Chapter 130 The Snitch Essence
"You go down."

The voice was cold and clear, with no warmth as usual.

The bodyguards turned and left the room, and then closed the door.

With the sound of the door closing, only Mu Taotao and Leng Yihan were left in the small space.

The man turned his back to her, still admiring the beach scenery outside, and there was an extremely large white bed between them.

The decoration of the room is also extremely clean, mainly pure white, white carpet, white furniture, white walls, with beautiful dark lines, shining with holy light.

Because the whole room is all white and the lighting is very good, it looks bright.

However, in such a beautiful house, there lived a cruel and terrifying demon.

Mu Taotao felt that Leng Yihan's aura didn't match this room at all.

He was supposed to be a demon living in darkness at all.

Just like the black clothes he was wearing.

The black shirt and trousers made his figure look more slender. Even if he was sitting there with his legs crossed, his long legs were so obvious.

Mu Taotao became quiet for a moment because she was observing the room, but soon she heard the man growling at her: "Come here!"

"Come here if you say so, I'm not a kitten or puppy, hum!"

Mu Taotao simply sat on the cashmere carpet where she was, with a look of no cooperation.

She folded her arms around her chest and crossed her legs, like a monk meditating.

Her eyebrows and eyes are still delicate and lovely, her eyes are round and full of vitality.

With baby fat cheeks and pouty lips, they looked even cuter when they were pouting.

Seeing that her own words were contradicted by her, Leng Yihan couldn't help getting up from the wooden recliner, then looked at Mu Taotao coldly, and his thin lips moved slightly: "You don't come here, because you want me to go there? And you say you don't like me?"

Well, how narcissistic is this guy really?

"Hey, why do you say I like you? Haven't you heard Meili say that? I have a boyfriend, so I don't like you!"

Mu Taotao argued loudly.

Leng Yihan's face had an expression colder than ice, and he walked towards Mu Taotao step by step. His tall figure, like a huge shadow, instantly blocked Mu Taotao.

The invisible pressure hit, a trace of panic flashed across the woman's face, but she quickly calmed down.

She, Mu Taotao, was not frightened, she should not be intimidated by a man's aura.

So Mu Taotao straightened her back even more, and yelled at the man: "Don't think that you are tall and mighty, and you are a man, so you can bully women at will. Let me tell you, I despise you.

Also, as long as you dare to approach me, I will cry for you.

Others don't know that Leng Yihan is afraid of women's tears, but I know it. "

While talking, Mu Taotao stared at Leng Yihan with big eyes.

The momentum is not lost to men at all.

Leng Yihan really convinced her.

He was obviously afraid that he was going to die, but he was still able to die.

I have seen all kinds of girls, all kinds of charming, charming and affectionate, those who take the initiative to throw themselves into my arms, or those who are as tender as water, but I have never seen this kind of girl, neither breasts nor anything The brain is a bit silly, a stupid and cute woman.

Leng Yihan was almost fainted by Mu Taotao's pretended strength.

He couldn't help squatting down, standing in front of her, staring at her intently, just staring at her, to see how the woman would react.

Seeing his cool face, the woman showed no expression at all, nor could she see any deterrent effect.

Simply strike first and hit his chest with his forehead, trying to knock him down.

Leng Yihan seemed to have seen through her thoughts, stretched out his long hand, and touched the top of the woman's head, making it impossible for her to push forward.

"Let me go, don't put your hands on my head if you have the ability, you bastard!"

Well, she is still very unreasonable, it is obvious that her intention was seen through, does she still want the other party not to resist and let her hit her head?
Leng Yihan really admired Mu Taotao's idea.

The head was controlled by Leng Yihan with one hand, so he had to help with both hands, scratching forward desperately.

It's a pity that the difference in height and the other party is not one or two points, so even the length of the arms is much different. Mu Taotao scratched desperately, but couldn't touch the other party's body.

After being played with like a toy by Leng Yihan for a long time, maybe he felt tired before letting her go.

Leng Yihan got up, quickly took out a change of clothes from the suitcase on the side, then glanced at Mu Taotao inadvertently, and said in a deep and magnetic voice: "I'm going to take a shower, are you staying here?"

"Do you think I want to be here? There must be a place for me.

Leng Yihan pointed to another room behind a door: "That's your room."

As soon as Mu Taotao heard that there was still her own room, she quickly got up from the ground, and then jumped towards another room as if her butt was on fire.

The structure of this room is similar to the one just now, even the furnishings are the same, with a wide white bed, a wall-mounted LCD TV, and a viewing platform near the sea.

Mu Taotao cheered, then threw herself on the big bed and buried herself in it.

Fresh and clean bed sheets, as soon as you smell it, you know that it is the equipment only available in five-star and above hotels.

In the past, when Mu Taotao followed Hongye and Jiran to find museums abroad, he would also stay in a relatively high-end hotel.

Of course, she only lives by rubbing against them. If she is alone, I'm afraid it won't work.

Thinking of the situation when she was a snitch, Mu Taotao felt that a small ordinary hotel room wanted to lock her up, did she underestimate her ability?

Thinking of this, she came to the viewing balcony and took a closer look at the floor she was on now.

It turned out to be on the thirteenth floor. If you jumped from here, you would be making a joke of your own life.

But it doesn't matter, she can crawl to other rooms and run out of those rooms.

You know, these viewing balconies are all connected, so it is very easy to climb over.

Mu Taotao looked at the left and right sides, and found that the side of the room she was in was already the side closest to the wall, that is to say, she had to go to the viewing balcony on the other side to reach the other room instead of climbing directly to the other room. That cold room.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao quietly opened the door and found that Leng Yihan had entered the bathroom.

So she came to his viewing balcony, and then prepared to climb from his balcony to the balcony on the other side.

Mu Taotao tried not to let herself look downstairs.

The height of the thirteen-story building may not be so tense if it is at night and the ground cannot be seen.

But it was daytime now, and the height of the twelve-story building made it easy for people to be afraid of heights, and thus their hands and legs became weak.

(End of this chapter)

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