Chapter 143

After finishing speaking, regardless of Mu Taotao's struggle, he took her to the student council president's office.

Mu Taotao shouted at Ai Meili: "Lili, find someone to save me, Meili!"

Ai Meili stopped crying and watched Mu Taotao being taken away.

There was no way she could save her, the only thing she could think of was naturally Mo Yanshao.

So she quickly took out her mobile phone and called the office of the Mo's consortium. When she heard that President Mo was in a meeting, Ai Meili said anxiously: "You must give the call to President Mo, and say it is urgent If you want to find him, your life is at stake!
Ai Meili feels that Leng Yihan's character is uncertain, if he is unfavorable to Mu Taotao, wouldn't Mo Yanshao regret it too!

So Emily said so.

When the assistant heard that it was a matter of human life, she naturally didn't dare to neglect, and she really brought the phone to Mo Yanshao, so that Mo Yanshao could hear Ai Meili's voice calling for help.

"Mr. Mo, come and save Taotao, she was taken to his office by Leng Yihan's men."

"Don't worry, wait for me for 5 minutes, I'll be right there."

After Mo Yan said less, he rushed out of the office recklessly.

The rest of the administrative staff didn't know what happened, they could only watch helplessly as their handsome president left the meeting room in a panic, not knowing where he went.

Major General Mo Yan took off his suit, rushed into his office, and then came to the underground parking lot through another passage.

This time, instead of taking a helicopter, he stepped directly onto an imported Yamaha motorcycle, hit the gas pedal, and shifted the gear. The car rushed out of the underground parking lot like a wild horse, and slammed into the traffic-laden road.

The performance of this motorcycle is excellent, and Mo Yanshao's driving skills are comparable to the stuntmen in European and American blockbuster movies.

Therefore, his driving skills on the main road are so cool that the cameras cannot capture them at all.

Sure enough, only 5 minutes later, Mo Yanshao arrived at Willis College on his motorcycle, and then hurried into the college gate, even the security guards couldn't stop him.

Seeing Ai Meili on the side of the road, he threw her a helmet, and Mo Yanshao pointed to the back, signaling her to get in the car.

Ai Meili didn't dare to neglect, put on her helmet, sat in the back seat of Mo Yanshao, and drove towards the student council president's office.

Mu Taotao was brought in front of Leng Yihan in an extremely indecent posture, and thrown onto the sofa opposite him.

And when Mu Taotao stood up, he still thought of running away.

But unfortunately, she was hugged by Leng Yihan who was sitting on the single sofa, and was held tightly in his arms, and then obediently sat on his lap.

Leng Yihan's lavender eyes looked at the woman in his arms with warmth, sniffed the unique fragrance that belonged to her, buried his head in her neck, didn't care about her struggle, just murmured in her ear Whispering: "Tao Tao, I've never tasted love, I just want to try it with you, can't I?"

Leng Yihan's voice was pitiful and pathetic, but Mu Taotao didn't sympathize with him at all.

Her hands were tightly grasped by one of his, giving her no chance to continue struggling.

Mu Taotao shook her head from side to side, not wanting to be kissed on the neck by a man, his love words just made her feel sick.

She thought this man could be a little normal, but obviously, when he said he liked her, he was already abnormal.

He's like a real madman.

"Leng Yihan, there are so many girls in this world that you can like, why do you have to pester me, Meili loves you so much, why don't you give her a chance?"

"But none of them are you, I only want you!"

Leng Yihan's words made Mu Taotao feel cold for no reason.

He only wants her!

What do you mean?
What does he want to do to her?
"No, no, no.

Leng Yihan, I don't love you, you can't want me! "

Mu Taotao began to twist her body non-stop, hoping to get rid of the man's shackles.

But the more she struggled, the more disordered the man's breath became.

"But all I want"

The man's kiss had been tightly pressed down, and his lips touched the woman's naked skin, which made him feel even more excited.

Is this what it's like for a man to kiss a woman?It was really good, and he wanted more.

His hands have begun to tear the clothes off the woman, and he wants to try how wonderful and feeling it is when the woman and the man do that kind of thing in those videos.

There are only him and Mu Taotao in this room, no one else.

No one can stop him from doing what he wants to do.

But Mu Taotao already felt flustered like never before.

Does this man want to force her to do something?

How can he do this?

Didn't he say he didn't like women touching him the most?

Why did everything change when I came to her?

"No, don't! Leng Yihan, don't do such a cruel thing to me, I will hate you, I will hate you!"

Mu Taotao started a tug-of-war with Leng Yihan.

He desperately pulled off her clothes and kissed more of her naked skin, while Mu Taotao kept pulling those fabrics, hoping to wrap herself more tightly.

However, the disparity in power between men and women made it impossible for her to compete with him.

Mu Taotao's tears kept falling like broken beads, and her voice was hoarse. She really regretted being with this man and entering this academy.

If she loses her virginity because of Leng Yihan, she will definitely hate herself to death, feel sorry for Mo Yanshao, and will definitely die.

"Leng Yihan, you will kill me, if you bully me, I will definitely show you to death, aren't you most afraid of women dying in front of you?

You do such a cruel thing to me, I must die, I will kill myself! "

"don't want!"

Hearing Mu Taotao's cruel words, Leng Yihan quickly got up from Mu Taotao's body as if struck by lightning, and helped her pull down the clothes that had been pulled down so that she could lie there intact.

He looked at her with horror in his eyes, and begged in his voice: "Tao Tao, I won't touch you, but you must not die!"

Mu Taotao really didn't expect that Leng Yihan would be so nervous if he said he would die.

Isn't he very straightforward when dealing with others?No regard for human life at all.

Now, he is so nervous whether she will die, it's really strange!
But Mu Taotao couldn't care that much, she was let go by Leng Yihan, so she couldn't wait to get up from the sofa, then pulled her wrinkled clothes, and staggered towards the office door.

Leng Yihan collapsed on the sofa beside him, completely losing his previous elegance and coldness.

At this moment, he was like a hollowed out doll, just sitting there in a daze.

2015 · Anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities · Internet clean-up campaign is in progress, China Literature will actively cooperate with relevant departments and submit materials.

Authors, please be vigilant when writing: don't appear illegal content, don't take chances.The consequences are serious, don't mistake yourself. (Already an author of an outstation, sentenced to three and a half years in prison)
(End of this chapter)

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