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At first he wanted to cover it up, but the woman had already focused on his feet, so Mo Yanshao had no choice but to let her go.

Mo Yanshao, who was still on the phone, rushed over and was thrown onto the bed.

Mu Taotao was terrified, how did that happen just now?
Why did she jump on him?

Is she crazy?
Mu Taotao wanted to move his body away from Mo Yanshao's body, but it was too late.

The big palm embraced her slender waist with a hot and humid temperature.

There was a smirk on the corner of his mouth: "It's because you threw me down, how do you settle the score?"

Mu Taotao stared fixedly at Mo Yanshao with her big black eyes, and said nothing for a long time.

"Why didn't you tell me that your foot was injured? Why did you still dance with Jenny Zhou? Don't tell me you like dancing with her very much?"

Mo Yan was angry for a while.

Can this woman's mind be normal?Did he take the initiative to invite Zhou Zhenni to dance?

Obviously she was also encouraging him to dance with Zhou Zhenni as a demonstration for her, but now he said that he likes to dance with that woman, is it unreasonable?

"Mu Taotao, do you have a conscience, do you have a brain? Think about it, did I take the initiative to invite her to dance?"

Mu Taotao was so quarreled by him, thinking about it carefully, yes, it seems that he really didn't invite him on his own initiative, and she was indeed encouraging her from the sidelines.

"Well, even if that's the case, don't you just say that your foot is hurt? Why should people be so worried?"

"Mu Taotao, are you really worried about my foot being hurt? If you were really worried, wouldn't you have found out earlier?"


Well, a good meeting turned into a quarrel again.

Mu Taotao supported Mo Yanshao's stomach with one hand, ignored him grinning, and rushed out of the room in a few steps, and rushed back after a while, not forgetting to say goodbye to him.

Well, this woman's etiquette is all learned.

One night, both young people tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

When having breakfast the next morning, they ignored each other, and everyone eating at the same table noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Especially Mo Yanming gloated, poked Mo Yanqing who was beside him and said, "See, the young couple quarreled."

Mo Yanqing seemed to be particularly sensitive to this title, he glared back at Mo Yanming, and continued to eat the food on his dinner plate, hoping to finish it early so that he could go to school.

Zhou Zhenni also didn't say a word, but paid attention to the situation of the two of them quietly.

Mo Moli also noticed that the auras of Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao seemed not in harmony.

Mr. Mo asked Moran to prepare some porridge for himself, but he took a sip when he heard Mo Yanshao get up and say, "I'm going to the company, you guys take it easy."

"Yan Shao, why did you eat so little? Eat some more before leaving."

"no need."

After Mo Yan said less, he left without looking at Mu Taotao who was still eating.

Mu Taotao simply ate the food in his hands and was about to leave.

"Peach, wait for me, let's be together later, okay?"

"Oh, I'll wait for you in the living room."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she went to the living room.

After Zhou Zhenni had eaten, she realized that something had been left in the room, so she said to Mu Taotao, "Why don't you accompany me to the room to get something? Otherwise, it will be very troublesome to wait here."

Mu Taotao didn't think too much: "Okay, then let's go."

Walking into Zhou Zhenni's room, she never expected to surprise Mu Taotao.

This is the first time she has seen such a nice room decoration.

The main body is pink, pink wallpaper, pink wardrobe, vanity mirror, and big bed, even the bedding is mainly pink.

People say that pink is the color of a princess. It seems that Jenny Zhou is really dressing herself like a princess.

"Taotao, I want to change my necklace, do you mind?"

After Zhou Zhenni finished speaking, she took a retro necklace from the dressing box and walked towards the bathroom.

Mu Taotao was left in the room, and continued to look at the decorations in the room, the plush toys on the bed, and the dazzling array of books on the bookshelf.

After a while, Zhou Zhenni came out of the bathroom, turned around in front of Mu Taotao and asked, "Does my necklace look good?"

Mu Taotao tilted her head and admired it for a while: "Well, it's not bad."

The two will go out together.

"By the way, did you and Young Master Mo quarrel? Look at the two of you looking a little angry when you had breakfast today."

"Who wants to quarrel with him, this unmannered guy."

Mu Taotao said angrily.

Her attitude said it all, Zhou Zhenni smiled and said nothing.

Soon the two went to school.

Since Xiao Feifei was robbed by Mu Taotao, she obviously stopped arguing with her, but her eyes betrayed her.

Ai Meili was very concerned about the results of Mu Taotao's practice, so she grabbed her and whispered: "Taotao, how is your etiquette? Have you learned the waltz?"

"Don't mention it, I will get angry when I mention it."

Thinking of Mo Yanshao enduring his foot injury to dance with Zhou Zhenni, she felt so good!
Why do you want to be brave?
Is it so difficult to say that one's own feet are injured?

"Beautiful, you come to judge..."

During lunch, Mu Taotao told what happened.

This time Ai Meili looked at her, shook her head very disapprovingly and said: "Taotao, it's really not the fault of Young Master Mo this time, it's really you who made trouble out of no reason."

"Why? How can you say that I am too much? Isn't it that he doesn't know how to refuse? What does he mean?"

"He must have been thinking about continuing to teach you how to dance, so he didn't tell the truth, but you and Mrs. Xiao Shan insisted that he and Jenny Zhou do demonstration moves.

There must be no other way, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

If you and Mrs. Xiao Shan hadn't said that, he wouldn't have danced with Jenny Zhou either.

Isn't it all for you?Who told you to be so stupid that you can't even dance. "

Ai Meili, who always protects Mu Taotao when speaking, completely protects Mo Yan this time.

This made her even more depressed.

"Then what should I do now?"

"Think about it for yourself. Others hurt their feet because of you, but you still blame others for dancing with other women. Do you have any conscience?"

"Okay, okay, I know what to do?"

"Do you really know?"


Mu Taotao nodded heavily, feeling that this day was really unlucky.

It was probably because she wronged Mo Yanshao, so when she decided to go back at night, she must sincerely apologize.

However, when they returned to the Mo family's mansion, a group of servants ran towards the mansion, telling each other: "Miss Mu is back, Miss Mu is back."

2015 · Anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities · Internet clean-up campaign is in progress, China Literature will actively cooperate with relevant departments and submit materials.

Authors, please be vigilant when writing: don't appear illegal content, don't take chances.The consequences are serious, don't mistake yourself. (Already an author of an outstation, sentenced to three and a half years in prison)
(End of this chapter)

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