Chapter 139 Ambition
"Basically, the gangster society is where the weak prey on the strong. If you are strong, you are the boss. If you are weak, you can only be trampled underfoot."

Leng Yihan's words made Mu Taotao not know how to refute now.

She always felt that something was wrong, could it be that she could only solve the problem by force.

But sometimes force is the best way. Faced with a group of desperadoes, do you still have to be reasonable?

Just as Mu Taotao was thinking so, the five daggers had already been handed over to five people.

After the five people got the dagger, they showed different degrees of nervousness. After looking at each other, they all cast a questioning look at Leng Yihan.

I don't understand whether what Leng Yihan said is true or not.

One of the men with long curly hair said: "If we kill them, can we really replace them?"

"Of course, I mean what I say."

Leng Yihan sat there, with an elegant posture and a gentle voice, but his voice was pleasant, full of everyone's demeanor, and even such bloody words could be said calmly.

The five people looked at each other again. Although their whole bodies were shaking violently, several of them had hidden their daggers and walked out of the house.

Among them, the last one was a man who was not tall and wore a waistcoat, but his bare skin had protruding muscles. His hair shape was very similar to that of a former movie star named Ba Liang Jin.

And this little man who was walking at the end suddenly took advantage of his unpreparedness and attacked Leng Yihan.

Leng Yihan also seemed to have been prepared for a long time, but he raised one leg lightly, turned around, and kicked the man to the corner of the wall, spitting blood, and fell in response.

Leng Yihan asked someone to carry the kicked man out, and then threw him at the feet of his boss.

The whole process, in one go.

It was the first time for Mu Taotao to see Leng Yihan fighting against someone up close. His movements were really clean and natural, and his strength was just right, which made people admire him.

Until the person was thrown out, Mu Taotao still hadn't recovered. In the blink of an eye, someone was attacking him with a dagger, how could he react so quickly.

You know, that person attacked with all his strength, and he was obviously prepared for it long ago, and there is no room for mistakes in the strength of the angle.

And Leng Yihan also seemed to have calculated it right, kicked that person, hit his lower abdomen, kicked him to the wall five meters away and then fell, spitting blood was inevitable, only half of the body was left. Fate is also inevitable.

When they returned to the hall again, the faces of the five bosses who were vying to be the branch president were all pale.

Before the other four subordinates could do anything, they were all taken down.

The boss of the only small man who made a move on Leng Yihan was called out.

The little boss named Gan Qing knelt in front of Leng Yihan and kept begging for mercy: "Third Young Master, this was definitely not arranged by me. few."

"En, I believe in you." When Leng Yihan opened his mouth, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Even Leng Aotian didn't understand: "What do you believe in him?"

"His people can do something to me. I believe he is very ambitious. As a member of the gang, ambition is more important than anything else. So if my father doesn't object, Gan Qing will be the president of the branch."


As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked again, and the other four people were even more unconvinced.

How can there be such a choice?Just because Gan Qing's subordinates dared to attack the third young master, Gan Qing was appointed as the branch president, how could this be possible.

Leng Yihan didn't care about other people's comments at all, but Leng Aotian yelled impatiently: "Okay, shut up and listen to what he has to say."

Mu Taotao also wanted to know the answer, because she couldn't guess what Leng Yihan wanted to say.

Leng Yihan doesn't care about other people's comments, but since Leng Aotian asked, he naturally wants to answer.

Leng Yifeng on the side was also looking at his third brother, wishing he could get rid of him right away.

"The reason is very simple, these five people are the closest people under the bosses, and their boss is the person who has the greatest influence on them.

When I asked them to kill their boss, everyone was eager to try, with varying degrees of ambition.

But Gan Qing's subordinates are even more ambitious. He chose to attack me. As long as he takes me down, he can naturally become the branch president, let alone replace their boss, and he can make great achievements.

This just shows that Gan Qing is usually the most ambitious of the five.

I have read all the materials of the five of them. The one in charge of Gan Qing has the largest expansion of power. If they really want to fight.

Perhaps the one most likely to win is Gan Qing.

But I have a piece of advice, anyone who slaps a knife on Leng's family at will will never end well.

I want the lives of my Leng family members to replace them, so I have to figure out what the price will be. "

Leng Yihan's words really made the other gang members of the uncle's generation awe-inspiring.

This is their future leader, the real boss who is most likely to take them on.

Hearing these words, the loyal subordinates standing beside Leng Aotian were all overjoyed, and someone congratulated Leng Aotian: "Guild Master, our third young master really has the demeanor of a gang master, and maybe he will be better than the blue one in the future." .”

"It makes sense, it seems that we are really old, then I declare..."

At this time, the setting sun was like blood outside, and everything seemed to be proceeding in an orderly manner.

But the subordinates in charge of external security affairs ran in, and said while running: "It's not good, we were attacked by someone, and someone broke in."

Hearing this news, everyone started to move, those brains were naturally protected and prepared to escape from other places.

Because they don't know the identity of the other party, they don't know whether they are soldiers or thieves like them.

But because this is the Southeast Asia meeting of the Longyan Gang, it will be very miserable if someone takes it all at once!
What's more, Leng Aotian is still here.

Seeing that his brothers were in a hurry, Leng Aotian was very angry: "Keep quiet and investigate the situation clearly."

However, just as Leng Aotian finished speaking, he heard the sound of an explosion in the yard outside the house, and a bomb of unknown power exploded outside the door.

This time, Leng Yihan ordered his subordinates to take Leng Aotian away immediately, while he himself took people to check the situation outside.

Mu Taotao is about to become an isolated island.

But it is absolutely impossible for Leng Yihan to leave her unprotected.

So he called his two most capable bodyguards, both left and right, and asked them to take Mu Taotao and leave with the bosses through the back door.

The bomb that exploded in the yard was not a bomb, but a tear gas bomb.

Thick smoke billowed in, with a pungent smell, and soon everyone was surrounded by thick smoke, and they burst into tears.

2015 · Anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities · Internet clean-up campaign is in progress, China Literature will actively cooperate with relevant departments and submit materials.

Authors, please be vigilant when writing: don't appear illegal content, don't take chances.The consequences are serious, don't mistake yourself. (Already an author of an outstation, sentenced to three and a half years in prison)
(End of this chapter)

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