Chapter 151 Tolerance
How is this going?

"Let's rest first, and continue in a while."

Mo Yanshao wanted to go down and see how swollen his toes were from being stepped on by a woman.

I've seen someone stupid, but I've never seen someone so stupid, so it's hard to tell her face to face, for fear of hurting her self-esteem.

Mu Taotao sat there with a frustrated expression on her face, constantly tearing at the front of her clothes, almost tearing them apart.

She looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle, describing it as indescribably sad.

I thought learning etiquette was nothing more than that?
Now it seems that it is not as simple as thought.

Zhou Zhenni came out from the door on the side, saw Mu Taotao's sad appearance, walked over pretendingly and smiled and said, "Taotao, what's the matter? Are you learning etiquette well?"

"Forget it, this damn Waltz, why is it so difficult to learn?"

"Waltz? That is the most basic social dance step, very graceful, who taught you to dance together? Could it be Mrs. Xiao Shan?"

After Zhou Zhenni finished speaking, she looked at the elegant Mrs. Xiao Shan.

But Mrs. Xiao Shan smiled and said: "Of course it won't be me who came to Miss Mu Taotao, Young Master Mo volunteered to take on this responsibility.

Is it Mo Yanshao?

Zhou Zhenni turned her gaze to the empty sofa, Mo Yanshao was not sitting there.

I took off my shoes and socks in an invisible corner to check the condition of my toes being stepped on. As expected, it was already swollen, and there was a little bit of blood oozing out.

Seeing the swollen, black, and bleeding big toe, the assistant at the side gave Mo Yanshao a hard pain, and couldn't help reminding: "Mr. Mo, why don't I find some anti-inflammatory medicine for you. "

"No need, we will continue in a while, don't tell other people, you know?"

The assistant hesitated for a moment, but agreed. "

"Bring me a clean pair of socks."

After changing his shoes and socks, Mo Yanshao endured the pain and walked out again. He accidentally saw Zhou Zhenni also present, so he nodded and smiled at her.

For this woman, although he accepted her things, it didn't mean that he was defenseless against her.

"Peach, come on, let's start over."

Mo Yanshao stood there, facing the wind, with a tall and straight figure, and bowed in Mu Taotao's direction, intending to invite her to step onto the dance floor again.

But Mu Taotao still had a bitter look on her face. After jumping so many times just now, she couldn't count how many times she stepped on Mo Yan, but she knew that she must have stepped on it seriously.

At this time, Mo Yanshao asked her to go to the dance floor again, but she dared not dance again, fearing that his feet would be trampled on.

But Mo Yanshao did not let her go, endured the pain, walked in front of her calmly, stretched out his hand again and said, "Mu Taotao, you have to learn it yourself, no matter how hard it is, you have to bear it."

Mo Yanshao's handsome face now had a little more majesty, which lifted Mu Taotao's spirit.

Is he trying to force her to continue dancing?
But she's still worried...

"Short words, why don't I show Taotao a demonstration?"

Zhou Zhenni came over with an elegant gesture.

Her eyes were full of anticipation, she wanted to dance with Mo Yanshao, even if it was just a short one, it would be good.

Mo Yanshao stared at her.

But Mu Taotao clapped her palms together: "Okay, okay, Jenny, dance well, I'll watch carefully, maybe the effect will be very good."

Before he clapped his palms a few times, Mo Yanshao's murderous eyes had already stared at her.

Doesn't this stupid woman understand that her dance partner can't be given to others casually? "

Obviously Mu Taotao really didn't have that self-consciousness.

She was just wondering why Mo Yanshao looked at her with such terrifying eyes.

Mrs. Xiao Shan at the side couldn't see Mo Yanshao staring at Mu Taotao, but she accepted Zhou Zhenni's suggestion very much.

"Miss Zhou is right, let Miss Taotao take a good look at how other girls dance."

"Since Madam said so, I believe First Young Master Mo will not be stingy with teaching me."

Zhou Zhenni looked at Mo Yanshao with burning eyes, waiting for his answer.

Under such circumstances, he will definitely not refuse.

Mo Yanshao tried his best to repel it in his heart, but there was absolutely no trace of trace on his face, so he just smiled lightly: "Then respect is worse than obedience."

The waltz music played on the side, Mo Yanshao gentlemanly took Zhou Zhenni's hand and slid onto the dance floor.

Mu Taotao stared intently at the two people dancing, her eyes almost went straight.

Zhou Zhenni's dance steps are so light and elegant, and Mo Yanshao is the best leader.

Originally, when dancing this kind of dance, the male side is dominant, while the female side only cooperates, moving forward, stepping sideways, and turning feet together, all so smooth and natural.

The two people's faces are handsome, and they dance gracefully. Everyone is stunned, especially Mu Taotao.

Mrs. Xiao Shan kept applauding from the sidelines.

Zhou Zhenni always kept a decent smile on her face, God knows how excited and joyful she was.

Mo Yanshao is what she is determined to win, so she must try to get him no matter what.

Then the most important thing is to drive Mu Taotao away.

Zhou Zhenni has already thought of a perfect plan.

At the end of the song, Mo Yanshao's forehead was slightly sweating.

God knows, dancing with Zhou Zhenni, his toes are also suffering.

Mrs. Xiao Shan took the lead in applauding, and Mu Taotao was even more excited. She ran to the dance floor and held Zhou Zhenni's hand and danced non-stop: "Jenny, you are so good, how can you dance so well?"

"No, it's just that you practiced a lot in the past, so you have to practice hard and you can learn it."

Zhou Zhenni smiled harmlessly on the surface, but in her heart she wished that Mu Taotao would not be able to learn anything.

Mu Taotao turned his eyes to Mo Yanshao, and found that his face was so pale that it was terrifying, so he ran over and asked concerned: "What's the matter with you? Are you too tired from dancing? Why don't I help you back to rest?"

Mo Yanshao benefited from Mu Taotao's concern, so he just stretched out his hand to rub the top of her hair, with a kind face on his face: "It's okay, just rest for a while, why don't you practice something else?"

"That's fine too."

Mu Taotao began to practice again from sitting, standing and walking, or recite the etiquette formulas taught to her by Mrs. Xiao Shan.

Zhou Zhenni wanted to intervene again, expressing concern for Mo Yanshao, but the man had already asked his assistant to help him walk towards the room.

Mu Taotao watched Mo Yanshao's back leave, tilted her head, thinking that she must go to his room to see at night.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Mo Yanshao received a call with a very serious expression on his face. He never thought that Mu Taotao would knock on the door.



Hearing it was Mu Taotao's voice, Mo Yanshao relaxed his nervous expression just now.

"Young Master Yan, is there something wrong with your foot? I just saw you limping when you went upstairs."

As soon as Mu Taotao entered the room, she eagerly looked at his footpath.

2015 · Anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities · Internet clean-up campaign is in progress, China Literature will actively cooperate with relevant departments and submit materials.

Authors, please be vigilant when writing: don't appear illegal content, don't take chances.The consequences are serious, don't mistake yourself. (Already an author of an outstation, sentenced to three and a half years in prison)
(End of this chapter)

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