Chapter 141 Pretending to be Righteous
"I told you, you're my girlfriend."

"I'm not, you said it, it was just pretending."

"No, I'm going to be serious now, I want you to be my girlfriend."

The man preached domineeringly.

Mu Taotao was so angry that her small face was flushed, and she rushed to him and yelled at him: "You can't count your words. You said that I'm just pretending to be a couple with you. What do you mean by going back on your word now?"

"It's nothing interesting, I want to try to date you, I want to be a normal man!"

Leng Yihan grabbed Mu Taotao's white wrist, looked at the woman with a pair of light purple eyes, full of domineering and hostility.

Even when he was talking about asking others to be his girlfriend, he could make people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Not to mention that Mu Taotao has a boyfriend, even if she didn't have a boyfriend, she wouldn't choose such a domineering man as her boyfriend.

Therefore, Mu Taotao looked back at him without showing any weakness, and yelled at him: "Leng Yihan, I have never seen such an overbearing and unreasonable person like you, I have a boyfriend, let me go!"

"Is that Mo Yanshao? I'll let him know that you will be with me."

"Leng Yihan, you..."

Leng Yihan didn't say anything more, but shook off Mu Taotao's hand, and left neatly.

Mu Taotao didn't dare to think too much about how Leng Yihan would tell Mo Yanshao about her and him.

But she didn't want Mo Yan to think too much, what if she really misunderstood?
When Mu Taotao thought of being mobbed by reporters early in the morning, all asking about her and Leng Yihan, she felt helpless and afraid.

But she didn't want to think too badly about it.

So I reluctantly went to class to attend class.

When I came there, I saw Zhou Zhenni and Xiao Feifei talking and laughing.

Zhou Zhenni greeted her warmly: "Tao Tao, you didn't come to class yesterday and the day before yesterday, did you go out to play?"

"Hmph, stealing the man that my good friend likes, such a good friend, I really dare not make friends."

Xiao Feifei sarcastically said that she was full of contempt for Mu Taotao.

When Mu Taotao heard her words, she thought of Ai Meili.

At the door just now, Ai Meili obviously looked towards her, but she still chose to leave.

It must be because she didn't know that she was surrounded by reporters.

Mu Taotao thought about it, and walked towards Ai Meili's seat.

She had to explain to her how she went to Bali with Leng Yihan.

"Meimei, did you see me just now? I was besieged by reporters, they were really bored."

Mu Taotao said helplessly, and then sat on the seat next to Ai Meili.

Obviously Leng Yihan didn't plan to come to class today, and even if she did, she didn't plan to let him sit beside Ai Meili again.

But Ai Meili's attitude is vague, which makes Mu Taotao very upset.

She has always been weak, but she is very good to Mu Taotao, and the two of them will talk in a low voice even in class.

But today, Ai Meili was not active. Mu Taotao took the initiative to talk to her, and she always reminded her: "Taotao, I want to concentrate on listening to the teacher."

Mu Taotao was shocked by her words and had to concentrate on listening to the class.

After class, Ai Meili went to the balcony outside alone, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the distance, staring in a sad daze alone.

In the classroom, Mu Taotao was observing Ai Meili, and then heard Xiao Feifei and the others shout suddenly: "Oh, my diamond necklace is gone, could it be stolen by someone with dirty hands and feet?"

Another woman who had a good time with Xiao Feifei glanced at Mu Taotao intentionally or unintentionally, and then said, "It couldn't be the thief who stole the student council president's car keys last time."

Although the words were not obvious, it was obvious that what they said was aimed at Mu Taotao.

Zhou Zhenni persuaded the girls, "Where have you been, why don't you look for it? How can you just say it was stolen?"

Mu Taotao completely ignored what those people said, and then just continued to observe Ai Meili's situation.

She felt very problematic, plus her performance at the school gate this morning.

Mu Taotao thinks that it must be that Ai Meili thinks she has something to do with Leng Yihan, that's why she behaves like this.

So Mu Taotao walked towards Ai Meili, and she had to explain to her.


Mu Taotao called.

Ai Meili finally turned around and forced a smile at her: "Taotao, I just can't calm down, I don't mean to perfuse you."

A layer of water vapor formed in Ai Meili's eyes, as if tears were about to fall in the next second.

Mu Taotao was very afraid of seeing Ai Meili cry, but had to explain to her, so she stood on the balcony with her, put his hands on the balcony and said: "Meili, I know you like Leng Yihan very much, he That's really going too far.

But you believe me, I have nothing to do with him, you know, I like Yan Shao, Mo Yanshao.

do you know?He was the one who picked me up yesterday. "

Speaking of this, Mu Taotao's face was filled with a very happy smile, and her face seemed to be coated with a layer of soft light, making her lovely face even more lovely.

Ai Meili looked at her glowing eyes and strangely radiant face, and couldn't help but be infected by her happiness, and then happily said: "Really?"

She also believed that it was impossible for Mu Taotao to move on because of Leng Yihan.

Based on her understanding of Mu Taotao, once she likes someone, there will be a beginning and an end.

Unless that person is sorry for her first.

So Ai Meili also laughed sincerely, took the initiative to take Mu Taotao's hand and said: "Taotao, before this, I was really jealous of you, you were able to go to Bali with Leng Yihan, but I was left behind." Next, so I feel very uncomfortable.

Taotao, I'm sorry. "

Ai Meili sincerely apologizes to Mu Taotao for her selfish thoughts.

Mu Taotao held her hand instead, with a very emotional expression: "Limei, we are best friends, don't tell me you're sorry, you understand?"

"can you forgive me?"

"You are not wrong, why do you say forgive?"

The two good friends finally let go of their suspicions and hugged each other.

At this time, the class bell rang, and Mu Taotao and Ai Meili walked towards the classroom holding hands.

However, as soon as the two of them walked to the door of the classroom, they saw a woman named Shu Miao who was with Xiao Feifei take out a glittering golden necklace from Mu Taotao's drawer, and then rushed towards Mu Taotao who walked in triumphantly. Taotao said: "Mu Taotao, why is Feifei's diamond necklace in your bag, how do you explain it?"

This is really a disaster.

Before Mu Taotao could speak, Zhou Zhenni had already started to reprimand Shu Miao: "Shu Miao, you can't talk nonsense, even if Taotao has done such things before, it doesn't mean she will do such things in the future things, so don’t talk nonsense without basis.”

2015 · Anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities · Internet clean-up campaign is in progress, China Literature will actively cooperate with relevant departments and submit materials.

Authors, please be vigilant when writing: don't appear illegal content, don't take chances.The consequences are serious, don't mistake yourself. (Already an author of an outstation, sentenced to three and a half years in prison)
(End of this chapter)

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