Chapter 149 Mrs. Xiao Shan
This one in front of me is an extremely handsome guy, with a tall and slender figure, like a perfect face carefully sculpted by the hand of God, no matter how you look at it, no matter how you look at it, he is a beautiful man who makes women scream wildly for him. She is an ordinary little girl, how can she resist? How about his charm?

What's more, the man lying on the side of the bed with him at this moment is looking at him with a pair of eyes full of magic, so it's strange that his heartbeat doesn't speed up.

The white bathrobe on Mo Yanshao's body was about to be taken off, just like the hazy beauty half-hidden by the pipa, it made people have an urgent desire to see the truth.

His collarbone is beautiful and well-proportioned, with fatal sexuality and sensual charm, looming under the white bathrobe, which makes people want to drool even more.

At this moment, Mu Taotao was looking at the man's face and collarbone.

The man carefully observes the woman's eyes and movements.

Then he slowly approached her, and said to her gently: "You should understand that the communication between a man and a woman is not only about language, but also about body. Haven't you tried that wonderful taste?"

The man's voice is persuasive, while Mu Taotao's throat rolls.

Why hasn't she tried that taste before, but the fear before and after is so great that she has long forgotten the beauty of the coming moment in the middle.

"I promise, I won't hurt you in the future, and I won't focus on my senses, but on yours, okay?"

The man's eyes shone with a moving brilliance, and one couldn't help but be convinced.

So in the next second, strawberries were planted on Mu Taotao's neck, and then strawberries were planted in more places.

When men work hard to grow strawberries, they pay attention to women's feelings.

As long as her voice was slightly uncomfortable, he would stop immediately and use other methods.

In this way, this protracted battle took more time than ever before.

However, the effect was surprisingly good, Mu Taotao's small face was stained with a peach-like pink, which was the expression of her face after being emotional.

A pair of watery eyes are full of love, and the taste of jade really attracts someone's attention.

The same is true of the man on his body, his eyes are as deep as a cold pool, flowing with a different charm and brilliance, attracting people to sink into it.

Mu Taotao even took the initiative to kiss his wet sex, touched his lips, gave him encouragement, and thanked him for his hard work.

This time, Mu Taotao never thought of running away, but slowly and carefully savored such a process, a different kind of love journey belonging to two people...

Every subsequent sex experience was as wonderful as this one. Mu Taotao finally escaped the psychological barrier, and the two of them reached a win-win situation.

"Taotao, this is the etiquette teacher I hired for you. She is the most famous in the circle. Her name is Mrs. Xiao Shan. You can just call her Mrs. Madam."

Mu Taotao took a closer look, the teacher named Mrs. Xiao Shan that Mo Yanshao invited her was indeed very generous.

About 40 years old, with decent makeup, every gesture of his hand, every gesture is full of manners, especially when speaking, he speaks softly and smiles again and again, he really deserves to learn etiquette.

"This is Miss Mu Taotao. Nice to meet you."

Mrs. Xiao Shan stretched out her hand and gave Mu Taotao a light shake.

Mu Taotao kept her mouth half open and could hardly close it. She was really impressed by the lady's bearing.

"What does Miss Mu Taotao want to learn? You might as well tell me."

After Mrs. Xiao Shan shook hands with her, she sat on the sofa beside her. From the moment she sat down to the moment she sat down, her posture was gentle, and her every move conformed to the standard of etiquette.

Mu Taotao was dumbfounded again.

Mo Yanshao looked at her enviously from the side, knowing that she really wanted to learn, so he didn't object any more, he only hoped that she could really learn.

"That lady, how long have you been studying etiquette?"

"To tell you the truth, miss, I didn't learn it deliberately. I watched adults do it when I was a child, so I followed suit. Whether it's sitting, standing, or table manners, adults are the best examples. How do they do it? I did it as a kid.

It has been maintained until now. "

"Mrs. Xiao Shan's family is a well-known family in the city, so..."

Mo Yanshao didn't say to continue, but Mu Taotao already understood.

It's really shocking to be another woman who was born with such an elegant demeanor.

"Madam, tell me, if I study for a month in such a sudden manner, can I learn etiquette?"

"It's nothing. Basic social etiquette needs to be mastered by everyone. If you don't have a good family background, you can change it through hard work the day after tomorrow, right?"

Mrs. Xiao Shan smiled decently and kindly, which really warmed my heart.

"Okay, then let's start." Mu Taotao was so excited that she felt as if she had been slapped with chicken blood. She just hoped that she could learn it earlier and show off to her classmates like Angel did.

And tell them that she, Mu Taotao, can also be very elegant!
Mu Taotao imagined that she would appear in front of people like a real lady from a great family and be admired and admired by them, and she was very happy.

"Miss Mu Taotao, if you want to learn elegant etiquette, you really need to change your character.

A real lady doesn't have your impatience. "

Mrs. Xiao Shan pursed her lips and looked at Mu Taotao with a smile, making her blush with shame.

Yes, look at Ai Meili, Zhou Zhenni, and Xiao Feifei, which one is as hot as her?Heard that wind is rain?
Mo Yanshao on the side also smiled very gently and walked over: "Learn from Mrs. Xiao Shan, I still have something to do, let's go first."

After Mo Yan said less, he bowed slightly to Xiao Shan and his wife as farewell, and left with his assistant.

His back figure is tall and straight, very stylish.

Even Mrs. Xiao Shan who was behind her sighed: "Young Master Mo is worthy of being a young man of a famous family. His bearing and temperament are very good."

Looking at Mu Taotao again in a blink of an eye, Mrs. Xiao Shan was overjoyed: "Ms. Mu Taotao is innocent and cute, with a true temperament. I'm afraid this is where your charm lies?"

One sentence made Mu Taotao blush again.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, let's start with the most basic things of etiquette."

Mrs. Xiao Shan clapped her hands and officially started the class.

All in front of us are modern teaching tools, projectors, electronic whiteboards, and laptops.

Mrs. Xiao Shan’s class is very organized, starting with the basic etiquette such as sitting, standing and walking, combined with the demonstration of positive and negative examples in the picture, and then personally teaching, teaching Mu Taotao how to walk and how to sit as a lady of the upper class , how to stand.

In one afternoon, Mu Taotao was exhausted from learning these basic etiquettes.

(End of this chapter)

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