Chapter 148 I'll Help You
Well, she wanted to stand with Mo Yanshao. That noble son was the heir of the Mo family, so the one who could stand with him would naturally be a woman with the same noble temperament.

That's probably what Mu Taotao meant, and she didn't want her to be unworthy of that person.

It seems that she really loves Mo Yanshao.

A daughter-in-law who has always married into a wealthy family will suffer a lot if her natal family is not very powerful.

If Mu Taotao wants to be with Mo Yanshao, I am afraid there is still a very hard way to go.

Thinking of this, Ai Meili felt more sympathy for Mu Taotao, and patted her on the shoulder without saying anything.

Back at Mo's house, Mu Taotao pestered Mo Yanshao and said, "Didn't you say that there is a special etiquette teacher? Do you want to invite one to teach me someday?"

"When did you become so interested in learning etiquette?"

Mo Yanshao was holding the evening edition of the financial newspaper and was reading it with relish. Hearing Mu Taotao's request, he couldn't help asking curiously.

His body is a hand-made custom suit, each stitch is professionally sewn, which shows his nobility and extraordinaryness even more when worn on his body.

The face with exquisite facial features has a unique charm that charms people's hearts.

Mo Yanshao is that kind of man, he is full of charm between movements and movements.

The way Mu Taotao looked at him was comparable to the way she looked at Angel.

These two people, one is the supreme among men, and the other is the noble among women. If she has half of her self-cultivation and charm, she can stand with Mo Yanshao.

"You don't know, a very powerful girl was transferred to our class today. She is so beautiful and attractive. As soon as I saw her walking and talking, I was fascinated by her."

Mu Taotao was drooling, and his eyes were red.

Mo Yanshao was taken aback by her appearance. Does this child have a fever?Why are you talking nonsense?
Can women drool just thinking about women?What do you mean?
There was deep doubt and precaution in Mo Yanshao's eyes.

After Mu Taotao looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and then turned around, she found that Mo Yanshou was not looking at her in the right way.

Knowing that she was misunderstood, she hurriedly explained: "Don't think wrongly, I just think that woman is so beautiful and noble, and I want to be like her."

The first two sentences kept swearing, but the last sentence looked at Mo Yanshao like a poor puppy. The meaning was obvious. She learned etiquette to be like that woman, noble and enviable.

Mo Yanshao's hazel eyes looked at Mu Taotao who was lying in front of him like a puppy, his eyes were full of affection.

His slender and fair fingers touched the woman's lustrous and radiant skin, and his voice was like mellow wine, which could easily make people drunk after a while.

That charming voice is absolutely seductive for women: "Taotao, you know that what I like is not that you can become a lady of everyone, or a lady from a famous family, what I like is that you are real and unpretentious now, you know ?"

Depend on!Why does this tone sound like Ai Meili's?
In a rage, Mu Taotao got up and walked around the single sofa Mo Yanshao was sitting on for several times, and then said to himself: "Shouldn't there be such a thing as time travel?"

Mo Yanshao was baffled by her self-talk, and couldn't help asking: "What are you talking about?"

"I said, have you been possessed by Ai Meili, or have you time-traveled, or how can you two say the same thing?"

As Mu Taotao spoke solemnly, Mo Yanshao tapped a chestnut on his forehead suddenly.

The woman looked innocent and hurt. She clutched her forehead and said in disbelief, "Why did you hit me? I'm telling the truth."

"It's true, I think your head is really caught by the door."

"Caught in the door? Really? Let me think..."

Mu Taotao began to look up at a 45-degree angle again, wondering whether her door had been pinched.

Mo Yanshao seemed displeased with her nonsensical performance, so he called out with a sullen face, "Mu Taotao."


A certain woman was so kind, she immediately looked down at him.

"I'll say it again, you don't need to learn from ladies and famous ladies, you are you, Mu Taotao, Ai Meili is your good friend, she has been with you for so long, naturally she likes it because of your innocence and kindness you.

You don't need to become someone else at all. "

When Mo Yanshao became serious, he was really domineering and full of aura, and he could feel that aura within a radius of several meters.

And Mu Taotao was next to such an aura-filled person, so naturally he could only pretend to be amused, and never dared to refute him.

"Is that so? You all like me the way I am?"

"Of course." Mo Yanshao said with certainty.

"Like it very much?"

A pair of shiny black eyes looked at the man on the sofa, full of anticipation.

The man's handsome face, exquisite facial features, his hazel eyes were only slightly closed, he nodded slightly, and said two words lightly with his thin lips: "Of course."

The voice was as intoxicating as mellow wine, Mu Taotao suddenly felt that the surroundings were like a hundred flowers blooming, fragrant and fragrant, really drunk!
"Okay, I believe you."

"Do you believe me?"

Mo Yanshao slowly got up from the sofa, and his masculine body slowly approached the woman.

"Yes... yes."

A certain woman who realized some kind of potential danger nodded silly, and was about to put oil on her feet, and then run away.

However, just as she was about to turn around and do so, someone grabbed her by the collar.

Turning her head back pitifully, she stared at the handsome man in front of her with a pair of bright black eyes, all she could do was put her hands together and beg to let him go.

"What time is it?"

The wall clock on the wall showed that it was 10:30 in the evening.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Go back... go back to your room and rest."

Mu Taotao was really afraid of that, because once this man got to that point, he was simply not human, he could be described as a wolf.

Eat people without spitting bones!

"I...I feel so tired today." The woman began to pretend to yawn in order to escape.

"Then do you want to take a shower?"

A certain man is as good as good, and his long and narrow eyes slowly approach the woman's face, as if he wants to take a closer look at her.

A certain woman has been intimidated by the powerful aura and charm of the man, and she can't escape at all. She can only be pushed down by him, as low as the dust.

Almost crying because of the man's aura, Mu Taotao looked bitter.

"I can wash it myself."

Mu Taotao said with a mournful face.

"How about that, aren't you tired? So, let me help you."

While the man was talking, his eyes continuously released [-] volts of high-voltage electricity, which made the woman dizzy.

Ever since, the next thing was a matter of course. First, I went to take a bath for a mandarin duck, and was fiddled with by men.

2015 · Anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities · Internet clean-up campaign is in progress, China Literature will actively cooperate with relevant departments and submit materials.

Authors, please be vigilant when writing: don't appear illegal content, don't take chances.The consequences are serious, don't mistake yourself. (Already an author of an outstation, sentenced to three and a half years in prison)
(End of this chapter)

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