Chapter 132 Pretending to be Elegant

But he failed to do so, because Leng Yihan stood up directly to catch Leng Yifeng's palm, and sarcastically said: "Second brother, do you think it's appropriate to know as much as a little girl?"

"Leng Yihan, take good care of your woman. If she speaks rudely again in the future, be careful that I will show no mercy!"

After Leng Yifeng finished speaking, he snorted coldly, and the cold light in his eyes was menacing, then he shook off Leng Yihan's hand that was holding him, and strode outside.

Only then did Mu Taotao realize that she was actually quite frightened.

Although Leng Yihan blocked the slap for her so that she didn't really get it, but the wind of the slap had already reached her face, making her feel a chill.

In addition, the man can fold the small wooden table with one palm, which shows how strong he is.

When Leng Yifeng left, more than a dozen black-clothed bodyguards flashed around and followed him away.

That posture leaves no doubt that he is a gangster.

As for Leng Yihan, the situation is similar.

Mu Taotao was surrounded by several big men, and she felt as if she had walked away from the hand of death.

Leng Yihan turned his head and stared at Mu Taotao closely, his voice was still cold, and at the same time he blamed: "Mu Taotao, do you have the brains to dare to say anything? You dare to offend anyone, and I am here today , if I'm not here, how many heads do you have for him to pinch?"

"What? What kind of head? How dare he crush me? I'll never let him go!"

Mu Taotao looked eager to try, and didn't pay attention to Leng Yifeng at all.

Leng Yihan didn't know whether to say she was capable or stupid.

Shaking his head, Leng Yihan put his hands into his purse first, and then walked forward.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Eat, are you hungry?"

Leng Yihan's voice came coldly, and Mu Taotao really felt very hungry after being reminded by him.

So he covered his stomach with one hand, and ran behind Leng Yihan.

The man in front has really long legs, and he walks like a model. He is both elegant and handsome, and he simply fascinates all beings.

Looking at Mu Taotao, even though she is not short among girls, compared to Leng Yihan, she is really nothing.

One is walking leisurely and contentedly in front with long legs, the other is following closely behind with short legs, and there are several bodyguards in black suits who look like king kong behind him, which is really unexpected.

When I arrived at the restaurant, I came to a table with all kinds of food, and Mu Taotao was almost stunned by the various delicacies on the table!
The most distinctive local roast pork rice, banana leaf smoked duck, and Indonesian fried rice, plus a variety of seafood delicacies.

Walking around the dining table, I can feel the aroma of food coming to my face, making my mouth water.

Mu Taotao has never been a coy person, so she quickly sat down to eat a big piece, regardless of whether Leng Yihan wanted to sit down to eat or not.

Anyway, she was hungry and had no money, so she could only find him for food and drink.

Sitting at the dining table, grabbing a roasted pork shank with one hand and a steamed sea crab with the other, Mu Taotao ate so much that oil came out of her mouth.

This is the first time Leng Yihan has seen this way of eating.

Especially a girl.

But he sat down and found the waiter leisurely, wiped his hands, and then started to prepare the meal.

A variety of local special seasoning sauces are used to dip seafood, so as not to be too fishy to eat.

But Mu Taotao obviously doesn't care about that much, she can eat whatever she wants, so she won't be like Leng Yihan, stretching out her slender white fingers, peeling off the shrimp and crab meat little by little, and putting them in a Plate, and then slowly dipped in sauce to eat.

Mu Taotao also wanted to taste whether the food he dipped in was more delicious, so she wanted to reach out to grab the shrimp and crab meat he had stored on the plate, but Leng Yihan slapped the back of her hand hard, causing her to It hurts and I have to take it back.

At the same time, there was a strange expression on her face because of the pain.

But Leng Yihan was unmoved, and only said: "You eat like a pig, are you willing to reach out for it?"

"If you eat with pigs, you won't be very advanced."

Mu Taotao was furious. If Mo Yanshao were here, she would definitely let her eat the food he peeled. This Leng Yihan is simply a cheapskate.

Seeing Leng Yihan eating so elegantly and beautifully.

Mu Taotao had no choice but to sit down, and followed his example and began to eat well.

Mo Yanshao once told her that if one wants to enter the high society, one must learn to behave gracefully.

Whether it is sitting, standing, walking, or eating, you should maintain a certain graceful posture.

Mu Taotao felt that he needed to learn a lot, so he should learn from the people around him.

Leng Yihan's way of eating is indeed worth learning. He is not in a hurry, his movements are elegant, and his every move and gesture is aristocratic.

Mu Taotao naturally followed suit, although he found it a bit difficult, especially to control the strength of the knife and fork so that the food under the knife would not fly out because of his stupidity, sometimes it was really difficult.

Leng Yihan on the opposite side saw Mu Taotao chopping the knife so that it rattled with the plate, he couldn't help but raise his eyelids, his eyes were ironic: "Have you never learned how to use a knife and fork?"

"Yes, are you born with it?"

Mu Taotao retorted.

Leng Yihan stopped talking, still gracefully and naturally cut the food on his plate, and then put the fork into his mouth to chew slowly without making any sound.

The atmosphere between the two people became very strange, one was an elegant and extraordinary young man, and the other was a silly girl who was eager for quick success but couldn't get in.

In the end, the meat under the knife whirled and almost landed on a couple passing by, just in front of them.

The two looked at Mu Taotao at the same time, with anger in their eyes.

Mu Taotao had no choice but to stand up and apologize to others: "Sorry!"

Well, she was really out of embarrassment.

Looking back at the elegant young man on the opposite side, he had already eaten his hair. He wiped his lips with a napkin beside him, then got up and prepared to leave.

"Hey, don't you wait for me? Are you a gentleman?"

"If you don't know how to use a knife and fork, just use your hands or chopsticks. Why do you have to be elegant there?"

Leng Yihan's words are really exciting.

Mu Taotao was furious.

But there was no way, she simply threw away the knife and fork, actually picked up the meat on the plate and put it directly into her mouth, stuffed her stomach in a hurry, then wiped her mouth and hands with a napkin, and left with Leng Yihan.

In this unfamiliar place, Mu Taotao doesn't know anyone else, has no money, and can't escape, so she can only rely on Leng Yihan.

(End of this chapter)

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