Chapter 144

The scene of his mother's death kept flashing before his eyes.

She was like a glass doll, easily shattered before his eyes, and then died.

Before dying, he heard her say to himself: "Hanhan, don't fall in love with someone you shouldn't love, it will be painful... for the rest of your life."

Why do you say such things to him, making him feel that he can't love anyone in his life.

Why did he have to die in front of him? It made him feel that all the women in the world were so fragile and would die in front of him.

So Mu Taotao would die crying, and he immediately panicked, as if the scene from that year was repeated.

He would rather she just leave like this than die like he said.

Mu Taotao came to the door almost as if fleeing, and wanted to open the door and run out.

However, soon, the door opened in front of her eyes, causing her to open her mouth wide in shock, not knowing how to react.

However, when she saw who was standing at the door, Mu Taotao could hardly hold back the tears of excitement, and hugged the person who came.

Mo Yanshao never thought that Mu Taotao would be bullied by other men by his side.

And this man is still surnamed Leng, the man who may have some kind of connection with him.

Mu Taotao cried loudly in Mo Yanshao's arms, almost fainting from crying.

Mo Yanshao comforted softly: "Okay, okay, it's okay, don't cry like a child, let me take a good look at you."

You don't know if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, Mo Yanshao's whole body is about to be burned.

Mu Taotao's clothes were disheveled, with many folds, and there were clearly deep and shallow hickey marks on her neck, which appeared and disappeared at that time.

As a man, Mo Yanshao wouldn't know what this situation represented.

He walked towards Leng Yihan in the room almost uncontrollably, he must beat up this hateful man and seek justice for Taotao.

But Ai Meili came to Leng Yihan's side first, and saw the man's decadent expression.

This was an expression she had never seen on Leng Yihan's face before, as if she had encountered the saddest and saddest thing.

What happened to him?
So when Mo Yanshao was about to punch Leng Yihan, Ai Meili rushed over desperately, shielded Leng Yihan on her chest, and then yelled at Mo Yanshao: "President Mo, don't hit him! He I'm not feeling well, he must have regretted it, he probably didn't do anything to really hurt Taotao, please don't hit him!"

Ai Meili's desperate guarding made the enraged Mo Yanshao helpless.

Mu Taotao also came over at this time, pulled Mo Yanshao and said, "Yan Shao, I don't want to stay here, let's go, I should be fine."

"Is there something wrong with you, don't you know? Did he treat you..."

Mo Yanshao clenched his fists tightly, and there was deep resentment in his eyes.

Mu Taotao wanted to say no, but when she saw Mo Yanshao's furious face, she really wanted to know, what would this man do if she was defiled by another man?
"What would happen to me if I was really caught by him? What would happen to you?"

"I will kill him!"

Mo Yanshao said without hesitation.

"What about me? Will you dislike me?"

Mu Taotao's eyes were extremely clear, but they were eager to find answers.

"How come? Fool, I will love you more, and I will send more people to protect you, and no one can hurt you anymore."

Mo Yanshao's voice was soft and soothing, and he pulled Mu Taotao's drooping long hair to the back of his head, his eyes were touching and gentle.

Mu Taotao suddenly felt that with such a man by her side, how could she fall in love with others?

So she threw herself into her arms without thinking, hugged him tightly, and said happily: "He didn't do anything to me, it's true, because I told him that I would die, and he let me go , he seems to be afraid that I will die."


Mo Yanshao turned his head to look at the man who was being protected by Ai Meili, and sighed in his heart.

He hugged Mu Taotao even tighter, and then left the student council president's office while she was there.

At the door, six bodyguards were knocked down to the ground, injured to varying degrees, with painful expressions, moaning and groaning constantly.

Mu Taotao's clothes were torn, and strands of cloth fell on her body, looking extremely embarrassed.

Sitting in the co-pilot, the heartless girl looked at the car driving beside her, and the cool-faced man laughed like a nympho, his brows stretched, and the corners of his mouth almost grinned behind his ears, which shows his mood how nice.

"Are you ashamed to laugh? Being bullied like this."

Looking at the girl's innocent smile, Mo Yanshao couldn't bear to be harsh, so he just said sarcastically.

To Mo Yanshao's words, Mu Taotao just thought it was windy and didn't take it seriously, but she could still pretend to be coquettish, leaning her head to his side, grabbing his arm, and said coquettishly: "It's not because of you Arrive in time? What can he do to me, besides, I scared him enough when I said I was going to die, so he must not do anything to me. "

As Mu Taotao was talking, she was proud of her own cleverness.

Mo Yanshao had no choice but to shake his head and said: "It's a good thing that Leng Yihan has a fatal spot and you said that, if it were another man..."

Mo Yanshao didn't finish his sentence, because he didn't want to see such a result.

When talking about this, just as the car was about to turn, it got a little anxious and almost threw Mu Taotao onto the car door and hit it.

Even so, her head still lightly hit the car wall.

"Mo Yanshao, are you taking revenge or something? Can't you comfort my heart?"

"I'm sorry, Taotao, I didn't do it on purpose, didn't I hurt you?"

Mo Yanshao immediately pulled over the car and wanted to see if Mu Taotao had hit anything.

Unexpectedly, when the little girl heard what he said, a tiger-like face immediately burst into a flowery smile, and said to him happily: "Hahaha, have you been deceived by me? Do you think I can go to filming?"

"Well, I was deceived by you. What are you doing wrong? You want to lie to me!"

Mo Yanshao was really upset.

He thought she really bumped her head, that's why she was so nervous, but he didn't think that she was just lying to her.

"Okay, don't be so stingy, didn't you just deceive you a little?"

Mu Taotao started acting like a baby again, she didn't even realize how much she liked to act like a baby to Mo Yanshao.

The handsome man still had a straight face, his seriousness was a little frightening.

Mu Taotao had an aggrieved expression on his face, feeling that he was really sad enough to meet such a stingy man.

Just when Mu Taotao thought that Mo Yanshao would be angry for a long time because of his deception, the man next to him finally couldn't help himself.

His handsome side face suddenly burst into a big smile, the serious expression on his face was completely gone, and the hazel eyes were full of smiles.

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Authors, please be vigilant when writing: don't appear illegal content, don't take chances.The consequences are serious, don't mistake yourself. (Already an author of an outstation, sentenced to three and a half years in prison)
(End of this chapter)

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