Chapter 129 Sunny Beach
He began to feel flustered and short of breath, his eyes glazed over, and he quickly let go of Mu Taotao.

On this plane, there are Leng Yihan and Mu Taotao in the cabin, and there are other people in the cockpit.

It's just that no one came to see these two people in the cabin because the hosts were inconvenient to be disturbed.

Leng Yihan is afraid of women's tears, this is one of his weaknesses.

Mu Taotao didn't intend to take advantage of his weakness.

But because she really couldn't help crying at this moment, he had to surrender.

Leaving the woman away without saying a word, Leng Yihan's face was very ugly and his breathing was short of breath.

Mu Taotao quickly moved away from him and sat on the back seat, so quiet that he didn't say a word.

She no longer knew what to say, after the plane took off, there was no possibility of turning back, so she could only make an appointment.

It took nearly three hours to fly from China to Bali. During this process, Mu Taotao felt ashamed when he thought of Ai Meili and Mo Yanshao.

But after thinking about it again, it wasn't her fault at all, it was all caused by this Leng Yihan, and she was relieved again.

In this mood of worrying about gains and losses, Mu Taotao didn't know when he fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she was startled.

My whole body was suspended in the air, but I was moving. It turned out that Leng Yihan actually hugged her across his chest like a princess, and walked towards nowhere.

"Hey, put me down quickly, you pervert!"

Mu Taotao regained his energy and yelled at Leng Yihan.

Hearing her yelling, the other party stopped as expected, and the two looked at each other for two seconds.

The man let go of his arms resolutely, and Mu Taotao fell to the ground gorgeously, stirring up a piece of yellow sand.

Although it was thrown on the beach, it still had a certain impact, and the buttocks and the ground on the back really hurt a little.

It's good for the man, he left the woman behind, and continued to move on as if nothing to do with him.

Behind him were four bodyguards in black, who also followed him away.

Mu Taotao grinned her teeth in pain on the ground, and shouted at the man's back: "Bastard, if you tell you to throw it, just throw it, why don't you die!"

But the man acted as if he didn't hear her, and he yelled and scolded her as much as he wanted, without even looking back.

Mu Taotao had to turn over with difficulty, and then got up from the ground.

At this moment, she was stunned by the sight in front of her.

Is this the legendary Bali?Is this the legendary tourist destination, the most popular honeymoon place?

Blue sky, sandy beach, white clouds, coconut groves blown by the sea breeze, a tropical island scenery.

Not far away is the blue sea with the same color as the sky, rolling up white waves, chasing the feet of the guests who are playing on the beach.

Men wear brightly colored beach shorts, come in small groups, or talk loudly, and occasionally wear bikinis. When girls with hot bodies walk by, the eyes of the men will follow closely.

This is an island full of romance, ambiguity and vitality. It is indeed a paradise for vacation.

Food, beauties, beautiful scenery, everything is pure and extreme!
Fascinated by the scenery of Bali, Mu Taotao couldn't help sweeping away the haze on the plane just now, and happily ran towards the sea. While running, she opened her arms and screamed towards the turbulent sea.

Leng Yihan turned around, squinted at the back of the woman running towards the sea, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with her?"

"Master, Miss Mu is probably too happy."

"is it?"

Leng Yi coldly glanced at his subordinates, expressing doubts about his words.

The woman who was jumping and making noise on the plane just now, who wanted to fight desperately with him, would go crazy with joy now?

"You two go and follow her, don't let her have any accidents!"

From Leng Yihan's point of view, Mu Taotao's behavior was more like being stimulated by something and planning to commit suicide by jumping into the sea.

So, on the beach, Mu Taotao entertained herself alone, playing in the water, holding up the salty sea water with her hands, and watching them flow away from her fingers little by little.

She was having a great time playing like this.

At this time, there were blond-haired and blue-eyed children who were on vacation next to them, playing ball in the water, and she joined them, having a great time with them.

The two nearby bodyguards in black, wearing black super sunglasses, stood there expressionlessly, just watching Mu Taotao having fun, how could they look like someone who was about to commit suicide by jumping into the sea?
The children like to play with Mu Taotao very much.

She has a big smile, is quick and always catches the ball with precision.

Mu Taotao also had a great time, temporarily forgetting why she came here.

It wasn't until she was too tired from playing and the children were going back to their place of residence that Mu Taotao remembered why she came here.

Looking around, there are groups of strangers, she didn't bring anything, even her wallet seemed to be forgotten in the car, what should she do now?
It's impossible for her to escape by herself.

Fortunately, the two bodyguards seemed to notice that she was looking for someone, so they walked over and politely said to her: "Miss Mu, the young master is in the hotel not far ahead, come with us."

Seeing that these two people looked like gangsters, Mu Taotao didn't want to be controlled by Leng Yihan when she returned to the hotel.

She would rather ask someone she doesn't know for help than stay with Leng Yihan.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao turned around and ran desperately, stepping on the water on the beach until it splashed everywhere.

She was like a frightened rabbit, running non-stop, just hoping to get rid of Leng Yihan's clutches.

It's a pity that her wishful thinking failed again.

No matter how fast Mu Taotao escaped, she was capable, but the opponents were two tall and strong men with well-trained bodyguards, so she was no match for them.

But in a matter of seconds, others caught up with her, and then forcibly carried her back to the hotel alone.

"Let go of me, let me go! You bastards!"

Even though Mu Taotao was being held by someone's arms and walked forward, she still couldn't change her noisy personality. She kept arguing non-stop and asked other people nearby for help.

There were also blond foreigners who saw her situation and wanted to do good deeds and stepped forward to help, but the bodyguards said: "This is our business, please don't help."

Those people had the idea of ​​doing good things, but because of the coldness of the bodyguards, people were afraid to approach them.

Just like that, Mu Taotao still couldn't escape the fate of being brought in front of Leng Yihan.

At this time, Leng Yihan was sitting in the living room of a sea view room, facing the beautiful sea, sitting on a wooden recliner, drinking strong coffee, enjoying such a peaceful moment.

Mu Taotao was brought into the room while cursing, and then thrown on the thick white pure cashmere carpet, when the bodyguards said to Leng Yihan: "Master, Miss Mu brought it here."

(End of this chapter)

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