narcissistic and tall man and spat, which really angered Leng Yihan.

His eyes were originally as cold as ice, but at this moment, the coldness turned into hostility and terror, and instantly there was an air pressure attacking the woman.

Mu Taotao was also shocked by his horror for a moment, and couldn't help but feel fear, and the next thing was even more terrifying, the man actually put his face on the side of the woman's neck, and whispered ambiguously in her ear: "You can't wait to let me taste your saliva, do you want me to kiss you?"

"No, no, I was wrong, I was really wrong."

For the first time, Mu Taotao had to beg for mercy.

The plane had already taken off at this time, and the despair in Mu Taotao's heart rose again.

She looked at the gradually rising space outside the window, her eyes were wide open, her breathing became short of breath, and her tears came rushing out.

what to do?Do you really want to go to Bali with him?What about beauty?Will Young Master Yan blame her?
With this man, alone and widowed, how can I avoid getting hurt?

She didn't want to be rejected by Mo Yanshao, let alone blamed by Ai Meili.

But now, this man did this because he wanted her to be blamed by her favorite person and best friend.

Mu Taotao stayed in Leng Yihan's arms blankly, tears streaming down her face, with a look of panic.

Leng Yihan was originally sniffing the fragrance of the woman's hair, but he couldn't help but be confused by the fragrance of her body, and closed his eyes to enjoy this quiet moment.

But he soon realized that something was wrong.

The woman was not always very quiet, and she was noisy and talked a lot, but she didn't speak at this time. Could it be that she was waiting for his kiss?
He quickly opened his eyes, but was taken aback by Mu Taotao's expression at the moment.

Her hands and legs were still clamped by him, her body was almost sitting on his lap, the two sat in such an ambiguous and intimate posture.

But Mu Taotao's face was full of lingering sadness. Tears kept falling from her eyes, dripping onto her body, and one drop onto his arm.

The astonishing heat and the tears of the returning woman instantly conquered Leng Yihan.

(End of this chapter)

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