Chapter 150
This reminded her of a TV series called Ge Ge that she watched when she was a child.

There is a Gege who went to the court among the people. Didn't he just suffer a lot in order to learn the rules?
In the end, she was still a crazy girl.

Mu Taotao feels that she is the same as Na Gege now, learning etiquette is learning the rules.

Well, let's learn it honestly, who told her to make a challenge letter with others?

When Mo Yanshao came back at night, Mu Taotao was completely limp on the sofa like a piece of kraft paper, and he lost all energy.

Looking at her tired little face, even her eyes became listless, Mo Yanshao really felt heartache.

Walking over, patted the sluggish little face, and persuaded: "I think it's better to forget it, why do you have to learn such etiquette? Why don't you just be yourself?"

Unexpectedly, the more Mo Yanshao tried to persuade Mu Taotao, the more motivated he became. He regained his energy, sat up from the sofa and said, "How can I do that? I said the words myself. I can't break my promise, let alone lose. To that Xiao Feifei!"

While talking, Mu Taotao sat down completely, and said to Mo Yanshao, "Show you the results of my study today, and watch carefully."

Pulling Mo Yanshao to sit on the sofa, Mu Taotao began to show his achievements.

Not to mention, she made a serious face, and began to do the sitting, standing and walking postures taught by Mrs. Xiao Shan seriously. Mu Taotao's movements really seemed to be like that.

It's just this facial expression, it's too stiff.

Mo Yanshao saw it, with a faint smile on his face, and applauded her after her performance: "Not bad, really good!"

"Really? You really think it's good?"

After Mu Taotao finished her performance, she immediately ran over and squatted beside Mo Yanshao, like a puppy ready to ask for a reward.

Patting her little head, with a doting look on his face, the handsome man smiled kindly: "Of course it's very good, you will definitely do better."

When she returned to school, Mu Taotao excitedly shared with Ai Meili her experience in learning etiquette, which made her eyebrows beam with joy.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Feifei's female companions sneered at the side: "You don't even know basic things like sitting, standing and walking, and you have the nerve to show it off, it's really ridiculous.

Those things, when we were children, we knew it. "

Mu Taotao was ridiculed by others, she was not angry, just about to get up to argue with them, but Ai Meili gave her a sharp wink: "Taotao, you are going to give up everything before you do this."

you do not say.

So Mu Taotao held back the breath in her heart, and then took it easy, as if she was talking to Ai Meili, but in fact she was talking to those people, she said: "Li Meili, do you know who the teacher who taught me is?" ?
I heard that it was Mrs. Xiao Shan, a well-known high-class lady, and she told me that a real lady of a famous family would never speak barbs, gossip about others, let alone attack others personally.

I think she's absolutely right.

Looking for real ladies with that standard, I'm afraid there are not many in our class. "

As Mu Taotao spoke, there was a smile between his brows.

Ai Meili understood what she meant, that is to say, people like Xiao Feifei who gossip all day long and say that others are short-sighted are not called real ladies at all.

Look at Angel, Zhou Zhenni, and Ai Meili, who likes to gossip behind their backs?
Thinking of this, Ai Meili also laughed, and echoed: "You are absolutely right, Taotao. So you must not be that kind of person."

Mu Taotao turned her gaze: "Of course I won't, I want to be a real lady."

Her words made the group of self-righteous women blush and turn pale.

Being scolded as a hypocrite lady, I still dare not retaliate. If I retaliate, I will lose the image of a lady at all.

As soon as Xiao Feifei entered the classroom, she heard and saw all this, feeling so angry in her heart.

He wanted to go up to ridicule Mu Taotao again, but because of what she said just now, she stopped.

He was originally resentful towards Mu Taotao, but if he wanted her to be kind to her, he really couldn't do it for a while.

Xiao Feifei only vowed secretly that she must surpass Mu Taotao.

She has also heard of Mrs. Xiao Shan.

I heard that she is the judge of the International Etiquette Competition and the head of an advanced etiquette school.

One can imagine how particular she is about etiquette.

Mu Taotao is guided by her personally, so it won't be too bad.

As time went by day by day, Mu Taotao's body was undergoing astonishing changes.

Just like Mrs. Xiao Shan said, even if you are not born aristocratic, you can cultivate the temperament and demeanor of a lady through acquired hard work and training.

Mu Taotao is even better, she completely regards learning etiquette as learning acting.

As long as you can play her well in front of an audience, it's over.

In addition to the basic training of sitting and standing, there is also table manners and the etiquette of leading people. Mu Taotao has done it all.

The last thing to learn is to dance.

This is one of the most important parts of social etiquette.

Usually, men and women in the upper class will be required to participate in activities such as dancing when they go to important parties, so learning to dance is also one of the basic etiquettes.

"Let's leave this link to Young Master Mo, how about it?"

While Mrs. Xiao Shan was talking, she looked at Mo Yanshao who was learning etiquette from Mu Taotao.

The man heard Mrs. Xiao Shan's words, without much hesitation, he said straightforwardly: "Okay."

With his handsome appearance and tall appearance, if he dances a beautiful waltz again, it will be amazing!
As soon as Mu Taotao heard that she was going to learn how to dance with Mo Yanshao, she blushed up to her ears.

My God, the male god, I'm going to learn to dance with the male god, so excited, so looking forward to, so...

There are too many good things to describe.

All in all, Mu Taotao's face was about to burst into laughter.

However, she had an extremely beautiful idea, but it was extremely cruel in practice.

Mo Yanshao held her soft and boneless little hand, and whispered in her ear: "Tao Tao, I am a very strict teacher, please learn from me."

The woman raised a cute little face, her eyes were full of determination, she nodded and said, "No problem."

Thus, the dance training began.

But from the very beginning, Mo Yanshao was going crazy.

Mu Taotao couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the music, couldn't keep up with his steps, stepped on him a few times, and heard her say sorry repeatedly.

After dancing for only a few minutes, Mo Yanshao's feet were almost swollen from her stepping on her. With an apologetic expression on his face, Mu Taotao was really ashamed.

Mrs. Xiao Shan on the side also watched and shook her head.

At this level of stage, I was directly dropped by PASS.

Mrs. Xiao Shan shook her head, Mo Yanshao grinned from being trampled on, and despair rose in Mu Taotao's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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