Sweetheart: The Black-bellied Chief's Little Runaway Wife

Chapter 131 The woman who is not afraid of death

Chapter 131 The woman who is not afraid of death

Think back to when she was training snitches, Mu Taotao was often hung with a rope around her waist, and was bumped up and down by her master at a height of more than ten meters, just to practice her fear of heights.

Now she has adapted to climbing in the sky, no matter how high the floor is, she can do it.

It's just that she never brought those professional tools with her, so today she will use bare hands.

But it doesn't matter, the time to really test your courage has come! ,

Taking a deep breath and cheering herself up, Mu Taotao quickly climbed up to the edge of the balcony, ready to climb to the other side.

Mu Taotao turned her back to the ground and pressed her whole body against the wall, then opened her legs, trying to step on the edge of the balcony on the other side.

There is a distance of seventy to eighty centimeters between the two balconies. As long as the legs are opened, it is easy to step on the opposite balcony.

However, what is unexpected is that between the balcony and the balcony is the bathroom.

When Mu Taotao tried hard to climb the only transom window to get to the balcony next to her, she suddenly felt that her hand holding the transom window was grabbed by another stranger's hand.

Immediately afterwards, a cold face appeared in front of her eyes, which made Mu Taotao's heart beat faster, her feet were unsteady, and she exclaimed that she was about to fall backwards.

However, Mu Taotao heard another urgent voice: "Mu Taotao, hold on to my hand!"

The voice came from Leng Yihan, and just after he took a shower in the bathroom, he heard a strange noise outside the window.

At first I thought it was a thief, but after thinking about it carefully, this is a tourist attraction, and the law and order should be fine.

How could thieves come to patronize so soon?Besides, this is the thirteenth floor, so the thief must have great skills.

Then he saw a pair of hands on the transom, the fingers were delicate and tender, and he could tell it was a woman's hand at a glance.

Leng Yihan quickly realized that this was Mu Taotao.

Unexpectedly, the woman was so bold that she dared to climb the balcony and was about to escape.

Realizing this, Leng Yihan's face was covered with frost, and then he reached out and grabbed the woman's hand on the transom.

Unexpectedly, this grab scared Mu Taotao so much that she even leaned back.

If it wasn't for Leng Yihan holding her hand tightly, I'm afraid she would really fall from the thirteenth floor.

The two were engaged in a tug-of-war, and Mu Taotao stabilized for a long time before he finally stabilized his body, and then heard Leng Yihan softly say: "Slowly grab the pillar next to you and go back to the room, good boy, obedient."

This is a gentle voice that Mu Taotao has never heard before, and it feels like Mo Yanshao is wearing this man.

Mu Taotao was in a daze for a moment, and then followed Leng Yihan's words and returned to the room little by little while supporting the pillar.

When she just stood firm on the balcony, before she had time to breathe a sigh of relief, she felt a huge shadow enveloped her.

Mu Taotao looked up, and saw Leng Yihan's face as cold as ice, and a pair of lavender eyes shining with a frightening light, it was really scary.

Mu Taotao's heart beat faster and her blood flowed backwards. She felt that she was not scared to death by falling down the stairs, but was scared to death by the man's cold, gloomy eyes.

"you you……"

"Come here for me!"

Before Mu Taotao finished speaking, the man had already grabbed Mu Taotao back to the room like a chick, and then threw her heavily on the bed.

Mu Taotao was thrown into a daze, and fear rose in her heart.

What she was afraid of was not being thrown on the bed, but that the person who threw her was full of danger to her.

Mu Taotao got up from the bed, curled up a little bit towards the corner of the bed, her face was full of fear and terror.

Leng Yihan approached her little by little, with a condensed air: "What did you want to do just now?"

"I... I didn't do anything."

It was still a stiff answer.



Leng Yihan didn't stop approaching her because of her answer.

The more she shrinks back, the more he advances.Soon, he cornered her, and then jumped on her.

Mu Taotao simply buried her whole body between her legs, covered her ears with her hands and screamed in shock, "You're molesting, you're killing someone, help me!..."

She yelled out all the words she could think of, and each word was more amazing than the last!
I don't know, I thought something happened to her by a man.

Originally, Leng Yihan really wanted to do something to her, and it was entirely for the reason of scaring her.

But when she started to scream, the man didn't even have the idea of ​​approaching her to frighten her.

He just straightened up and stood in the same spot, listening to the woman screaming and screaming, but he looked calm and relaxed.

Mu Taotao didn't know how long she had been screaming, and she didn't feel that the other party was tearing her clothes or attacking her body.

She slowly let go of her hands covering her ears, opened her closed eyes and looked around.

When she found that the man didn't approach her, but just stood there quietly looking at her, Mu Taotao finally relaxed, her whole body seemed to be exhausted, and she said coldly to the statue-like standing there : "You... don't stand there, go, it's really stressful!"

"I scare you?"


Mu Taotao rolled her eyes, she was really self-aware, and she did not shy away from saying that she was afraid.

"Are you feeling stressed?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

Mu Taotao was still not in a good mood.

This man is really endless, and he knows it all, so why ask her?
"Then why didn't you admit it just now? Why did you run away?"

"You pose such a big threat to me, do you still want me to be bullied by you here? Of course I will run away."

Mu Taotao was calculating while making big gestures.

"Afraid of me, but still dare to run, aren't you afraid of the consequences?"

"I'm afraid, but I have to run too. If I succeed, don't be afraid!"

Mu Taotao still seemed to have a good reason.

But Leng Yihan's face became even colder: "You'd better let go of the idea of ​​running away, go take a shower, change your clothes, and accompany me down for dinner."

After Leng Yihan finished speaking, he glanced sideways at the woman who was not afraid of death, then walked outside, raised his wrist to look at his watch, and said in a cold voice: "I'll give you 10 minutes, and I won't be here in 10 minutes. Someone will come and invite you down."

After Leng Yihan finished speaking, he had already walked to the door, turned the doorknob gracefully and walked out.

The whole process was full of aristocratic elegance, which made Mu Taotao even more upset, why could he scare her into a ball, and then he just stood there and secretly laughed at her.

(End of this chapter)

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