Chapter 140
2 This is a bay that is most suitable for couples to spend alone.

The water was at the waist, and the man held the woman's face and kissed her quietly.

The feeling that I haven't seen her for two days is that my thoughts on her are getting stronger and stronger.

I want to have a two-person time with her, and I want to chase the ultimate pleasure in the depths of my soul with her.

His hands caressed every inch of her body, hoping to arouse the deepest desire in the woman's heart.

Her lips were slightly swollen from his kiss, but they were as seductive and lustrous as jelly, which made him want to kiss her even more deeply.

Chasing and playing with her tongue, conquering cities and land, hugging her delicate waist more tightly.

With just a slight jerk, her legs clamped tightly around his waist, and then the deep, desire, desire was provoked.

The woman's hair was still wet, strands hanging on her head.

Keeping her in a position higher than his shoulders, let her forehead rest on top of his own.

The passionate kiss continued, the sunset had gradually sunk below the horizon, and countless twinkling stars rose in the sky.

The sea water patted the shore, and the man and woman in the passionate kiss continued.

Just kissing each other is naturally not enough.

The woman's hand held the man's face tighter, just wanting to let him know how much she loves him and is willing to give her whole body.

When did you leave the beach, and when did you switch to the luxurious and clean bed in the hotel.

Mu Taotao couldn't even remember those details.

She only remembered that the moon was very beautiful that night, and there were stars, they dangled in front of her eyes.

And she was floating on the clouds.

Sometimes there is a feeling that the soul is out of the body, and sometimes I feel that I am embraced by the gentle sea water.

Mo Yanshao even had the feeling of finding a lost treasure.

Mu Taotao is his treasure, and he will never abandon her in his life. Even if the whole world opposes them being together, he will never abandon her.

The next day, the two returned to China by civil aviation plane, and the company sent a car to pick them up.

Because Mu Taotao never asked for leave from school, he had to go back to school to make up the leave, and he had to explain it to Ai Meili.

But unexpectedly, as soon as she appeared at the school gate, a group of reporters gathered around, taking pictures and asking questions about her and Leng Yihan.

This made Mu Taotao deeply terrified, what's going on?
Why were she and Leng Yihan brought together?
When Mingming came back, she was with Mo Yanshao.

When asked about his relationship with Leng Yihan, Mu Taotao was in a daze.

And the other students in the college cast contemptuous, envious, or jealous eyes on her.

What kind of trouble is this.

It happened that Ai Meili's father's company car came to the school gate and saw Mu Taotao who was besieged by reporters.

When Ai Meili heard them asking about her and Leng Yihan, the expression on Ai Meili's face was very unnatural.

Mu Taotao saw Ai Meili, who was dressed in a pink and white dress, very well-dressed and fashionable, but her complexion looked very bad.

Mu Taotao waved to Ai Meili, hoping that she could help her.

But Ai Meili pretended not to hear or see, and left on her own.

"Beautiful, I'm Taotao, look at me, look at me!"

Mu Taotao wanted to get rid of those nasty gossip reporters, but in vain, she couldn't get rid of them at all.

On the contrary, the reporters surrounded him even more tightly, and the flashes kept flashing, taking pictures of Mu Taotao who was flustered and uncomfortable.

Mu Taotao was almost overwhelmed by these reporters, who will save her?
Just when Mu Taotao felt that he was having difficulty breathing and would definitely die from lack of oxygen due to these people.

Suddenly, another luxury car stopped on the side of the road.

Silver-gray, extended version of the Lincoln car with a four-eight license plate number.

Mu Taotao still remembered who owned that car.

At this moment, the car door opened, and six bodyguards in black got out of the car first.

Immediately afterwards, someone opened the middle door, and a pair of long legs wrapped in black trousers stepped out of the car first.

Then came the man's body and head.

When he stood there as a whole, it seemed that there was a dark wind blowing all around him, and an even colder aura.

This person is nearly 1.9 meters tall, wearing a black suit with a shiny white shirt inside.

The whole person looks clean and handsome, but he is unsmiling. When he looks at someone casually, he will instantly be in awe of him.

It has the air of a king.

The bodyguards in black stood beside him.

And when all the reporters saw Zhang's handsome face, they couldn't help but want to gather around.

But his bodyguards did not allow reporters to approach easily, let alone taking pictures.

Leng Yihan is such a person with aura.

Wherever he went, people with strong inferiority complex almost died.

People will feel that there are such outstanding characters, it is simply the favorite of God.

And being spoiled by God's darling is the best!

This best product is Mu Taotao.

When Leng Yihan saw Mu Taotao, the frost on his face was melting little by little, and he greeted her with a smile for the first time, "Taotao."

Mu Taotao was also taken aback.

Has this man time-traveled?What does that smile mean?Isn't he always cold?

Ai Meili, who was not far away, also looked at this side with a sad face, and saw Leng Yihan smiling gently at Mu Taotao.

Who would have thought that the legendary iceberg prince would have such a handsome smile.

Leng Yihan not only smiled, but also walked up to Mu Taotao, took her hand and asked her to walk towards the academy with him.

The gossip reporters wanted to capture this historic moment, so the scene of the two holding hands was fixed at that moment.

It was just because Mu Taotao didn't recover for a moment that Leng Yihan held hands and succeeded.

When she reacted, Leng Yihan did not allow her to resist: "If you don't want me to kiss you in public, just cooperate obediently."

It's a pity that Mu Taotao can no longer be manipulated by him like this, but before she can shake off Leng Yihan's hand, she has already been led by him to run wildly.

His hands were so strong that Mu Taotao couldn't get rid of them at all, so he could only passively be dragged forward by him.

After getting rid of those reporters, Leng Yihan panted and let go of Mu Taotao's hand, then sat down on a bench under a certain corridor.

Mu Taotao's chest also heaved violently because of running, and her whole body was panting unevenly.

But what is even more unconvincing is, why does this person think that he can hold her hand at will and let the two of them be photographed?

"Leng Yihan, what exactly do you want? How can you just hold my hand casually."

(End of this chapter)

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